At the same time, he looked up with sad eyes, as if telling her not to leave him, and gently pulled the hem of her clothes toward him.

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“Apologize to May. Now.”

Those guys, as if they had no pride, apologized profusely with both hands together, unlike their disrespectful attitude from earlier.

“I’m sorry! We won’t ever say such absurd things again…!”

I thought they were not worth accepting an apology, so I left them without a word, treating them like bugs.


After that, even though screams could be heard outside the restaurant, I didn’t pay any attention.

I came out of the restaurant and sat on an empty bench. As soon as I sat down, a sigh escaped me.

‘My peaceful dorm life is ruined….’

Just the fact that I was Flotina attracted attention. And that was definitely not a good thing. As happened a little while ago, there would also be negative attention.

I wanted to have a smooth knight life, but somehow, I felt like I ruined it from the very first day.

‘Why did Diego have to make a bigger deal out of it…’

At the edge of my vision, I saw Diego. Contrary to my expectations that he would just pass by, he was coming towards me.

‘Ha… He’s coming this way.’

I quickly stood up and tried to move away from him, but Diego blatantly followed me.

“Why are you following me?”

Even though my tone was of irritation, Diego didn’t get angry. He turned his head away and sighed.

“Why are you doing this? Do you want something from me?”

Even though he acted in a way that might make me feel sorry for him, unfortunately, it didn’t work on me.

“Just say it. Don’t just shake your head.”

“I want to apologize properly, but I don’t know how.”

“You already did it before. You don’t need to do it again.”

“But you haven’t forgiven me.”

Well, I had already given up on getting an apology accepted.

“…Since you saved me when I fell into the lake, I’ll forgive you, alright? So, please stop following me.”

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I was about to leave after pushing him away, but I stopped when he blocked my path.

“Give me a chance to make it up to you.”

His reddish-brown hair fluttered in the gentle breeze. His green eyes were reminiscent of peridot.

While it was hard to find the kindness in his dazzling face, his gaze was certainly warm. The gentle gaze focused on me.

He was definitely charismatic. Even though he was dressed casually in plain clothes for the dormitory, his face was resplendent and captivating. It was hard to believe that he, who was rumored to be a notorious womanizer, could have such a kind gaze.

For a while, I didn’t realize that Jed was interested in the male lead, but one thing was clear—he was fascinating enough to compete with the male lead’s attention, and he didn’t have the looks to be overshadowed in the first place.

Of course, it had nothing to do with me, though.

“I said I forgave you.”

“You didn’t forgive me.”


“I can see that you haven’t forgiven me, so how can I just let it go?”

“….Then, if I sincerely forgive you, will it be enough?”

Honestly, if he hadn’t come to find me that day, I would have drowned in the lake while having a dream. Diego was nothing short of a savior to me.

“The anger I had towards you for bothering me is all gone. Even if I say I don’t want to be involved with the Crown Prince anymore, this is sincere. You apologized, and you saved me when I was almost dying.”

“What’s the reason you don’t want to be involved?”

“Just… so I can feel at ease.”

I didn’t want to be with someone who drew attention wherever they went. I was already tired of unwanted attention.

Besides, he is not on good terms with the cold Jed. If I’m with him, I’m likely to run into Jed often.

“So, let’s end our connection here, and from now on, let’s just be knight colleagues.”

After bowing to him, I left.

“Don’t follow me…?”

As I walked, I turned back to see if Diego was following me. Fortunately, he was nowhere to be seen.

“I sincerely forgave you, so there’s no reason for you to come and follow me anymore.”

It’s all over now.

Deciding to ignore him and straighten myself, I froze when I locked eyes with someone right in front of me.

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It was someone I didn’t want to meet more than Diego.


His name slipped out unintentionally, but I quickly regained my composure and continued walking, pretending not to know him. However, Jed spoke to me, causing my attempt to fail.

“May, is it true?”

His words drained the strength from me.

After holding me, the first thing he asked was about Persis.

Honestly, I didn’t want to answer. But I couldn’t keep silent about this issue forever. Rumors would have spread throughout the knight order, and soon Faye might officially be known in the Flotilla.

“You can think that way.”

Persis and Floa did stop me, but since I left home, I would soon be able to get rid of the identification. I didn’t want to go back home either.

