She Was Sent by God

Chapter 159.1

Agnes blinked slowly. Lisa’s request to save her mother, which Laslo had previously mentioned, came to mind.

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“The momentum slowed down once we brought up Lady Lisa. In addition, she has devoted her entire life to her family, so she won’t want it to disintegrate into nothingness like a sandcastle.”


“Okay, I see. Oh, so that’s why you intentionally chose to take the left wing?”


In actuality, Laslo had no expectation that he would be able to calm the count with words. He was going to drag her by force if talking to her didn’t work.


“I guess I got lucky.”


“It didn’t happen because you were lucky. Thank you, Laslo. I’m grateful.”


With a broad smile, Agnes said. Laslo felt as if all the wounds on his body had healed just by looking at her smile.


Even after winning a war, Agnes found it difficult to fall asleep. He saw her suffer and dreamed of the dead each night. The sobs of Lisa Barania and Vasa Cellon in particular were unbearable.


“I’ll definitely keep you safe.”


“Huh? Yes, I believe in the Duke.”


“You simply breathe and live next to me. That’s all I ask for.”


“Why is that? Don’t you dare die before I do.”


With the sound of wind passing through her lips, Agnes laughed. Their gazes converged.

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Unfortunately, a man’s cough separated them this time. Emmerich was staring at the ceiling when they turned their heads.


“Are you very busy?”


“Count Cellon,”


“I mean, Count Barania and I met at the military barracks. She told me to ask you for the answer when I questioned her about why she was there.”




Once more, the barracks door flew open. Marquis Songrad entered the room grinning broadly.


“Huh! I’ve heard you did a fantastic job!”




“Yes, you ought to be able to do something like this considering that you are the princess’s husband. I was counting on you.”


Marquis Songrad approached Laslo and gave him a hard slap on the shoulder. Laslo gave an awkward smile in return.


“I request that you make changes so that Count Barania can become well-established in the camp. Marquis.”

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“Of course.”


“The Count has indeed surrendered, is that correct?” Emmerich enquired with round eyes. Songrad instead shrugged.”


“Oh, as I mentioned, my Lord, he spoke one-on-one with Count Barania!”


It seemed his useless talk was becoming more exaggerated, but he laughed as if he didn’t notice. This scene was interesting and enjoyable. No one died suddenly. Nobody is sobbing.


‘Wait, Sebastian.’


Discreetly, Laslo tightened his fist. Laslo did not become aware of his complacency until he had lost numerous people, including Agnes.


I’ll never forget how stupid I was and how much I lost. This time, things won’t go your way.




“I’m afraid Sebastian might hurt the queen in some way.”


Agnes said as she lay in bed that night. The same thing she said after winning the war in the past. To allay Agnes’ fears, Laslo then made a promise to enter the palace and bring the queen out.


“What if he hurt her and then commits suicide?”


“No way.”

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Laslo shook his head more firmly than anyone else.


“He will never use his own hands to harm the Queen. Rather, the Queen may do it to herself.”


“Hmm? Queen Ilona, on the other hand, is a strong woman. To commit suicide…. To choose that option…”


“She has already suffered the loss of two sons. It’s very likely.”


“Really? Losing the prince was difficult for her.”


Agnes rubbed her face against the pillow as she mumbled. Her eyelids are already partially closed, as if she were about to nod off. Laslo gave her his right arm. Agnes rested his head on his arm.


“Agnes, do you know anything about Manus Hall?”


“Manus Hall? Where was the coronation held? “




“No. The Manus Hall does not open unless there is a national event. I’ve only been there once.”


“How about the beast beneath it?”


“Beast. Um. What beast?”

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Agnes’ eyes popped open. She got out of bed at the same time. Following her, Laslo got to his feet.


“There is a beast beneath Manus Hall?”


“That’s what Sebastian is after. He intends to harm us by luring both of us.”


“No. What in the world is that? What do you mean there is a beast inside the sacred palace? And how did you discover that?”




With a grave expression, Laslo held her shoulders.


“I have something to tell you.”


“Why are you so serious?”


“You mentioned that you had a contract with Eugene that allowed you to travel back in time.”




“Me too. A contract I had with Eugene allowed me to return to the past after I lost you.



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