She Was Sent by God

Chapter 140.2

The servant who was manning the door immediately opened the queen’s bedroom door as soon as he motioned with his chin.

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The curtains were drawn, so even in the middle of the day the room was dark.


“Ilona, I heard you didn’t eat anything today either,”




“Isn’t it necessary to conduct Robert’s funeral properly?”


Ilona managed to raise her head when she heard her son’s name. Nothing was reflected in her empty eyes. Sebastian gave her a warm smile and swept her shoulders down


“Don’t skip meals. You’ve been through a lot because of the princes, and if you keep doing this, you’ll collapse.”


“…… Why did you kill Robert?”


Her voice was so hoarse that it made an iron-scratching noise. He said this while kissing his wife on the cheek.


“What do you mean? When did I do that? Didn’t Prince Robert pass away from taking the medication Agnes gave?”


“Why?! why? You killed my son, why?!”


Ilona yelled and shook his hand. Her voice was filled with anguish and despair. Sebastian, however, made no eye contact.


“Have I ever touched Robert? Queen, you must ask the right question.”


“I’m sure the prince is getting better! They said his fever is cooling down and his consciousness will return from time to time!”

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“The doctors must have made a mistake because they never told me that.”


“Hahaha! I guess so; the doctor who told me that vanished the next day; did you also kill him?”


Sebastian had been grinning the entire time, but now his corners started to droop. He stood up and exited the bedroom.


“Get some rest; I’ve made sure you don’t get any visitors for the time being.”


“My son! My son! Robert, baby, aaah, Heuk! Why did you kill him?”


The queen started screaming and twisting her entire body. The maid who was watching came running in surprise. Sebastian quietly observed the action before leaving the queen’s bedroom.


* * *


“Grandfather appears to be safe.”


“Oh, really? I’m glad to hear that.”


Chavolti exhaled a sigh of relief. Despite the good news, Agnes’ face as she read the letter was difficult to decipher.


“Why does your face look so strange?”


“Sebastian finally pulled out his sword to kill me.”


“What does that even mean?”

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Agnes handed over the letter, which she had read with a frown. Chavolti’s mouth opened wide as he quickly examined the contents.


“W, what the hell does that mean? The medicine you gave the queen, no, the reason the first prince died……?”


He was so disoriented that he spoke in gibberish. Agnes rose from her seat and summoned a servant.


“I need to speak with the elders; you should return to your room.”


“Agnes, what the hell are you going to do? Duke Arpad won’t be back for another ten days,”


“Laslo probably has a general understanding of the situation; he has an informant over there.”


“No, I mean, please don’t tell me you’re…”


Chavolti clenched his fist, which was clutching the letter.


“No, it’s not what I’m thinking, is it?”


“I’ve been preparing for this day, and this is the only way for me and you to live.”


Chavolti was momentarily speechless after reading her firm will.


“Bring the elders together right now and tell them it’s an emergency.”



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After a brief bow, the servant left the room. Chavolti muttered with a blank expression.


“I laughed so hard when the king said you were planning a rebellion; was all of that true? Then the medicine you gave to the prince is a real poison.”


“That’s not true,” Agnes quickly shook her head.


“I believe the prince’s illness was so severe that taking medication didn’t do much good. It was a real plague cure.”


“I still can’t believe it.” He grabbed his hair, and looked at Agnes with a puzzled expression.


“I don’t care if you don’t understand me; believe it or not, it already happened.”


“If I don’t understand you, who will? Do you have enough troops? Shouldn’t we bring all the soldiers on the southern front?”


“Laslo has already positioned his army to advance toward the west.”




Instead of responding, Agnes grinned sluggishly. She appeared to be surprisingly calm. Soon after, the servant returned and reported that more than half of the elders had gathered.


“Tell Reika and Theo to come to the meeting place.”




She dressed herself in front of the mirror. Even though it was the same day every day, the spring sunlight that entered through the window felt very different. Having second thoughts, Chavolti spoke slowly.

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“Are you confident? The king hung a box of gold around your neck. It means that you might have to deal with everything from a middle-aged man to a crazy big man.”


“If I weren’t confident, I wouldn’t have started.”


She suddenly remembered her encounter with Laslo in their room when she traveled back in time. When she saw Laslo alive, she started crying instantly. The feelings from that day are still fresh in her mind.




Agnes turned around and looked Chavolti in the eye.


“I’ve been waiting a long time to twist Sebastian’s neck and hang him on the pole.”




“Cut off his limbs and hang his left arm east and his right arm west.”


Despite having a soft face, she spoke in a cruel manner.



“And his head will be hung at the gate, where he will be dishonored by all.”



“I’ve been holding out for a while.”


Chavolti was unable to speak. Agnes stepped outside.

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