She Was Sent by God

Chapter 150.2

Agnes grabbed her grandfather’s wrinkled hand on her shoulder and lowered it. And without any notice she pulled out the dagger from the waist of Zoltan. She cut her palm with the dagger without hesitation.

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“P, princess!”


But a surprising thing happened just after. The wound began to heal even before the blood droplets filled the floor. The two people who saw the scene for the first time were too surprised to speak.

“Well, how the hell is this…….”

“I won’t die easily. Especially if there is a beast. They are under my power.”

“What? What do you mean?”

Just in time, the servant brought Agnes’ horse. She looked back before stepping on the stirrup.

“I’ll explain everything later. Grandfather. Sir Zoltan.”


“Tell Lady Barania to take the Knights and wait in front of the palace. Also, bring a group of wizards together, including Reika. We will enter the Central Palace with them.”

“I understand”

Zoltan hurried away. Agnes sped up the horse.

The moon is setting. Agnes prayed earnestly a thousand times. Please stay alive. There was nothing else she wanted.

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“Agnes is late.”

Sebastian slowly looked around the bodies of the torn knights and said,

In a short time, Manus Hall was filled with corpses. In addition, as the king summoned the other beasts, more than 10 beasts drooled in the hall and stood by the king.

“Will Agnes really come, what do you think? Duke Arpad?”

“Does what I think matter?”

Laslo said in hushed tones, biting his tongue. He was bound with a rope and surrounded by pools of blood. Sebastian sighed and shrugged.

What a blasphemous tongue.

To be so polite to a dying king would be too much for me.” he said.

“Who has the upper hand here? Are you still in your right mind?”

Sebastian cocked his chin toward Laslo. The headless beast, dressed as a knight, strode forward and thrust a sword into Laslo’s left arm.


“I should have done this from the beginning. Then we could all live happily. Don’t you think so, Ilona?”

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He patted the queen’s pale cheek with great affection. Laslo writhed in agony, clutching his stabbed arm. But it was the present reality that was causing him the most pain right now.

The fact that he was being used as bait for Agnes made him extremely anxious and nervous. It was obvious that she would come here.

‘If I had handled it more prudently, it would not have turned out this way.’

He was constantly filled with regret. He wanted to punch his head for being inept and stupid. But nothing will change; all that will happen is that time will pass.

There was a buzz outside the quiet hall. Laslo and Sebastian focused on the door. The door opened before long.

“Oh, my dear sister!”

Sebastian’s voice rose uncharacteristically to a high pitch. He seemed genuinely pleased.

“Why are you so late? I was dying waiting for you.”

“……Your Highness.”

Agnes walked very slowly. Laslo wanted to shout ‘get out of here’ at any moment, but he waited for the right time. There will surely be an opportunity.

“What happened to the queen?”

“What do you mean? Nothing’s going on. She’s just resting in my arms because she’s not feeling well.”

However, the queen’s shoulders and chest, which she saw closely, were not moving at all. It’s clear that she’s dead. Agnes was shocked at the death of Ilona, but didn’t show it.

“If you want to talk to me, you can call me. Why are you threatening me using this man?”

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“What do you mean? Who did that? I just missed your face so much. Agnes, I missed you so much. Come this close.”

“No!” cried Laslo. Fifteen knights died at once after being deceived by that false tongue. Sebastian’s smiling face hardened at once. He pointed to Laslo with his chin at the beast, who was standing by as before.



The beast thrust an unknown sword into his right arm without any emotion. Agnes turned pale at once.

“Your Highness, stop, stop. I’ll go there.”

“Will you do that?”

“Oh, Agnes…….”

The eyes of the three people that have been entangled in one place and soon dispersed. Sebastian smiled and waved more graciously than ever.

“Come here, my dear sister.”

“I will go to your side, let him go.”


“Isn’t this a fight between you and me? Why don’t we talk alone and leave Duke Arpad aside?”

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Sebastian laughed loudly as soon as she finished her speech.

“What fight? You’re scaring me! When did I fight with you?”

“Please release the duke. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee your safety.”

“You? You guarantee my safety?”

Agnes looked directly into Sebastian’s eyes. Tension flowed between the two.

The king took action first.

“Try it.”

Then he reached for Agnes.

Agnes touched the top of her crest. Her eyes glowed briefly from blue to gold.




[TL/N: Greetings to the SWSBG readers. Thank you for reading this novel on mesmerizing memoirs (and not on the aggregator sites). This is actually the first novel I translated, so yes, if you notice (of course, you noticed. it’s very noticeable. Haha) there’s a lot of mistake. LIKE A LOT. I don’t know why I’m only noticing it now when I read a couple of times before posting it. Anyway, I’m currently editing every chapter from the first to the most recent. I sincerely hope that my translations have gotten a little better.]

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