Jed looked at my face intently and then averted his gaze.


And then he just went on his way. I looked at him in astonishment.

This is really the end. It was so absurd that I burst into a bitter laugh.

I know he never genuinely liked me, but still, even if our past attitudes were different, it’s so different now.

But then I realized and came to terms with reality.

‘It’s natural for treatment to change when the status changes.’

Jed disappeared from my sight. I no longer had the energy to walk forward, so I just stood there blankly.

* * *

Hestia, one of the three imperial guardians, was walking through the training grounds. A smile adorned her lips as she looked around casually, and the knights stared at her with their mouths slightly open for a moment.

Her abundant and long curly hair and the sensual figure accentuated by the dress were Hestia’s external characteristics. Unlike Iris, who only wore pants in the training grounds, Hestia always wore a form-fitting dress wherever she went.

Next to her was a jaguar with black demon wings.

As she walked around, Hestia observed the appearance of the knights.

“As expected, our knights have the most exceptional appearance. Just by looking at their faces, you can easily tell which knight order they belong to, right, Mirocagon?”

The winged jaguar was Mirocagon, an S-class demon with eyes that could see the truth. He was also a demon that had been endowed with magic by following Hestia’s orders to Jed Bloche.

“The royal family doesn’t seem to have particularly attractive appearances. That applies to the derivative Bloche family as well.”

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“Jed Bloche is exceptional. It might take some time for him to come to me. Dion Stacia is not charming, and Diego Stacia’s personality would never let him come to me, so I didn’t bother… huh?”

Hestia stopped in her tracks as she discovered someone.

“Why are you acting like that, Hestia?”

“That girl…”

A girl with short platinum hair and a height of nearly 170 centimeters.

As soon as Hestia saw the girl’s face, her body stiffened.

“…Viche Yuriet?”

Mirocagon, with eyes that see the truth, looked at the girl as if wondering why Hestia was acting this way. Then, after a while, he nodded as if he understood something.

“I see… She does resemble her mother a lot.”

Hestia’s expression turned cold.

“Who is the man who became her father?”

“Are you asking about the one who raised her or the biological father?”

“Tell me both.”

“Persis Flotina, and Materosin Kissel⁇”


“It’s your concubine’s daughter.”

Hestia stared at May Flotina without any reaction.

‘Materosin’s daughter…'(Sorry about the name its hard to remember)

The person whom I most cherish has a child with another woman. Her eyes were filled with life.

“How should I kill her?”

* * *

In Hestia’s castle, there was a man who was there before the owner of the castle.

He was a platinum-haired one-eyed man, Materosin Kissel. ⟨lets use this name⟩

Although Materosin was in his late thirties like other knights with magic, his appearance looked like he was in his late twenties thanks to his magic.

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He was savoring rosemary tea alone in the reception room.

“The Queen is coming!”

Even with the announcement, Materosin remained still. Within Hestia’s castle, her title was Queen.

When the reception room door opened, Hestia strode straight toward Materosin. As soon as she stood in front of him, she said bluntly.

“Your daughter is alive.”

Materosin put down the teacup on the table and looked up at her.

“My daughter?”

“Literally. Your former lover, Viche Yuriet, gave birth to your daughter, and she’s alive.”

As soon as he heard that name, a glint appeared in Materosin’s eyes.

“What are you going to do? If you truly love me, you have to kill her.”


Materosin avoided eye contact. Hestia sat next to him, pressing her body against his.

Her red lips approached Materosin’s ear.

“Kill her, Materosin. Your child, not from my bloodline, disgusts me just by being alive.”

Materosin remained silent. Hestia gently touched his left eye, which couldn’t blink.

“You hate that woman anyway. Not only did I give you these eyes, but you also left her and went to another man. So, kill her.”

Materosin grabbed Hestia’s wrist and slowly let it go. His expression was unreadable.

He stood up from the sofa, leaving Hestia behind.

“I’ll leave now.”

“Already? I just arrived.”

Ignoring her words to stay a little longer, he left the reception room.

Mirocagon approached Hestia and whispered to her.

“Will really kill May Flotina?”

Hestia replied with a cold face.

“It doesn’t matter if he can’t kill her. If he can’t, then I’ll do it.”

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