She Was Sent by God

Chapter 146.2

“Why are you still here?”

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“Sir Zoltan.”


Count Barania swung her lance at Zoltan with great force. In his haste, Zoltan managed to avoid it.


“How can she swing a lance like a toy? Are you a human being?”


“Did you miss the signal I fired? Why are you coming back here?”


“I came running after seeing it, and you didn’t come back even if I waited. Gail, Mander! Cover the count!”




Several knights, including Zoltan, started to run the other way, encircling Emmerich.


Naturally, escaping was not easy. It was nearly impossible to escape as swords and arrows flew at them from all directions. Additionally, the blood flow from his thighs and abdomen has intensified to the point where the front of his shoes are now wet.


His consciousness began to blur. His hand, which was holding the reins, had weakened.


“Count, wake up! I’ll leave you behind if you drop dead here.”


Zoltan grabbed his body just as he was about to fall off his horse.


“Damn, why is there so much blood?”


“Sir Zoltan, it has begun; we must leave immediately!”


“I understand, Count; first, come up behind me.”

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“……I’m fine.”


Emmerich spoke very slowly while exhaling painfully.


“You still have the spirit to talk nonsense, so you’re still fine.”


“Aren’t you being a little too harsh?”


“Yes, yes. I’ll take the punishment later.”


With a bitter comment, Zoltan pushed Emmerich up behind him. In case he fell off, he securely fastened a cloth to his waist.


Rocks start to show up as you look up at the sky. Due to the small size, it appears the enemy was unaware of the threat.


Emmerich recognized the moment of reckoning.


The small stab wounds he received while fighting the Count as well as his opened wounds in his thighs and abdomen have caused quite a bit of blood to spill. To survive this long was practically a miracle.


“Catch them!”


Count Barania and his men were running in the background. Unexpectedly, Emmerich noticed a bow and an arrow next to the horse. He extended his hand and took it. He then mustered up what strength he had left and hung the arrow from the bow.


This is the last one


It wasn’t a bad life.


Due to his birth as a moderately high noble, he had no shortages as he grew up and was able to peacefully inherit the county.

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He only worries about Vasa, his younger sister, but since she is smarter than he is, he believes that she will manage the Count of Cellon just fine.


The horse that Count Barania was riding was the bow’s intended target. She is leaving the enchanted sphere. He had to restrain the Count’s foot.


I wish I hadn’t known you.


At the end of the day, he still kept thinking about her face. Emmerich released the tension in his hands.






“Oh, are you okay?”


With a loud cry, the horse that Count Barania was riding fell to the ground. The count was thrown off his horse by the wind. Other knights who were pursuing him flocked to Count Barania at the same time.


I regret learning that you are such a brilliant and lovely person.


Emmerich let out a small smile before setting the bow and arrow on the ground.


“Well, we’re almost there, so stay calm.”




“Why is there no response? You’re not dead, are you? If you die, I’ll just throw you away. What?”


Zoltan had just left his magical sphere. The dusty rock roared as it started to fall to the ground. They did not have enough time to properly scream. It was impossible to stop the rocks from falling from the sky like meteor showers.

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The Battle of the Nopron Plain, which would go down in history, came to an end with this final engagement. The Arpad army prevailed after ten days of fierce combat.


Now that King Sebastian had lost all of his troops, the Arpad army was besieging the capital.




The royal palace erupted in rage.


Although ambiguous, it was challenging to put into words. Many of the servants have already left, sensing the king’s defeat. Particularly, after the battle on the Nopron Plain, where Count Barania perished, not many people remained in the palace.


Some of the servants refrained from fleeing because they had nowhere to go. They were merely orphans who spent their entire lives in the palace. They simply assumed in a calm manner that their grave would also be inside the palace.


“Your Highness.”


Sebastian stood by the window, staring at something. He was quietly approached by a servant.


“Urgent report.”


Only then did the king turn around and take the letter from the silver tray.


“Everyone who talked about loyalty easily left.”


One side of his mouth rose. According to the letter, Lisa Barania and the Sandor family turned themselves into the Arpad Army. Sebastian was unsurprised. No news can surprise him anymore.


“What about the queen?”


“She doesn’t come out of the bedroom.”

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“Is that so?”


The queen threw a fit and yelled until her voice was hoarse every time he went to the Queen’s Palace, so he did not visit her bedroom like before.


“Bring me the robe I wore during the Coronation.”


“What? Oh, yes. Your Highness.”


The servant had a puzzled expression on his face, but he made no further inquiries. After some time, he returned with a large, heavy robe.


“Put my crown on my head, too.”




He is now elegantly attired. He threw the letter to the ground and continued to move around.


The enormous hall where the coronation was held had lost all of its glory and was now completely dark. Sebastian sat in the highest position and observed his surroundings.


Only a year


He only enjoyed the glory for one year. The things he believed would last forever vanished, just like sand in the waves.


As the Count passed away, the court staff fled covertly, and numerous nobles surrendered to the Arpad army. His rage toward Agnes also waned slowly.


“Come on. I’ll wait for you here.”


There are now only a few expectations left. He waited for his sister to slit his throat while seated diagonally on the throne.

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