Cheng Nian replied: “I don’t know, we handed it over to the monitor as soon as we saw it. The monitor didn’t want to hurt the self-esteem of the student, so he planned to destroy it.”

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The dean glanced at Li Shubai, and said in a deep voice, “Is that so?”

Li Shubai nodded stiffly.

The director still didn’t quite believe it, and stretched out his hand to Li Shubai, “Give me the letter.”

The pink stationery with cute patterns photocopied was roughly torn open by the director, and the wax was still stuck to it.

After reading the above content at a glance, the director found a crooked signature in the lower right corner.

【Class Nine, Huan】

Watching the director’s face turn from white to red, and then from red to purple, Cheng Nian felt a sense of anticipation for a good show.

Finally, the director stuffed the letter into his pocket and said to them with a cold face.

“You guys are doing great.”

Then angrily went to the direction of class nine.

At the flag-raising ceremony next Monday, Zhang Huan was called out to conduct a self-criticism under the flag, but Cheng Nian was very happy.

During lunch, Zhang Huan and her little sisters found her.

In the crowded dining hall, Cheng Nian bought her favorite braised pork rice and ate it.

The originally noisy corner suddenly quieted down. She straightened up and saw Zhang Huan and her followers through the tall windows on the side.

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Turning her face to look carefully, she found that there were a few boys behind them, looking like some punks. Don’t know how they got in.

Cheng Nian wiped her mouth, and poked the rice in the bowl with her chopsticks in boredom, wondering why there are such stupid people.

In broad daylight, the world is clear, and if you do something in the cafeteria, aren’t you afraid that the security will come and take them away?

Zhang Huan walked towards Cheng Nian aggressively, stood on the other side of the table with one foot on the stool, bent down and looked down at Cheng Nian.

“Okay, so you want to mess with me, right?”

Cheng Nian said with an innocent face: “I have already handed it over to Xie Junyu. He refused to accept it and was seen by the director. What does it have to do with me? Just ask anyone in my class and you will know.”

Zhang Huan sneered, “You chose to give it to him at that time, didn’t you just want the director to see it?”

Cheng Nian shrugged, “Truth be told, how would I know when the director would pass by?”

Zhang Huan was so angry that she raised her hand as if to fight.

Cheng Nian stood up all of a sudden, and slapped her on the face before she could move first.

The crisp sound stunned everyone present.

Cheng Nian left the stool, stared straight at Zhang Huan whose cheeks were slightly swollen, and said leisurely in a calm but chilling tone.

“Did I live in peace for so long that you forgot what kind of person I used to be?”

Zhang Huan covered her face, her originally small eyes were even smaller now.

Seeing that she suffered a disadvantage, the school boys leaned closer again.

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The students around saw that something was wrong, so they hurried away after eating in two or three bites.

Zhang Huan snorted, and said viciously: “He Yunfei is not here, let me see how arrogant you are.”

Cheng Nian twitched the corners of her mouth, smiling like a black rose with teeth and claws. She picked up the rice bowl and put it on Zhang Huan’s head, saying arrogantly.

“Lao Zi* will teach you a lesson!”

[meaning father but used as “I, your father” (in anger, or out of contempt) or I (used arrogantly or jocularly)]

Momentum is most important at this time.

Zhang Huan was used to bluffing, and when she was insulted like this, she was so angry and ashamed that she cried aggrievedly.

Her little sisters immediately surrounded her to help her remove the rice grains from her hair, but none of them dared to challenge Cheng Nian.

The boys approached Cheng Nian with a sinister grin on their faces.

They are not students and are not sanctioned by campus rules. They are more unscrupulous than Zhang Huan.

Although the hooligan at the front wore a school uniform that didn’t fit well in order to sneak in, his true nature of a punk was immediately exposed when he opened his mouth.

He cleared his throat, and used a sharp voice to express his dominance.

“Little girl, hurry up and apologize to my sister if you are sensible, otherwise something may happen to your beautiful face accidentally.”

To be honest, Cheng Nian really misses He Yunfei a little at the moment, but she firmly believes that these people dare not do anything to her in the campus.

Until the little thin boy at the side took out a small dagger from his pocket.

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He didn’t fully reveal the dagger, but just hid it in his cuff, exposing a small tip.

Cheng Nian was stunned when she saw the controlled knife. She looked around and thought to herself that there are so many students watching, isn’t there a single one who called a teacher?

The thin boy didn’t talk much nonsense, he put his hand next to Cheng Nian’s face when he came up, and said in a hoarse voice.


Cheng Nian was really a little scared at this point, she took it back, thinking that the hero would not suffer from the immediate loss, so she planned to apologize first.

At this time, a cold voice sounded from outside the crowd surrounding her.

“Stay away from her.”

The looked the person who spoke first.

His hands trembled, he hurriedly closed the dagger and put it in his pocket, his expression flustered as if he wanted to find a crack in the ground immediately, and he kept mumbling to the leader of the hooligans.

“It’s Xie Junyu, it’s Xie Junyu.”

The gangster didn’t hear clearly, so he turned his head away, and when he saw Xie Junyu’s face, he was so shocked that he almost couldn’t turn his neck back.

The few people who were with him also seemed to see a catastrophe, and they all kept their heads down, not daring to breathe.

The gangster leaned over to Xie Junyu’s side, nodded and said, “Brother Yu, why did we meet here? It’s really fate.”

Xie Junyu was too lazy to look at them, walked up to Cheng Nian, and asked with concern: “Are you okay?”

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Cheng Nian covered her heart and shook her head.

With drooping eyebrows and slightly pursed mouth, anyone who looks at her will feel distressed.

Xie Junyu turned around, glanced at the group of people with raised eyes, and said coldly: “Get out.”

The gangsters seemed to have received an amnesty, so they almost knelt down to thank you, and fled the school as if they were already dead meat before the security guards arrived.

Seeing that the tables were turned, Zhang Huan ran away in a hurry, and the surrounding students quickly dispersed.

For a moment, only Xie Junyu and Cheng Nian were left in the corner.

Cheng Nian breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Xie Junyu, “Thank you.”

Knowing that Xie Junyu didn’t like to communicate with people, she sensibly didn’t ask him why those little bastards looked at him as if they were seeing Hades.

After all, who doesn’t have an unknown past?

As expected, Xie Junyu didn’t say much, and left the cafeteria with a light reply.

From this day on, Xie Junyu’s one-on-five legend has added a branch of a hero saving the beauty.

Cheng Nian couldn’t laugh or cry, and felt that there was nothing more unreliable than rumors.

Zhang Huan was recorded as a major demerit because of this incident, and the school almost expelled her, but was later saved by her father’s ability to spend money, and has settled down a lot since then.

Cheng Nian couldn’t say how much she hated Zhang Huan, but felt a little pity for her.

Being in contact with those gangsters who are domineering and think they are handsome is itself a manifestation of low aesthetics and mentality.

Cheng Nian didn’t want to be bothered with her anymore.

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