At the regular class meeting on Sunday night, Li Meng proposed the idea of arranging seats according to the results of the next test.

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Everyone has no objection.

Seeing Cheng Nian taking out one tutorial after another from her bag, He Yunfei said carelessly, “Why does Lao Zhang’s nephew assign you so many tasks?”

Cheng Nian didn’t want to tell He Yunfei that Li Shubai was tutoring her, so she said vaguely, “This is your share, take it and write your name first.”

He Yunfei looked distressed, accepted his fate and took the tutoring book, and sighed: ” If Lao He knows that I am willing to study, it might make him crazy..”

Cheng Nian smiled, “What’s wrong with making parents happy, do you want to make things difficult for them?”

He Yunfei tucked the pen cap behind his ears, and laughed while writing: “Yes, yes, what Miss Cheng said is correct.”

After that, apart from listening to Chinese and English classes, Cheng Nian was reading tutorial books for other subjects at her own pace.

When she encountered something she really didn’t understand, circle it, and ask Li Shubai later when she is on vacation.

Cheng Nian doesn’t sleep well, and always wakes up early in the morning.

She also learned from others and made a few small notebooks with key points of the subjects, which she took to read before morning exercises.

Li Shubai and Cheng Nian are always the first to arrive at the assembly point of the third class.

Sometimes they stood close, sometimes far away, but not one of them spoke a word to the other.

After Cheng Nian realized that Li Shubai was leaving early, she deliberately arrived late.

As for books, she can still read them in the dormitory, as long as she makes full use of her time.

Seeing that Cheng Nian was so serious, He Yunfei was also motivated.

The main reason was that after Cheng Nian started studying, no one played with him, so it was boring to be alone.

He Yunfei’s learning background is poor, Cheng Nian didn’t force him, and started to learn Chinese slowly.

He Yunfei is used to making jokes, and often starts talking nonsense as soon as he learns.

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Cheng Nian was not scolding, and after laughing, she simply threw the book and let him read it by himself.

In the blink of an eye, the weekend came, and Cheng Nian went to Zhang Zheng’s house on time.

When helping Cheng Nian to check her homework, Li Shubai casually mentioned something.

“Why don’t you read in the morning recently?”

Cheng Nian smiled awkwardly, and made up a random reason, “I’m lazy.”

Li Shubai glanced at her indifferently, and said softly: “You don’t have much time left.”

Cheng Nian responded, lowered her head and stared at the textbook silently.

Qingbei was just a joke, Cheng Nian thought it would be good if she could pass any entrance exam. But even so, it takes a lot of effort.

Cheng Nian sighed, comforting herself in her heart.

But don’t ask about your future when you do good deeds.

Suddenly, Li Shubai said something without beginning or end.

“I want to go to Nandu University.”

Cheng Nian was taken aback, “Huh? Oh.”

Then she will go to Harbin University, it is best to go a little further north or go abroad.

But will it be too cold over there? She heard that the people there are very tough, what if she is beaten.

Sensing that Cheng Nian’s mind was wandering, Li Shubai spread the exercise book in front of her.

Cheng Nian came back to her senses, and said with an embarrassed smile: “Nandu University is good, the south is like spring all the year round, how wonderful.”

Li Shubai’s eyes were fixed on Cheng Nian as if she had any substance, he put a big crossmark on the notebook, and said softly, “So you have to work hard, you know?”

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Cheng Nian rolled her eyes in her heart, and said in her heart: It’s none of your business.

At this time, although Cheng Nian wanted to study hard and make Lao Chengtou and her mother proud of her, she still had the same thoughts as He Yunfei in her heart.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Cheng Nian nodded solemnly, and said seriously as if he was very determined.

“I will definitely work hard!”

Li Shubai gave Cheng Nian a meaningful look, and began to explain the wrong questions to her.

This time Cheng Nian didn’t fall asleep again, and listened intently all afternoon.

At about five or six o’clock, Li Shubai collected his textbooks.

