Cheng Nian turned around as if meeting a savior, and said kindly, “What’s up?”

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Xie Junyu walked towards her, “Let’s go and eat something, I have something to tell you.”

Before Cheng Nian had time to answer, Li Shubai pulled her behind him, looked at Xie Junyu with a cold face, and said in a cold voice, “She’s not hungry, so just talk here if you have anything to say.”

Xie Junyu glanced at Li Shubai, then turned his gaze to Cheng Nian’s reddish face, with a silent questioning in his eyes.

Cheng Nian stood up from behind Li Shubai in embarrassment, pretending not to see the question in Xie Junyu’s eyes, and said softly, “What’s up?.”

Xie Junyu’s eyes sank a little, and he said softly: “It’s nothing, I just want to ask about the Lunar New Year, how are you going to thank me?”

Cheng Nian didn’t know why he brought this up suddenly, she smiled, “Then treat you to dinner another day,”

Xie Junyu responded, “I want to eat braised fish made by auntie.”

Cheng Nian said generously, “No problem.”

“It won’t be too much trouble for Auntie.”

Li Shubai’s face was already a little ugly.

Cheng Nian waved her hand, “No, my mother quite likes you.”

At this time, someone in the front row shouted, “Class leader, remember to turn off the lights when you leave.”

Li Shubai responded and urged: “Let’s go.”

After they got off the teaching building, the two of them finally separated from Xie Junyu. Although there were many classmates who went to the field together, Cheng Nian still became nervous.

She was not prepared to fall in love with Li Shubai at all, and her mind was as slow as a goose at the moment.

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Compared to Cheng Nian, Li Shubai seemed much calmer.

With his hands in his pockets, he deliberately slowed down and walked beside Cheng Nian, asking about the content of the teacher’s lecture during the day.

When approaching the gate of the field, Li Shubai asked casually, “Did you stay with Xie Junyu during the Lunar New Year?”

Cheng Nian didn’t know how to explain it to him, so she said bluntly, “I met you when I went to visit my grandpa’s house for New Year’s greetings.”

Li Shubai responded and didn’t speak again.

Cheng Nian raised her head, carefully glanced at Li Shubai’s thin side face, her mind was full of doubts, she couldn’t figure out why he would be willing to be with her.

In order to earn that extra tuition fee?

Or start a revenge plan against her now?

Is there a possibility that he really like her?

A pile of questions came to Cheng Nian overwhelmingly, causing her a headache.

Especially when she thought of the second possibility, she immediately hated Li Shubai.

Walking to a place with few people, Cheng Nian whispered her question.

Li Shubai glanced at Cheng Nian and said calmly, “Can’t you figure it out?”

Cheng Nian clenched her hands tightly and said stiffly, “I want you to tell me why.”

Li Shubai seemed to sigh, then stood up suddenly.

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Seeing that he was not leaving, Cheng Nian also stopped.

The lifeless white light fell from the top of the two of them, making Li Shubai’s lips red and teeth whiter.

He looked at Cheng Nian, his eyes were bright, and he said slowly and clearly, “Because I like you.”

The boy’s eyes were full of sincerity, but Cheng Nian frowned slightly.

She used to pursue Li Shubai so hard, but now this boy was standing in front of her, saying what she dreamed of hearing, but Cheng Nian couldn’t be happy at all.

She’s was always wondering why.

Recalling the stupid things Li Shubai did in his previous life, some of which could even be said to be bad, Cheng Nian’s tears fell down.

She thought: Could this be a sweet trap?

If she still couldn’t help walking towards Li Shubai this time, what kind of punishment would be waiting for her?

Li Shubai felt the unbearable pain from Cheng Nian’s tears. He walked over to help her wipe away the tears, but suddenly a stern voice came from behind.

“What are you two doing?”

Li Shubai turned around and saw the grade director walking from the darkness to the light with a big curly hair.

She was aggressive, staring at Li Shubai and Cheng Nian angrily said: “Why don’t you go back to the dormitory?”

Cheng Nian’s tears were still dripping down. She looked at the grade director with grievance, and wailed, “Mathematics is really difficult. I can’t learn it at all.”

The grade director was taken aback.

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Li Shubai immediately echoed: “Her grades are too poor, so she came to ask me for advice on how to study. I was impatient and said some nasty things.”

The director frowned, and when she saw Cheng Nian crying like pear blossoms with rain, she couldn’t bear it for a while and said, “Okay, okay, learning is not something that can be achieved in a day or two, and it is better to go back and write two more exercises.”

Cheng Nian responded, “Thank you teacher.”

Back in the dormitory, as soon as the door opened Mi Le rushed up, buzzing around Cheng Nian like a bee: “What happened to you and the class leader, eh? Did you hold hands? Did you kiss?”

Cheng Nian helplessly tapped her little head, “What are you thinking about?”

Mi Le took her arm and swayed it from side to side, begging: “Oh, stop teasing me, are you and the class leader together?”

Thinking of the last scene where the two broke up unhappy, Cheng Nian withdrew her arm, sat down on the bed a little weakly, and sighed softly, “I don’t know either.”

Mi Le was anxious, “Why don’t you know, did he confess to you?”

Cheng Nian nodded.

Mi Le slapped her thigh, “Then what else do you need to know, ah ah, you finally took the high mountain flower, Cheng Nian, you are really amazing.”

Cheng Nian always felt that she and Su Huiyu regarded her as an old girl who couldn’t get married, and hoped that she would fall in love every day.

Thinking of Su Huiyu, Cheng Nian’s gaze sank.

She took out her mobile phone and said to Mi Le, “I’ll go to the balcony and make a call. You can do your homework first.”

Mi Le smiled ambiguously, “I’m going to call right after we leave, haha, okay, I won’t bother you.”

Cheng Nian didn’t explain anything.

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After closing the balcony door, she dialed Su Huiyu’s number.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a sound of rubbing mahjong, “What’s the matter, baby?”

Cheng Nian smiled unconsciously. She lay on the window, looked at the gentle moon in the sky, and said softly, “Mom, I seem to be in love.”

The person on the other side of the phone paused, and then came a few words.

“Lao Chengtou, come and play for me.”

“Is it Niannian’s call? What’s wrong with her?”

“Hey, I’ll tell you later, play this one first.”

After a sound of going upstairs, Su Huiyu seemed to have returned to the room.

She closed the door, half-lied on the bed, and said enthusiastically, “Tell Mom, who is it?”

Just as Cheng Nian was about to open her mouth, Su Huiyu said excitedly, “Don’t, let Mom guess first, is it Li Shubai?”

“How do you know?”

Su Huiyu snorted triumphantly, “You don’t even look at who gave birth to you.”

Cheng Nian smiled, but her expression was like the sad moon outside the window.

Su Huiyu seemed to have sensed something faintly, her tone calmed down.

“What’s the matter?”

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