She Was Sent by God

Chapter 153

Roland assisted him in exiting the conference room. After that, a servant came over and gave Marquis Songrad a letter.

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“Who sent it?”

“It’s from Duchess Arpad.”

“Hmm? I’m just right here. She can call me if she has something to say. What letter?”

Marquis Songrad carefully examined the contents of the envelope after opening it.

The hand holding the letter shook more and more as he read the contents. The letter was thrown to the ground.

“Oh, where is she?”


“Where is the princess right now?”

“What’s the matter?”

Roland, who was next to him, asked in surprise. The servant hurriedly bowed his head at the roar of Marquis Songrad.

“She’s in the Duke’s bedroom.”

“Lead the way.”

The servant, who didn’t understand what was going on, guided the Marquis to Duke Arpad’s room. Roland picked up the letter dropped by Marquis Songrad and read it. His complexion also changed suddenly.

[Sorry, grandfather]

The long letter ended with an apology.


Roland hurried after Marquis Songrad, clutching the letter.



The door unexpectedly swung open. They searched the area, but they couldn’t find the person they were looking for. Instead, Zoltan Arpad hesitantly stood up.

“Have you seen the princess, Sir Zoltan? It’s an emergency.”


“Where the hell did she disappear? You. Tell the servants to call and find the princess.”

“Yes, Marquis.”

“Is she here?”

Roland, who had caught up to him late, gasped and asked. Marquis Songrad shook his head heavily.

“I can’t find her. I ordered the attendant to search the mansion first.”

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“I have something to tell you.”

Zoltan flapped his lips several times and opened his mouth with difficulty.

“What’s going on? If it’s not urgent, do it later. Find the princess first.”

“It’s about a princess.”

The heads of Roland and Marquis Songrad turned at the same time.

“Do you know where the princess is?”


“Why can’t you talk? Sir Zoltan. You know something, don’t you?”

Marquis Songrad grabbed his arm and urged him. When Zoltan was about to speak, it was at that precise moment a low moan was heard from behind his back. The three people’s gazes converged at the same time. Clearly, Laslo made that noise.

“Br, brother, brother!”

Zoltan hastened to help him. Laslo slowly opened his eyes, but he was unable to speak for a short while.


“God must have helped you to rise up.”


Naturally, the first thing Laslo did as soon as he opened his eyes was to call his for his wife. Zoltan grabbed him by the collar.


He burst into tears. Laslo smiled quietly and tapped his brother’s hand.

“I guess I’ve been lying down for quite a long time, haven’t I? You’ve been through a lot. More than that. Call Agnes.”

“T, the princess is gone.”


“Sir Zoltan, what do you mean? Where is the princess going?”

Marquis Songrad’s face went white as a sheet as Roland strode over and stood next to Zoltan.

“She said she needed to go so you could wake up, and I tried to stop her. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”

“Zoltan. What are you talking about? Ugh.”

Laslo groaned as he struggled to get out of bed, and Zoltan rubbed his sleeve around his eye.

“Detail, tell me in detail. What does the Duchess have to do with my waking up, and where the hell did she go?”

“Oh, my princess. Princess.”

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Marquis Songrad stumbled over the wall. Zoltan clenched his fist and took a rough breath.

“She said she had to go and pay the price she needed to change her fate.”


“Yes, she left saying that life can only be exchanged with life.”

Zoltan took a letter and a diamond necklace out of his pocket. Laslo’s eyes grew wider. It was the gift he gave her last summer.

“What the hell does that mean?”

A new voice was heard. Zoltan raised his head. Ney stood with a steaming soup.

“Where did the princess go?”


“I mean, now. According to Lord Zoltan’s words, the princess died instead of the Lord.”

The truth that no one wants to admit came out of Ney’s mouth. Roland shook his head violently.

“Does that make sense? You can’t give your life to someone who isn’t waking up.”


Laslo said firmly.

“Agnes is not dead. I took an oath ceremony with her. If she died, my heart wouldn’t be so peaceful.”

“Yeah, that’s right. I’m sure you two took the oath.”

Marquis Songrad rose from his seat again with a hint of hope.

“Sir Zoltan must have heard something wrong. Come on, let’s find the princess.”

“I have something to tell you urgently.”

