She Was Sent by God

Chapter 165

“I’m sure the count will have a good relationship too.”

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Laslo said with all his heart. Emmerich nodded without saying a word.

“Why did you ask for an audience?”

“Oh, I’ve compiled everything I’ve told you before. Take a look.”

He took a bunch of papers out of his pocket and held them out for Agnes. It contained intricate details about the maritime trade of the South. While examining them one by one with careful eyes, the door suddenly swung open.

“I found it!”

The door was vigorously opened. The servant standing next to it staggered. The eyes of those who were sitting on the sofa and chatting were all focused on one place.

Reika stood in front of Agnes and Laslo with a grin, regardless. Agnes sighed weakly.

“Archmage… Why don’t you let the servant open the door for you?”

“I have a hand too. Your Excellency. I finally found it.”

Agnes said politely, but Reika didn’t care.


“The way to the sky!”


Zoltan and Emmerich, who didn’t know what it meant, muttered at the same time. Agnes touched her temple.

“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to put this off. Count, please drop by next time.”

“Oh, yeah, I’ll do that. Your Highness.”

Emmerich rose from his seat and stepped out with Zoltan. Reika chatted with a look of excitement.

“All the roads I knew were blocked, so I was wondering what to do. Oh, but as expected, the hole in the white forest is not blocked.”

“Sit down, talk slowly.”

Agnes pointed her finger at the opposite sofa. Reika sat down.

“The sky where the messenger of God lives?”


“Why are you looking for that place?”

“Huh? Didn’t your Excellency tell you?”

“What do you mean?”

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Agnes’s head swung round. Laslo blinked awkwardly and opened his mouth.

“Well, didn’t I tell you? I must offer sacrifices in the forest of dragons in return for returning to the past.”

“I heard. I thought you meant a cow or a pig as a sacrifice.”

“Well, it’s similar to a cow or a pig…….”

“Really? how is tearing the wings of the messenger of God the same as catching a cow?”

Reika, who was in front of them said. Agnes’ eyes grew wider.

“The messenger of God? Is that what you’re offering?”

“That’s what happened.”

“What? That’s what happened? You’re saying that……!”

The color faded from Agnes’ face. When the last messenger of God came to Estar Castle, the damage was so extensive that many of the people in the castle died.

“I was planning to tell…”

“No! The messenger of God who came back then was so strong. Reika, why don’t you tell him?”

“Wait, Agnes. The archmage said that the messenger of God she faced at that time had a very strong axis but it’s usually not that strong.”

“Yeah, I guess she was like the leader. And the messenger of God doesn’t use their hands because they think human blood is filthy.”

Laslo began to persuade her aggressively. Reika, who belatedly noticed the atmosphere, also secretly sided with Laslo.

“But……the sky. Isn’t it too dangerous?”

“No. And thankfully, I’m joining forces with the archmage. Right?”

“Oh, yes. Well. Your Excellency asked eagerly. I’m willing to give him a special favor. Yes?”

Reika said with a straight chest and a smirk. Agnes looked at Laslo with anxious eyes.

“It’s a relief that the archmage is coming with you.”

“Don’t worry too much. I’ll be back soon.”

“Oh, not soon. It’s going to take at least a month just to come and go”

“What? At least a month? Then how long are you going to be out of the palace?”

Agnes jumped at the words. Laslo rose quickly from his seat, embracing Agnes’ shoulder.

“Come on, I’ll explain everything, Your Highness, go inside. Archmage. I’ll call you separately later.”

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The king and the Grand Duke soon entered through the inner door. Reika, who was left alone, pouted her lips and went out soon.


It’s unusually noisy outside. Bushke closed her eyes slowly and then opened them.

In dark and gloomy dungeons, it is nearly impossible to hear people’s warmth or voices. But right now, people’s laughter could be heard all over the place.


The soldier watching her said as he kicked the prison door. Bushke looked up.

“Only those who are innocent have received pardons,”

“Pardon, keugh, what?”

She was shivering from the inside out, even though it was a warm day. Bushke got up out of her chair cautiously and walked over to the prison door. When the soldier unlocked the door, it made a loud noise as if he were opening the prison door.

