She Was Sent by God

Chapter 115

“Do you know how to wield a sword?”

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“Whoo-hoo, Barania’s daughter grabs a sword even before we walk or talk. I’m not as strong as Dorina, but I can deal with about three knights.”


“That much?”


Agnes was astonished at the remark and examined Lisa closely. When she first met her, she thought she was just a young and immature noble lady, so this was unexpected. Lisa raised her head straight and made eye contact with Agnes.


“I’m going to be a Count, Duchess.”




“Not because Dorina is dead but because Max is alive, I am going to be a Count in order to get him back. I won’t run away any longer.”


Before she knew it, Lisa had a firm determination on her face. Suddenly, she remembered the day when Lisa confessed her feelings in Sutmar.


Agnes grinned at her.


“It’s better to live than to die, isn’t it?” 


Lisa couldn’t speak for a while then she parted her lips and stuttered.


“…yes, that’s right.”


“I’ll keep Lord Max safe in Sutmar, so pick him up when the time comes.”


“Thank you, Duchess,”


“And if there’s anything else I can do to help you, tell me.”


At that moment, she forgot that she was Barania’s daughter. Lisa smiled with a firmer face.


“You’ve already given me a reason to live. I couldn’t have hoped for more.”


She got up from the sofa, knelt down before Agnes, and took the oath of a knight. Agnes stared at Lisa and gave her the back of her hand. Lisa kissed the back of her hand lightly and said. 


“I hope there will be endless glory in the future.”


“You’re overly polite, Miss Lisa,”


The act of kissing the back of the hand was not a courtesy towards the royal family, but rather a courtesy towards the lord. She pointed it out, but Lisa brought up another word in response to Agnes.


“I heard you were staying here without an escort. I’ll leave the knights under me, so please let them lead you safely.”


“I will gladly accept your kindness.”


“I’m leaving now.”


Lisa bowed her head and went out. Agnes somehow couldn’t take her eyes off her back. The next time she meets her, she had low expectations that she would be a completely different person.

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* * *


As promised, Lisa left the five knights of Barania and left for the south. After a few days, Jamie’s symptoms improved a lot, and she was ready to leave for Sutmar. After a long fever, Jamie unexpectedly accepted Dora’s death calmly. He spent time in front of his mother’s grave with flowers.


“I won’t go, Princess, I’ll stay here.”


“How can I leave you here, young man?”


“What if my dad can’t find me after going to Sutmar?”


Jamie shook his head and insisted. It’s been days but she still couldn’t find Luyosh. Agnes could not bear to tell the child that his father might also be dead.


“I have already asked the lord of the castle to tell me when Luyosh comes. So don’t worry about it.”




“You were on your way to Sutmar, weren’t you? Let’s go and wait for your father there.”


After several persuasions, the child nodded at once. Count Pierce prepared a large and splendid carriage after hearing that she will be going back to Sutmar. 


“It was a great honor to serve you. Duchess.”


“I won’t forget your hard work. Count.”


Of course, Agnes knew that he already reported everything to Sebastian. Where she was and what she was doing, but she pretended not to know. 


It took only five days to get to Sutmar by the four-wheeled carriage. She felt relieved as she began to see familiar terrain through the window. On the surface, the territory was peaceful. It seems that the plague has not spread to this extent yet.


“We have arrived,” said the Knight of Barania. As the strange carriage stood at the gate, the soldiers approached with wary eyes.


“Jamie. Wake up.”


“Are we almost there?”


The dozing child stood up rubbing his eyes in the corner of the carriage. The carriage door opened.


“Welcome to Sutmar.”


I never thought I would want to see Niall, but when I saw his strict face, I couldn’t help but smile.


“Niall. Nice to see you, too.” 


“…….. Madam? Are you really madam? I’m not hallucinating, right?”


Niall opened his mouth wide and couldn’t speak properly for a while.


“Oh, I’m so glad. I’m so glad. I heard that you were in Reneka, but I was afraid something might have happened, we were so worried …….”

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“M, Madam!”


Upon hearing their arrival, Ney rushed in. Her face was already half wet with tears.




Immediately after that, Zoltan came running. At the news that Agnes had returned, the castle’s servants abandoned their work and gathered in front of the gate.


“Are you a real princess? How did you disappear like that? No, it’s enough for us that you came back like this.”