When Cheng Nian was sorting things out, Li Shubai rolled his eyes slightly and said something casually.

“Go to my house to make up lessons in the future. It’s not good to bother Teacher Zhang all the time.”

Cheng Nian thought the same way, but it always felt weird to go to Li Shubai’s house.

She reluctantly nodded, “Okay, but where is your home?”

Li Shubai’s hands paused slightly, he put down the book, looked into Cheng Nian’s black and white eyes, and said softly, “You will wait for me at the back door of the school tomorrow morning, and I will take you there.”

When the next day was about to dawn, Cheng Nian woke up from the dream.

Unable to fall back to sleep, she got up from the bed, washed up and headed for school with her schoolbag on her back.

Cheng Nian, who planned to calm down, did not expect that Li Shubai was already standing by the side of the road waiting for her.

At this time, the street lights were still on, and Cheng Nian could see Li Shubai’s tall and thin figure from a distance.

Light and sunlight mixed together, falling melodiously on Li Shubai’s shoulders from the gaps in the leaves.

In the hazy light, his valiant and heroic posture is like a painting.

Cheng Nian raised her mobile phone to take a picture like a thief, and after saving it, she walked towards Li Shubai with a guilty conscience.

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“Why do you get up so early?”

Li Shubai didn’t intend to explain.

Last night, he helped his mother take care of the booth until three o’clock in the morning. He didn’t go home until dawn, and stood here all the time.

He moved his body slightly, and said softly, “Why did you come so early?”

Cheng Nian’s eyes lowered to the hem of her skirt and replied truthfully, “I can’t sleep.”

Li Shubai didn’t ask any more questions, he glanced at her loose hair, and said softly, “Let’s go.”

Cheng Nian thought she was going to Li Shubai’s house, but she didn’t know that the other party took her to a breakfast shop.

“Have you eaten yet?”

Cheng Nian shook her head.

Li Shubai arranged her on the seat, went out and brought in two baskets of buns.

While Cheng Nian was mixing the vinegar water, Li Shubai brought two more bowls of millet porridge.

Cheng Nian, who originally only wanted to deal with two casually, unexpectedly discovered that this steamed stuffed bun was very good, so she ate a basket and a half.

Now that she doesn’t want to please Li Shubai anymore, she doesn’t care about her image, she counts when she is full.

Seeing Cheng Nian’s cute face with her mouth full, Li Shubai couldn’t help but smile slightly.

“Is it tasty?”

Cheng Nian nodded again and again, swallowed the food and said happily, “Next time, I must bring He Yunfei to eat.”

Hearing He Yunfei’s name, Li Shubai’s eyes half drooped.

He took a sip of the soup, and asked softly, unhurriedly, “What’s your relationship with He Yunfei?”

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Cheng Nian didn’t think too much, and stuffed another steamed bun into her mouth, “We are good friends.”

“How good is it?”

Cheng Nian said without hesitation, “The best in the world.”

Li Shubai’s hand holding the chopsticks paused, then put it down again.

He got up and paid the money, and stood silently at the door.

Cheng Nian finished her last sip of soup, wiped her mouth and followed out, humming contentedly.

“Let’s go.”

Li Shubai put on a cold face, “I won’t tutor you today, you can go back and do the questions yourself.”

Cheng Nian stretched her neck, puzzled, “Why?”

“I’m suddenly sleepy.”

After speaking, Li Shubai left Cheng Nian alone.

Cheng Nian didn’t follow him. Standing in front of the steamed stuffed bun shop, she felt inexplicably aggrieved.

Seeing Li Shubai’s back gradually moving away, Cheng Nian sighed.

Turning around, she ordered three steamed buns from the owner, and took a taxi to He Yunfei’s house.

He Yunfei only had him and his father at home.

Mama He is in poor health and has been living in the country. Cheng Nian and He Yunfei often go back to visit her during summer vacation.

Since she brought breakfast, He Yunfei and his father ate very happily.

He Yi even said repeatedly.

“Xiao Nian is really kind to our Yunfei.”

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