After that, the servant who was sent by Marquis Songrad to find Agnes arrived. His face was pale and full of cold sweat.

“I found the Duchess.”

Roland asked with a smile at the remark.

“That’s right. Where is the Duchess now?”

“She was discovered in the bedroom on the top of the third floor.”


The tone was subtly different. Everyone’s eyes were on him. The servant could not overcome the pressure and knelt down on the spot.

“I’m sorry. When we found the Duchess…….”

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Ney missed the tray. Agnes’ favorite mushroom soup has stained the carpet. Zoltan lowered his head. The servant spat out the rest of his words.

“Heart… Her chest was pierced.”

There was a terrible silence. The only person who immediately understood what he said was Zoltan.


“Who, who died?”


“It’s a lie.”

Laslo pointed his finger at the servant and said,

“Agnes is not dead. You must have seen something wrong.”

“…… Brother.”

“Zoltan, get me up. I’ll find Agnes myself.”

“The letter from the princess. Read it….”

Laslo discarded the letter and necklace given to him by Zoltan. The necklace rolled around on the floor. Laslo’s face turned cold.

“Get rid of it. Send out the servant who lied. Agnes is not dead.”


“Get me up right now!”

Laslo yelled. Zoltan’s eyes began to flush. As he assisted Laslo, Zoltan picked up the letter and necklace that had fallen to the ground and put them in his pocket.

“I’ll see it for myself. Let’s check how ridiculous that servant’s claims are.”

“Your Excellency, I’ll go there as well. This servant must have misunderstood something.”

“You. Take the lead. If what you said is proven to be false, you will be severely punished for overstepping your master’s boundaries.”

At the words, the servant trembled and stood up. Laslo, who is on the first floor, perspired just by going up the stairs to the third floor. Zoltan was afraid that he would collapse again at this rate, but he couldn’t stop him.

After struggling through the stairs and corridors for more than 20 minutes, Laslo finally arrived in front of the bedroom on the third floor.

“This is the place.”

“Open it.”

The door slid open. The silhouette on the bed was visible from a distance. It reminded Roland of Agnes’s dress this morning but Roland fought to deny it.

‘No, it can’t be.’

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Zoltan and Laslo made their way to the bed. Agnes was peacefully sleeping. There was no indication of any pain; instead, it appeared as though she had just dozed off.

Zoltan might not have believed she was dead if her chest hadn’t been left open.


“It’s not Agnes.”

Laslo shook his head vigorously. He was surprisingly determined. Zoltan shed tears again, which he had previously suppressed.

“Brother, I apologize. I, I should’ve stopped her. I was scared. I was terrified of you dying.”

“Zoltan, don’t cry. It’s not Agnes lying there.”

“The princess has asked me to look after you. Furthermore, she expresses regret….”

“Didn’t I say it wasn’t Agnes!”

Roland stumbled after checking the face of the body. Marquis Songrad and Ney then walked over to the bed. They collapsed after identifying Agnes.

“Oh, princess, princess! Just take this old one, why, ah!”

“Princess? It’s not, is it? Princess. Princess…….”

After a few calls to Agnes, Ney, whose face color had completely vanished, fainted.


In shock, Zoltan rushed to her side. Laslo touched Agnes’ cheek with his outstretched hand.

“It’s not Agnes.”

Her cheeks, which had lost their warmth, were too cold. Laslo repeatedly blinked his eyes.

It can’t be Agnes lying here. He would have experienced the same amount of heartache if Agnes had died.

The person lying on the bed looked so much like Agnes that his tears came out strangely.

“No, it’s not.”

Laslo kept muttering the words. His pallid cheeks were soaked in tears.

“I’ve been lying down for too long. It appears that you are upset. Agnes, where are you? Get out at once; I’m surprised enough.”

He raised his head and scanned his surroundings. In a crouching position, Roland had his hands over his face. Marquis Songrad sat by the bed and sobbed as Ney fell to the floor. Everything about it was unrealistic.

“Brother. This.”

Zoltan made another attempt to deliver the earlier-rejected letter. As he observed it, he thought countless things. Laslo grasped it with shaking hands.

The letter was not long.

[In my next life, I would still marry you. Please don’t forgive me for leaving first out of selfishness.]

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