“Well, I’m so glad you’re safe.”


“First of all, let’s go inside. I’ll explain it to you slowly.”


“Yes. I’ll send my brother a letter right away.”


Half of the time they cried and half breathed a sigh of relief. Agnes entered Estar castle with her keen eyes.


“The knights who come with me are the knights of Barania, so send them back after serving them.”


“Yes, madam,”


“And this child,”


Until then, Jamie was unable to adapt himself to the unfamiliar situation and kept hiding behind Agnes.


Curiosity flashed through Niall’s eyes.


“He’s a very dear child, so please give him a place to stay. He’s not feeling very well, so call a doctor first.”




“May I be with you, princess?” said Jamie, hesitating.


Agnes with a gentle smile said;


“If you want to see me, you can ask anytime. I’ll ask them to prepare your favorite white bread this evening, so let’s have a meal together.”


“Yes, princess,”


The child nodded in a calm acceptance.


“Did anything happen?”


“It’s been a lot of work. Fortunately, the Archmage helped a lot when the castle was turned upside down after the Duchess disappeared. 


“The Archmage? Reika?”

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“She came from the tower after hearing that the Duchess is back.”


At the end of the hall, as soon as Niall finished his speech, Reika ran with her pink hair fluttering.






She was glad to see Reika after her long Absence. 


“I heard you helped the castle during my absence. Thank you.”


“Well, well, I’ll be here for the rest of my life, so I don’t want to see anything strange going on.”




Agnes and Reika moved away. Niall took the child away.


“What do you mean?”


“Oh, did you forget what you asked me earnestly before you suddenly disappeared?”


“Ask? Oh, you mean the spy?”


Agnes’ voice dropped at once. Reika stretched out her chest and raised her chin.


“I told you, didn’t I? I said I would find all of them. I don’t know how they’ve grown since the Duchess suddenly disappeared. So, I set a trap and caught all the rats.”


“There must have been more than one, right?”


“Do you want me to show you?”


Reika twinkled her eyes and shook her hips. She seems to want to boast of her achievements.


She was a little tired from the long journey, but after hearing the word spy, she nodded without saying anything because it was an important matter.


Agnes followed Reika down to the first prison in Estar Castle.


“This way,”


“Are they all spies?”


“There are two more prisons over there.”


Inside the first prison, there were familiar servants who she had seen at least once.


“Oh, madam! I’m innocent! I have never done such a shameful thing!”

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As Agnes stood in front of the second prison, a man with a familiar face appeared like an arrow. 


“Oh, your name is…….”


“Joseph Inga, Joseph, Madam. That wizard used a strange trick and locked me up here. I’m innocent!”


It was not surprising to see him. Agnes looked closely at the faces of some of the retainers in the prison, one by one by one. No one looked her in the eye except Josef.


“I didn’t know there were so many spies in the castle. How did you find them all?”


“In ancient magic, there is a door to the truth. After passing that door, they have to answer everything I ask without a lie.”


“Oh, I’m surprised that such magic exists.”


“Hmm. I’m the only one in the world who can use that magic.”


“That’s great, Archmage, having the title ‘The great Archmage is so worth it. What a blessing to have you in this castle.”


Agnes praised Reika generously.


It was not until the Wizard’s nose was about to soar that she reached the last prison.


There sat a person whom Agnes did not really wish for.


“… could you betray the Duke of Arpad?”


“Madam, you’re back safe and sound.”


“Answer me, Bushke.”


Bushke looked up and laughed. It was a gentle and friendly smile that she had always seen.


“What happened to Matron?”


“He committed suicide,”


“Well, I’m glad to hear that,”


She spoke in a soft voice as usual. It feels that she was not trapped in prison, but that she was sitting face to face and drinking tea with her.


“I heard from the Duke that the Hershko are loyalists who have been living in Arpad for over forty years. Did you plan from the beginning? What information did you give to the king?”


“From the beginning…. I don’t know. It wasn’t, for in my youth I would dive into the burning flames for Arpad.”


“But why?”


Agnes knows how many people loved and respected Bushke. To say it’s an economic problem, she gave him quite a lot of gold, so her territory has become wealthy recently. That’s why she was even more surprised. What was lacking that he betrayed his Master who she had been loyal to for a long time?

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