She Was Sent by God

Chapter 156.2

“I’ve never seen you before. You must be a traveler.”

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“It’s similar.”


“How come you’re camping here when there are houses nearby?”


“I need to find something.”


“Oh, what is it? I’ve lived here for a long time, so I’m familiar with the area.”


“My wife.”


Laslo said while removing the potatoes he had tossed onto the fire. The heat prevented him from touching it.


“Oh… you must have been separated from your wife in the woods. But don’t worry too much. There are no predators in this forest.”




“I’m sorry, but can I have a potato, too? I’m hungry.”


She acted as though she was rubbing her stomach. Laslo gave her the potatoes he was cooling.


“Oh, it’s hot!”




Oh, man, it’s hot. Whoa, whoa. What kind of potato is this? It resembles a potato from the West in many ways.




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“Oh, I thought I could buy some after the war, but since the Lord changed, the tax rate has significantly increased. Oh, paying taxes has hurt my back.”


Without being asked, she continued to speak. Laslo shut his blanket quietly without responding.


By the way, did you hear that the former king would be put to death the following month? The topic has the entire village in a frenzy.


“I see.”


At last, Sebastian is going to die. Laslo quietly observed the fire. His hatred for him was no better than his longing for Agnes.


He simply instructed Chavolti to kill Sebastian when the latter inquired about his preferred course of action.


“You don’t seem very happy.”


She held her head straight out and stared at his face. As he added more firewood, Laslo said.


“Finding my wife is more important.”


Where is Eugene? Is he even in this forest in the first place?


As time went on, he began to wonder if he was looking in the wrong spot.


“Really? Isn’t that what your wife was hoping for? “


“What she’s been looking forward to…….”


Laslo stopped talking.


How does this woman know that?

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“Who are you?”


Laslo got up out of his chair and drew his sword. When she noticed the razor-sharp sword, the woman remained still. Instead, she calmly ate the potato after peeling it.


“Why are you here?”


“I asked who you are?”


“You want to know my name?”


She laughed excessively.


“Why are you poking your head into other people’s nests? He is curious as to why you are calling his name so frantically.”


“Are you someone Eugene sent? Where is he?”


“That’s none of your business.”


Her voice became surprisingly cold. The woman threw the finished potato peel on the floor, shook off her seat, and stood up.


“Simply state your purpose for being here.”


“I have something to tell Eugene. I want to make a deal with him.”


“Deal? What sort of bargain would a trivial person seek?”


The bonfire went out in an instant. The forest that had lost its light was eerily dark. After a few blinks, the woman vanished into thin air; in her place, a demon the size of a house, with wolf-like features, appeared


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[The forest is still turning red due to the dragon’s blood that humans killed.]


“Let me see him.”


[Why? I detest people so much. They are pitiful and egotistical.]


The beast displayed its teeth and behaved aggressively. After giving it some thought, Laslo threw the sword to the ground.


“I’m not here to fight. I only want to speak with Eugene about one thing.”


[If you want to say something, just talk in my stomach.]


The beast jumped forward as soon as the words were finished. Laslo didn’t close his eyes or steer clear of the beast. The beast’s razor-sharp fangs were about to pierce his neck.




In his head, a voice that he had previously heard several times echoed. The beast was standing in front of him with his mouth open when he turned his head.


“Come here.”




The beast instantly transformed into a gentle lamb when he arrived. She curled up like a cute puppy in front of Eugene.


“I told you to check it out. I didn’t tell you to eat.”


[The potato did not satisfy me.]



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Laslo hurried to follow him, just in case he disappeared.


“I need to ask you for a favor. Make a deal with me. I’ll give you this….”


“Hey, you appear to be mistaken.”


In a brisk step, Eugene placed her fingers on Laslo’s chest.


“Agnes is my contractor; you mean nothing to me.”


“What do I need to do?” Laslo calmly asked.


“How can I get Agnes back?”


“Take her back? Agnes is mine. right down to her soul.”


Eugene’s eyes sparkled with desire. Laslo took out the bead he had received from Reika.


“Make a deal with me, and I’ll give you this.”




“What more do you need? My soul? My heart? You are free to take whatever I have. Anything. Just please return her. Please.”


Laslo bowed before him without thinking twice. Without saying anything, Eugene simply stared down at the top of Laslo’s head. He didn’t speak until there was an intolerably long period of silence.



[T/N: Sorry for the late update. I was busy. More chapters coming soon. :))]

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