“Go outside. Your punishment is over starting today.”

The heavy iron door, which seemed to never open, slowly started to open. Bushke exited the prison with her toes clenched.

“What caused the pardon to be issued?”

“The new king has been crowned.”

“A new king?”

Sebastian has two children, both of whom are not yet ten years old.

Which of them was crowned?

Bushke scrambled out of the dungeon. Her muscles had deteriorated after not using them for a long time, so she had to rest several times to climb the stairs.

She didn’t realize why it was so noisy until she came out completely. There was the smell of food moving around and colorful flowers moving around. It looks like a festival.

“Wait, wait! You have to bring it over here! Don’t lose your mind!”

“Oh, sorry!”

“Butler, is it true that your highness will come here when your Lord gets married this fall?”

“Well, I can’t give you a definite answer.”

By Niall’s side, young servants gathered in twos and threes and twinkled their eyes. Bushke had difficulty understanding what they were saying.

The Lord is getting married again? What about Princess Agnes?

It was so noisy and complicated that no one cared about Bushke who was wearing an old cloak. She kept walking aimlessly forward. Originally, she lived on the top of the watchtower of Estar Castle, but she could not go back.

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“Jamie! Me too! I want to try!”

“All right, but I have to use it so give it back soon.”

Children were still playing with wooden swords. Bushke approached the boys.


Her voice was low and sounded scary. Some of the children were already frightened.

“Who are you?”

“I’m an old lady from that town. I’m on my way to Estar because I heard there’s a festival in the castle today.”

“Oh, I live in Estar, too!”

The brown-haired boy raised his hand and shouted bravely.

“But do you know why festivals are held in castles?”

“The new king, that is……. What was it?”

“To the throne.”

“That’s right. The throne! It’s because of the throne.”

“Yes, my mom baked a lot of bread, too. Saying it’s for the glory of Arpad. Our estate is now a great deal.”

“Glory of Arpad?”

Sebastian’s son ascended to the throne. She couldn’t understand why Arpad was coming out.

“Oh, I know! So did my mom!”

“Why is it the glory of Arpad that the new king is crowned?”

“Ahem. Grandma, don’t you know? The new king is the Lord, no. She’s the wife of the old Lord.”

“She’s Princess Agnes!”

Jamie said with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Our princess is crowned. Do you know how magnificent our princess is?”


Bushke was shocked by the children’s words hitting her in the back of her head.

Princess Agnes ascended the throne?

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“Oh, how? How the hell did Princess Agnes ascend the throne? The former king had two sons, right?”

Bushke shook her head violently in confusion. Children gathered in front of her blinking.

“Hmm? The princes died of a terrible disease.”

“And Princess Agnes defeated the cruel king and won.”

“Right! A while ago, the cruel king died. His limbs were cut off and hung here and there.”

“Wow! Really? Jamie, did you see that?”

“The knight who lives with me told me. The bad king was too guilty to just die.”

“Jamie! Stop playing and come back. It’s time to eat.”

A tall man shouted in the distance. Jamie looked around and shouted.

“Dad, can I go with my friends?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Heehee. Guys. Let’s go!”

Bushke slipped through the chattering children. She felt dizzy. She couldn’t hear them properly.

Of course, she thought it was all set to collapse. When she learned that the princess was plotting a rebellion, she thought it was good. Because she knew that this damn Arpad would be utterly shattered and there would be no form left.

“Hooray for Arpad! Long live the king!”

Drunk people in the distance raised their hands in a loud noise.

– Everyone will unite to praise Arpad and it will be glorified from generation to generation.

Princess Agnes’ last words lingered in her ears.

She started walking again. She can’t tell where she’s headed and what her destination is. Bushke suddenly raised her head to the sky, met the sun head-on, and lowered her eyes.

It’s too bright. She shed tears without realizing it.


When she decided to betray them, she was overwhelmed with emotions but in the end, looking back, it was just an excuse for venting her anger. Her husband and children all left and returned with a smile.

Where did it go wrong?


Bushke sat down and began to wail. She had regrets that she would not have realized if she died. She scratched the ground with her palm. The sand pricked between her nails.

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