Cheng Nian sat down, “The higher-ups are very strict about making up lessons. Teacher Zhang said he’d ask his nephew to tutor for me. Do you want to go?”

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He Yunfei shook his head like a rattle, and said with a smile: “I won’t go, you learn it first then come back and teach me.”

Cheng Nian thought the same way, after all, she was going to Zhang Zheng’s house, and if there was one more person, there would be more disturbance.

After wrapping the book cover, Cheng Nian decided to start with Chinese, which is the only subject she can understand now.

No one played with He Yunfei, he was really bored, so he borrowed an extra-curricular book to read, and fell asleep on the table after a while.

Cheng Nian gave He Yunfei a spoiled look, shook her head with a smile, and continued to focus on the book.

On the desk, Li Shubai, who had been immersed in writing the questions, sat up suddenly, and the moment he looked up, he saw Cheng Nian looking at He Yunfei lovingly.

His eyes rested on Cheng Nian’s face, and then he turned back to the exercise book in front of him.

What happens when carbon dioxide is introduced into a solution of sodium carbonate?

Li Shubai stared at this line of words, as if he had suddenly become illiterate, his mind went blank.

He poked hard on the palm of his hand with the tip of the pen, and wrote the answer in the horizontal line expressionlessly.

After school, Cheng Nian woke He Yunfei up, and the two of them walked around the sports field as usual.

Whether intentionally or not, Cheng Nian found that Li Shubai was also on the field, and he always appeared where she could see him.

She simply grabbed He Yunfei and returned to the dormitory early.

Lying on the canopy bed, Cheng Nian took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call to Lao Chengtou.

When opening the address book, Cheng Nian’s hands couldn’t help shaking.

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She remembered that in her previous life, she was abroad when her father died.

The hospital called to say that he was dying, and Cheng Nian was in a hurry to go back, but Li Shubai looked indifferent, and even asked her in a strange way.

“Cheng Nian, are you also sad?”

Thinking of that voice that seemed to come from hell, Cheng Nian became short of breath, and her fingernails immediately sank into her palm nervously.

The pain brought her back to the real world.

Looking at the familiar dormitory in front of her, Cheng Nian let out a long sigh of relief, and turned her gaze back to the Lao Chengtou’s number again.

Pressing the call button tremblingly, Cheng Nian put the phone to her ear.

When the ringtone sang the second line, Lao Chengtou answered the phone.

“What’s wrong baby girl?”

Cheng Nian covered her mouth, tears welled up in her eyes like a flooded reservoir.

She wiped her tears carelessly on the pillow, and shouted hoarsely.


Cheng’s mother listened anxiously, snatched the phone, and said with concern: “Nian Nian, Mom hears that your voice is wrong, are you unhappy at school?”

Hearing her mother’s voice, Cheng Nian’s tears could no longer be stopped, flowing down her cheeks like an upside-down galaxy.

“Mom, I just want to be with you and dad.”

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After her mother repeatedly confirmed that she was fine, she said pettishly, “Oh, what a grown-up you are. Be good, it’s Thursday, and you can go home tomorrow night. Mom will cook braised pork for you, okay?”

Cheng Nian’s heart was warmed by her mother’s tone of coaxing a child. She wiped her face full of tears and said obediently, “Got it, good night Mom.”

“Good night, baby.”

To be able to act like a baby in front of her mother in her lifetime, Cheng Nian could wake up smiling from a dream.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Nian put the phone under the pillow.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside the door.

“Check the bed, check the bed, open the door.”

Cheng Nian got up, put on her pajamas, and opened the door with a displeased expression.

The group of girls outside with red armbands on their arms looked arrogant, and the leader was Zhang Huan, who had been at odds with Cheng Nian since junior high school.

She tied her hair up high, like a sky-high bun, making her face even more round and big. A pair of slender eyes squeezed under the curved eyebrows, looking like no one is pleasing to the eyes.

Seeing Cheng Nian coming out, Zhang Huan smiled maliciously, and said arrogantly: “Didn’t you hear that we came to check the bed?”

Cheng Nian stared at the big pie face, opened the door of the dormitory completely, stood aside, and said indifferently, “Go and check.”

Normally, Zhang Huan would not dare to provoke Cheng Nian, and she didn’t know what happened today.

Just wondering, Zhang Huan picked out a fair-skinned and beautiful girl from the crowd.

“You, go in.”

When Cheng Nian saw Tang Yanran, she understood that Zhang Huan was here to humiliate her.

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Tang Yanran hid behind Zhang Huan in fear, and said timidly, “I think it’s quite clean inside, so don’t check.”

In her previous life, in order to cut off all the relationships around Li Shubai, Cheng Nian gave Tang Yanran a large sum of money and sent her abroad.

When Li Shubai found her, she had already fallen into the red light district, and she had both mental and physical problems.

Now Cheng Nian had figured it out, Li Shubai just doesn’t like her, so it doesn’t matter if he likes other people.

Cheng Nian felt ashamed, raised her chin at Tang Yanran, and said softly, “Go in.”

Tang Yanran looked around and stepped into Cheng Nian’s dormitory in embarrassment.

After Tang Yanran entered, Cheng Nian lowered her eyelids and looked at Zhang Huan indifferently.

“What do you want?”

Zhang Huan smiled proudly, “It’s nothing, just to let you see what kind of girl Li Shubai likes.”

At the beginning Cheng Nian chased Li Shubai with all means, Li Shubai didn’t give her any face, Cheng Nian was often laughed at because of this.

This time Zhang Huan came to the door, obviously to mock her, and to pick on her a little bit by the way.

If it was before, Cheng Nian wouldn’t even open the door for her.

But this time is different.

Seeing Zhang Huan’s airy look, Cheng Nian folded her arms around her chest and leaned lazily against the door frame.

“How fresh, what about Li Shubai? I stopped liking him a long time ago.”

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Zhang Huan hooked the corner of her mouth meaningfully, and said sarcastically, “What’s the use of liking someone?”

Cheng Nian was not annoyed, and shrugged indifferently.

“I gave up because it was useless. When I am admitted to Qingbei, there are plenty of other options. Why hang myself on a crooked tree*, you tell me?”

[one should keep one’s options open]

Unexpectedly, Cheng Nian was so magnanimous, Zhang Huan didn’t hit her, and said unwillingly: “I’m afraid you have no chance if you want to hang yourself.”

At this time, Tang Yanran wandered around Cheng Nian’s dormitory, and reported to Zhang Huan, “The dormitory is clean and there is no violation.”

Zhang Huan gave Tang Yanran a sideways look, then turned and left.

The cadres behind her immediately followed.

When they hadn’t gone far, Cheng Nian said coldly.

“Don’t talk about Li Shubai and me in the future, study hard when you have time.”

Zhang Huan didn’t answer, turned and went to the next floor.

Cheng Nian closed the door and lay down on the bed tiredly.

In the dream, Cheng Nian woke up from high school class, she was very happy, thinking that she could save everything.

But just when she put in a lot of effort and seemed to be heading towards another perfect life, Li Shubai’s ghostly and cold voice rang in her ears.

“Cheng Nian, don’t try to escape from me.”

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