She Was Sent by God

Chapter 163

“I apologize, I didn’t consider that. Should I now remove his tongue?”

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Roland naturally grabbed Ilona’s shoulder. They appeared to be in a loving relationship. When Sebastian saw it, he opened his eyes and stayed close to the bars. He stumbled and gestured at Roland with his finger.

“You, you, how dare you touch Ilona with that filthy hand?”

“Why? What?”

Roland replied with a casual question. Instead, he kissed Ilona’s cheek. Then Ilona whispered, “It tickles,” and giggled.

Sebastian couldn’t believe what he was seeing before his eyes. He was having difficulty breathing. He ferociously shook the bars.

“You! How dare you! How dare you! She is my wife! She is my queen! Remove that soiled hand right away.”

“What kind of stupid thing is that?”

Ilona laughed while putting her head on Roland’s chest.

“Wife? Who? I was never your wife. Not after you murdered Balaz, threw him in the river, and dragged me into the palace.”

“What exactly does that mean? Come here! My queen. We cherished each other. Do you not recall? You know what it is!”

“Love? I get sick every time you tell me you love me.”

Ilona said while maintaining an ice-cold stare. Sebastian took a deep breath and pointed at Roland.

“Roland, you’re trying to deceive her, aren’t you? Right? I apologize. Ilona, I’ll be out of here in a minute, argh!”

Having no expression on his face, Roland stabbed Sebastian’s hand that was holding the grate.

“I should have cut his tongue, as you suggested. The way he calls your name bothers me.”

“Can you cut it right now?”

“If you want, I’ll comply with your request.”

Softly grinning, Roland kissed the back of her hand. He summoned a guard to open the prison door. When the door was opened, there was a stench she had never smelled before. Ilona scowled and put her hand over her nose.

“Stand back from me.”

Behind Roland, Ilona stood and observed Sebastian rolling around on the floor. Holding his stabbed hands behind his back, Sebastian was sobbing. He reminded her of a bug that had been trod upon.

“Oh, Ilona. Argh… Heuk”

“The day of your demise has been determined. Sebastian.”

Roland hummed. Then, with skill, he took the rope from his arms and fastened Sebastian’s arms and legs.

“Mercifully, Her Highness told me that your limbs would be cut after your death. I find it unfortunate. I enjoyed our time together so far, but I can’t help it.”

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“Who, who, who? Untie me, huck, this is… Release me!”

Ilona observed the man’s frantic struggle with sinking, chilling eyes. Roland rolled up his sleeves. His attractive face was more radiant than usual.

“I decided to hang your head on the wall for ten days.”


“The exact location where my uncle’s head was hung.”

Roland snatched Sebastian’s head and yanked out his tongue.

It’s alright. It’s alright. In any case, I won’t cut them all today. I’ll just trim the front a bit.”

“Let go of me! Ugh! Ugh! Il, Ilona!”

Sebastian shook frantically, quaking with terror.

He looked at Ilona, who was standing behind Roland. As if she were a lifeline.

“…. lona, come on!”

“I want you to die and go to hell.”

She muttered, as she watched the scene. Sebastian opened his eyes wide.

“Why, why? Ilona. Ilona. My queen. My beloved”

“It was disgusting whenever you whispered your love.”

Ilona willingly bent her knees and locked her gaze on Sebastian. She didn’t sob or look him in the eye with rage. She was calm and spoke quietly.

“Make sure you go to hell so I can live happily,”

“W, what do you mean? Huh? Our relationship is meant to last a lifetime! Argh! Let go of me! Ilona! Ilona! ”

“Ilona, get back. I just bought that dress. It shouldn’t be covered in blood.”

“Right, thanks. Roland.”

“Don’t mention it.”

As he raised his blade in the air, Roland grinned. Ilona retreated two steps.


She held her breath as she carefully observed the scene. To make sure she didn’t miss anything, she didn’t blink her eyelids.

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Roland’s clothes and face were covered in blood when the two exited the prison.

“Tell the physician to give him meticulous care. He must be kept alive for ten days.”

“Yes, Marquis.”

With a physician, the knight entered the facility.

“Oh, no. There’s blood on it.”

Roland pulled out a handkerchief after unintentionally discovering a bloodstain on Ilona’s cheek. Ilona retreated when he extended his hand.

“It’s all right, Marquis.”


He grimaced and laughed awkwardly before using it to wipe his face.

“I was told that you were leaving right away.”

“I no longer want to stay in the palace.”

“Where are you heading? You can count on me to get you there.”

Roland enquired. Ilona paused as she descended the stairs to look at Roland.

“Marquis Sandor. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.”

“No, but I also feel good when I see Sebastian’s face distorted.”

“Aside from that, I’m afraid of you because Sebastian’s blood is mixed in yours.”

(T/N: If you don’t remember, Sebastian and Roland are cousins.)

He kept his mouth shut because he was at a loss for words. He understood her because he knew how unhappy she had been.

“I won’t disclose my destination to anyone. I’m hoping the Marquis will understand me.

“……I do.”

He bowed politely.

“I must leave now; I have an appointment with Her Highness. Thank you for granting my unreasonable request today. Marquis.”

“May peace be with you on your future journey.”

Roland expressed himself completely. Instead of responding, Ilona smiled.


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“Your Highness, Madam Ilona Jante Erdosi is here.”

“Oh, come in.”

Agnes dropped her pen and leapt from her chair. Ilona bowed in front of Agnes.

“Your Highness.”

“You don’t have to behave in this manner.”

“Isn’t it just before the coronation? In situations like this, you need to exercise greater caution.”

After the two women had seated themselves, a cup of tea was delivered. Agnes took the first sip of tea.

“I heard you visited the prison today with Marquis Sandor.”


“Do you feel better now?”

Agnes was concerned for a while because she was aware that Ilona frequently experienced nightmares and had trouble falling asleep.

“It has significantly improved. Previously, I was only afraid, but after meeting him in person today, I no longer feel that way.”


It’s not much, but Ilona’s expression was much softer than before. With a steaming cup in hand, Ilona spoke.

“I thought I’d be glad to get back to him, but I wasn’t.”


“My dead children will not come back, even if he dies.”


Agnes held her hand tightly. Ilona smiled sourly and gave a small head shake.

“I’m leaving immediately following execution,”

“Have you made up your mind about where you’re going?”


“What do you need? Tell me what I can do to help you.”


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Ilona said, looking Agnes in the eyes.

“There’s nothing. I’ve already received a lot from Your Highness.”


“I thought I’d wither away in this palace for the rest of my life. Just making it out of the palace alive is enough.”

“……Count Jante visited me not long ago. He wishes to see you.”

Ilona took a breather when her father was mentioned. She moved her hand around the cup.

“I don’t want to see him.”

“Yes, I’ll tell the count separately.”

Your Highness.

A servant then entered and said,

“The Grand Duke is here.”

“Oh, I’m speaking with someone right now; tell him to come back later.”

“No, it’s okay.”

Ilona set her cup down and rose from her chair.

“I’ll be heading out. I need to pack some things.”

“No, I’ll tell Laslo to come back later.”

“I’ll come again tomorrow.”

Ilona gave Agnes a quiet smile before bowing.

“I’m leaving now. Your Highness.”

Laslo walked in quickly after she flung open the door. His appearance seemed worn out. Laslo immediately started running after spotting Agnes.

“Ah, your highness!”

“Grand Duke! Didn’t I say that frequent visits should be avoided? How frequently do you come and go to my office?”

“I would like to do that, but the teacher!”

Laslo extended his hand and made a pointing motion. Behind Laslo stood a grizzled old man.

“What’s wrong with Willy?”

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