Li Shubai’s ears were slightly warm, and he said quickly: “He Yunfei is worried that no one will send you to school, so he asked me to help take care of you.”

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Speaking of He Yunfei, Cheng Nian’s heart was immediately filled with emotion. She didn’t expect that he still missed her in the army, and sighed: “He really has a heart.”

Cheng Nian, who was blinded by friendship, never thought about how He Yunfei knew Li Shubai’s number, and how he hated Li Shubai so much, so why would he ask him to do this.

She just felt that He Yunfei is really caring, and when he comes back from the army, she must take him to have a good time.

The days are fast approaching the day of school.

Early in the morning, the Cheng family received five bouquets of flowers.

They were given to Cheng Nian and Su Huiyu by Lao Chengtou and Cheng Zhiyuan respectively, and the other bundle was ordered by He Yunfei from the army.

Lao Chengtou chose white roses for Cheng Nian, Cheng Zhiyuan chose sunflowers, and He Yunfei chose lilies.

While Cheng Nian was still in a daze, Su Huiyu was already showing off happily to her friends.

Seeing that Cheng Nian received one more bundle than her, Su Huiyu’s gossiping heart immediately came alive.

“Hey, who gave these lilies?”

Cheng Nian rolled her eyes, and handed the greeting card to Su Huiyu, “He Yunfei sent it, otherwise would there be someone else?”

Su Huiyu curled her lips, “I thought it was that kid from the Xie family.”

Cheng Nian looked at Su Huiyu in disbelief, “Weren’t you very optimistic about Li Shubai? Why are you switching to Junyu now? Oh, you have taken a fancy to his family background, can you be more fickle in your heart?”

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Su Huiyu lightly nodded on Cheng Nian’s head, and said sullenly: “What are you thinking about your mother? I just think that a child as frugal as Shubai would not buy such flashy things. Didn’t you see when he came to tutoring you this winter, didn’t he wear the same down jacket?”

Cheng Nian was stunned for a moment, she seemed to have never noticed this.

The heating in Cheng’s house was fully turned on, and it was just a coat, and it was hung up as soon as he entered the door. Who could remember what clothes he wore every day?

Seeing Cheng Nian’s slightly dazed expression, Su Huiyu leaned over and smiled mysteriously, “It’s Valentine’s Day, why don’t you give him a new coat?”

Cheng Nian hurriedly waved Su Huiyu away, and said bluntly, “Why should I give him something?”

Seeing Su Huiyu’s knowingly questioning smile, Cheng Nian felt uncomfortable.

She turned her face away and complained impatiently: “Mom, can you care about my studies like a normal parent, instead of being busy with me.”

Cheng Nian now feels that Su Huiyu had an unshirkable responsibility for her character in her previous life to grow into that appearance, at least 80%.

Su Huiyu looked innocent, “Love is also a major event in life.”

“But I just want to study now.”

Su Huiyu picked up her own flowers, and said playfully like a child: “Okay, okay, then you study.”

When she reached the door, she turned around again.

“I bought your brother a woolen coat and put it in his closet. I think Shubai is about the same size as your brother…”

Cheng Nian rolled her eyes, pointed outside with her finger, and signaled her to leave quickly.

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Su Huiyu giggled and finally left Cheng Nian’s room.

After the door was closed, Cheng Nian lay on the table looking at the three bunches of flowers, her mind was in a mess.

She was not considering Su Huiyu’s suggestion, but was thinking about why Li Shubai sent her to school today.

Could it be that he already knew that this day was Valentine’s Day, and said that it was just entrusted by others, and he knew nothing about it like himself.

At around 9:30, Li Shubai arrived at Cheng’s house.

After Su Huiyu’s reminder, Cheng Nian took a special look at what Li Shubai was wearing.

Seeing him hanging the black down jacket on the hanger as soon as he entered the door, Cheng Nian’s heart suddenly felt sore for no reason.

Later, when packing up, Cheng Nian hesitated for a long time, but went to Cheng Zhiyuan’s room and packed the clothes in a bag, so she felt a little guilty.

But thinking that the clothes are blue, it is more suitable for people with fair complexion. She always suspected that Su Huiyu had originally bought it for Li Shubai, and felt sorry for Cheng Zhiyuan.

At worst, go back and buy him another one to make up for it.

On the way to school, Cheng Nian pretended to check the luggage, took out the bag and pretended to say.

“Oh, why did you bring my brother’s clothes?”

As she spoke, she glanced at Li Shubai, casually stuffed the clothes into his hands, and said casually, “There’s no need to send them back, you can wear them.”

Li Shubai opened it and took a look, “The hang tag hasn’t been removed yet.”

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Cheng Nian was embarrassed for a while, and said bluntly: “My brother is very lazy, what’s so strange about that?”

Worried about the price being seen on it, she stretched out her hand and roughly tore off the hanging sign, “Okay, just wear it.”

Li Shubai didn’t say anything, just folded the clothes and put them in the bag.

Seeing Li Shubai’s calm expression along the way, Cheng Nian felt that he must not know what day it was, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

After taking the bag to the dormitory and putting it away, Cheng Nian went to report to the class first.

Although it was winter vacation, there were only a few days in total. After everyone met, there was nothing new, just like an ordinary weekend.

But because it is Valentine’s Day, the boys and girls are somewhat throbbing.

As soon as Mi Le saw Cheng Nian, she leaned over and smiled, “Did you receive any flowers today?”

Cheng Nian tilted her head, “Yes, my father and brother gave it to me.”

Mi Le looked envious, “Your family is so romantic. But I’m talking about boys, are there any boys?”

“Yes, does He Yunfei count?”

Mi Le said mysteriously: “I knew he liked you. There is no pure friendship between a man and a woman.”

Cheng Nian didn’t intend to explain anything, put her head on her hands with a smile, and said softly, “Perhaps we can be friends for a longer time.”

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Mi Le sneered, “That means not loving enough. If you really like someone, how can you be satisfied with just being friends?”

While talking, Li Shubai appeared at the door.

Seeing him coming, Mi Le poked Cheng Nian with her hand and whispered, “The class leader is so handsome today.”

She blinked, got up and returned to her seat wisely.

Although you can sit freely at the beginning of the new semester, everyone still sits according to the last arrangement.

Cheng Nian straightened up and looked towards the door.

Li Shubai was wearing that blue overcoat, which made his slender, fair and handsome figure even more perfect.

He who was about to enter the class seemed to be called by another teacher without knowing it, and he walked in with a stack of papers after a while.

The moment they looked at each other, Cheng Nian looked away unnaturally as if she had been shocked by electricity.

After distributing the test papers, Li Shubai walked over to Cheng Nian and sat down. Seeing that she didn’t even look at him, he asked, “Do I look bad in my coat?”

Cheng Nian wanted to punch him twice, and said angrily, “You don’t know if it’s good or not, so you have to ask me?”

Li Shubai pulled down the corner of his coat, frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: “It’s a holiday, let’s take it back for your brother.”

Cheng Nian was only thinking of coaxing him to put away his coat first, and praised him as if he was coping.

“It’s good, it’s looks really good on you.”

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