Cheng Nian got out of bed and went to the corridor.

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In the living room, the butler was instructing the workers, while the Lao Chengtou stood aside.

Cheng Nian yelled, “Dad, what are you doing?”

Old Cheng smiled and waved at her, “Pack up your things, Dad is planning to redecorate your room.”

Cheng Nian was so depressed that she wanted to roll her eyes.

She turned and went back to the bedroom, picked up her schoolbag and said to Li Shubai, “I can’t stay at home anymore, so I’ll go to your home to do my homework this afternoon.”

Li Shubai responded, and silently put away his things.

Arriving at Li Shubai’s house with ease, Cheng Nian threw her schoolbag on his bed and lay down on it carelessly as if she had arrived at her own home.

Li Shubai walked over, glanced at her indifferently, and asked softly, “What do you want for lunch?”

With one arm across her forehead, Cheng Nian felt a little hungry, thought for a while and replied, “Whatever.”

Li Shubai responded, and went to the kitchen to cook two wontons.

After dinner, Li Shubai took out a set of papers, “We have a mock exam on Wednesday, so let’s do a real test first.”

Cheng Nian sighed sadly, and picked up the pen resignedly.

The two of them finished four papers in one afternoon.

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After correcting the answers, Cheng Nian got a total of 300 points.

Cheng Nian herself was quite satisfied, but Li Shubai was frowning, as if he had won this point.

Instead, Cheng Nian wanted to comfort him, “Don’t worry, there’s still a year left, why don’t I stop learning 100% or 200% knowledge.”

Li Shubai didn’t talk nonsense with her, and started explaining the wrong questions directly.

After returning from Li Shubai’s house, Cheng Nian’s bedroom has been brand-new, a computer has also been bought, and the desk is wide enough for five people to sit side by side.

Lao Chengtou was worried about formaldehyde, so he asked Cheng Nian to sleep in the guest room first, and put a lot of green dill in her room.

When Li Shubai came the next day, the two of them could only lie down in the living room and do their homework.

On the way, Su Huiyu’s friends came. Seeing this posture, they were too embarrassed to play mahjong, so they sat in the yard and chatted.

Su Huiyu started cooking at eleven o’clock, and her firends also left after making appointments at other times.

She didn’t know if parents like good students, but after a few words, Su Huiyu kindly called Li Shubai to help her pick beans.

Li Shubai was going home after dinner, and Su Huiyu packed him a bag of oranges.

Cheng Nian was very depressed, and didn’t understand where her mother’s inexplicable affection for Li Shubai came from.

When it was time for school, Cheng Nian pushed the eDonkey out of the yard, said goodbye to her parents, closed the gate and started the car.

As soon as she reached the corner of the alley, she saw Xie Junyu standing there in his school uniform.

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She slammed on the brakes and almost rushed out with the bike.

Cheng Nian stabilized his figure and exclaimed, “Why are you here?”

Xie Junyu’s expression didn’t change much, and he said lightly, “I’ll pick you up.”

Cheng Nian let out a sigh of relief, looked left and right, and said awkwardly, “They probably won’t come.”

Xie Junyu walked to her side, “It’s hard to say.”

Xie Junyu got very close, Cheng Nian reluctantly got out off the bike and handed him the keys.

After arriving at school, Xie Junyu did not return the bike keys to Cheng Nian, but put them in his pocket, as if she had tacitly agreed that he would still send Cheng Nian home during the Friday holiday.

Cheng Nian couldn’t say anything, after all, he was the one who saved her when she was surrounded by hooligans, but the after-sales service was a little too good.

In the classroom, all the students are in a state of preparation for the upcoming first mock exam.

The self-study class where there were occasional people talking is now completely silent, and the only thing that can be heard is the rustling of the pen tip across the paper.

When everyone is ready to fight, there is one person who looks particularly relaxed, and that is Xie Junyu.

He doesn’t write exercises, or even start writing.

When Cheng Nian checked the calculations in her notebook until she was about to collapse, he just held his head in a daze.

Occasionally, seeing Cheng Nian facing a certain problem with a frowning face and a puzzled look that he couldn’t figure out after racking his brains, he would kindly give her some advice.

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Before the mock test results came out, Cheng Nian didn’t believe that there were such creatures as geniuses in the world, but when she saw Xie Junyu’s name appearing at the top of the score sheet, she couldn’t believe it.

For a moment Cheng Nian was full of curiosity about Xie Junyu.

What kind of person is this guy who transferred from the notorious school C, made the gangsters fearful, and has excellent grades?

Li Shubai was not obsessed with the first place, but when he learned that Xie Junyu was ranked above him, his heart suddenly fell like a snowflake on the equator, and all kinds of emotions surged up in an instant.

After finishing three sets of papers in one afternoon, he calmed down a little.

When arranging the seats, Xie Junyu did not follow the teacher’s arrangement and still sat in the last row.

Li Meng knew she couldn’t control him, so she didn’t say anything.

According to the results, Cheng Nian sat next to a girl who wore glasses and had a cute smile.

Cheng Nian was not very familiar with her classmates, and only after looking at the book in front of the girl did she realize that her name was Mi Le.

Mi Le’s grades were not very good, but it didn’t affect her seriousness in the slightest. Almost every word the teacher said in class was recorded in the dense notebook.

Looking at this posture, Cheng Nian felt that sitting with her was a kind of disappointment to her, so she unconsciously worked harder.

After getting along for a long time, Cheng Nian discovered that Mi Le is actually a very lively and cheerful girl, and would joke with her from time to time.

At the end of this week, Cheng Nian received a message from He Yunfei.

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【Little orange, when you read this text message, I have already stepped on the green train and am about to go to a brand new place. 】

Cheng Nian pressed the flip button, and tears fell down her face.

【Go to see my mother when you have time, she always thinks that we are twins, seeing you is like seeing me. 】

Cheng Nian wiped her eyes.

【The mobile phone will be handed in soon, I don’t know when I can contact you again. The helmet is given to you, it is hanging on the cherry blossom tree in your yard, please be careful when riding. Also, stay away from Li Shubai, this person is not a good person. 】

Cheng Nian burst out laughing with a snot bubble, and quickly wiped it off with tissue.

【Handing over my phone, little orange, you have to wait for me to come back. 】

In the misty tears, she thought of He Yunfei in her previous life, in order to vent her anger, he blocked all his wealth to fight against Li Shubai, and in the end he lost everything.

At the door of He’s company, He Yunfei was sitting like a sculpture. There was hardly a trace of blood on his face, and his expression was completely dull, like a puppet whose soul had been taken out.

After seeing Cheng Nian, he didn’t complain at all, just said something with a wry smile.

“Little orange, we have nothing now.”

Cheng Nian doesn’t know how many friends like this can be met in a lifetime, but she feels lucky enough to have He Yunfei alone.

In the tears that kept falling like pearls, Cheng Nian typed a word on the phone.


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