She Was Sent by God

Chapter 161.2

As he jumped forward with his sword, all the knights stepped out together. Laslo jumped high on the spot and cut off the burning demon’s head. Zoltan and Lisa also joined.

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The beasts were struck by fire and sword twice before they lost all remaining strength and fell. The Hall of Manus trembled each time an enormous body fell. Sebastian watched the scene with trembling lips.

“Get up! Now get up!”

At the neckless demon, he screamed. The other knights only had to deal with one beast while Laslo defeated five on his own. However, there has been no change in the sound of his breathing. When other nobles and knights saw it, they gasped and stared in awe at Laslo. Under the podium, Laslo said calmly while erecting his sword.

“Untold numbers of people are writhing in pain because of your sins. If you know shame, come down from there yourself.”

“Can’t you keep your cheeky mouth shut? I am Nirseg’s king! A king that heaven chose!”

“To the very end, I can only see your uglyness.”

Laslo raised a finger toward the knights standing behind him. With their swords drawn, they approached Sebastian’s throne. They then took hold of his arm and pulled it down firmly.

“Give me a break! Release me! You have no right to handle the king’s body without his consent!”

Sebastian fought to avoid being taken away. Naturally, it served no purpose. The king was forced to bow down to Laslo by the knights.

“Agnes. Agnes! Look at your brother over here. I’m your blood relative, right? Agnes. My sister, oh my.”

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To his surprise, Sebastian quickly hid his snake’s eyes and tongue and shed tears. When Agnes noticed it, she slowly made her way to Sebastian. When he saw her getting closer, Sebastian started crying even more heartbreakingly.

“Where is Ilona? Please show her just once. Agnes. Don’t be like this. Please have mercy on me just once.”

His tears were never-ending. When Agnes noticed the circular tear marks soaking the floor and at the hem of her clothing, she laughed.

“My sister, don’t you feel bad for your brother?”

“Poor thing.”


“I feel so bad that I’ve let such a trivial person influence me so many times.”

Sebastian’s face was significantly altered by Agnes’ composed and unperturbed comment. He clenched his teeth as he stared up at her.

“You seem to believe that your success so far is a result of your skill.”


“No way, Agnes. You’re nothing. Nothing can be done by you.”

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“Really? What about you, the one I’ve caught?”

Agnes’s blatantly mocking question made Sebastian struggle to maintain composure as a thousand fires boiled inside of him.

“How dare you.”

But he persisted and looked for the chance. The best weapon is also the carelessness of the enemy. He still has one more action to take. He can atone for this shame if he uses it wisely. Agnes quickly turned around and faced Sebastian with her back to him.

“Tell them to gather all of the soldiers outside now.”


Sebastian didn’t pass up the opportunity. He concentrated on the crest that was above his left hand.

“I’ll rip you to pieces.”

Soon after, there was a strong force swirling. The crest gradually became more radiant. Without anyone noticing, Sebastian grinned.

It was at that time.


Before his eyes, blood spattered like a fountain. He lost all sense of reality and wasn’t immediately aware of what had happened.

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Confusion was also evident among the soldiers who were encircling Sebastian. Laslo held a bloody sword while glancing down at Sebastian. He didn’t appear like someone who had just severed someone’s wrist because of his icy expression.

“B, brother! How could you?”

In shock, Zoltan sprang into action. The other soldiers backed away as well.

“Argh! Arpad!”

Sebastian yelled while frantically clinging to his wrist. Laslo signaled to a nearby doctor.

“Stop the bleeding. He can’t die just yet.”

“Oh, yes, S, sir.”

The elderly doctor shivered as he approached Sebastian. Sebastian soon passed out as he twisted in pain like he was having a seizure. Agnes walked back to Laslo after turning around.

“As predicted,”

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“However, it was too risky to show your back. Do you know how much my heart was pounding, Agnes?”

“We must undoubtedly see the end.”

She asserted loudly. Agnes suggested as Laslo described what took place at Manus Hall.

– As soon as Sebastian makes his final move, you stop him.

– What? Why? Don’t you think it’s preferable to eliminate the disturbance by overwhelming it?

– I do this because I want to crush his hopes.

Agnes said while innocently blinking.

– What?

– I want to crush him completely when he thinks he has a chance and is smiling on the inside.

– ……Yes, I understand.

With an uncomfortable voice, Laslo concurred. He therefore awaited Sebastian to grit his teeth until the very end.

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