She Was Sent by God

Chapter 35: 35


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“It’s okay to go there without requesting a separate visit.”

“I see.”

Agnes took a strong liquor from a passing servant.

Looking carefully at Erica’s face, she was lost in thought.

“How far can you go?”

Erica, who immediately noticed what she was asking, let out a cool smile.

“If I can be the marquis by selling my soul, I would already be an empty shell.”

At that bold reply, Agnes made up her mind.

Milan Kiske is more likely to receive the Marquis Title.  Because he already has a lot to offer.

It also means that Agnes has little to offer him.

On the other hand, Erica is different. If you reach out to the desperate first, there will be many things that will come back.

Agnes lightly wet her lips with alcohol.

“Okay. Let’s talk to Elemer’s person in charge. So that Kiske can handle the sales to Loite and Devon.”

“Thank you, Duchess.”

Erica bowed her head deeply.

“Please do me a favor instead.”

“Please tell me anything.”

* * *

“The young master went out for horseback riding. Miss.”

The butler of the Sandor family bowed his head and expressed regret.

“Really? Then I’ll go up first.”

“Yes. I’ll let you know as soon as the young master arrives.”

Erica passed the butler and climbed up the stairs.

The maid took the lead in guiding her to the drawing room. She sat on the sofa and sipped the tea.

After some time, enough for the tea to cool down, she called the maid with her finger.

“Yes, lady.”

The maid, who was next to her, responded quickly.

“Do you have ice?”

“Oh, there is, but it takes a little time to get it out because it was put in a deep place.”

“It doesn’t matter, so go and get a lemon with ice.”

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“Yes, I see. Miss.”

The maid walked out in haste. Erica finally got up from her seat.

She grabbed her small handbag and opened the door inside the drawing room.

Sandor Mansion is a place I’ve been sick of since I was young.

It’s not as good as my house, but it’s easy to see what I’m looking for.

Erica walked through the hallway after passing through the guest bedroom connected to the drawing room.

I ran into a few people in the middle, but I acted calmly.

I quickly arrived at the place I wanted.

Erica carefully opened the door after confirming that the hallway was empty.

Roland spends the most of his time in the private office.

She took the small bird statue out of her handbag.

“Where should I put it?”

It was when I was wandering around the bookshelf because I was afraid it would be too much to put it at the desk.

“When did you get here?”

Looking back, Roland was leaning against the door.

She managed to swallow a scream. She quickly hid the bird statue behind her back.

Fortunately, he didn’t seem to have noticed.

“It’s been a while. Did you finish horseback riding?”

“Yeah. Because the weather wasn’t so good.”

He walked toward Erica, sweeping his hair lightly.

“What’s going on?”

“Just. You just came from Leana. I came to see if you were doing well.”

“What’s wrong with you? You didn’t even show your nose when I left.”

Erica smiled as naturally as possible.

“You were supposed to show Mimi. Do you remember?”

“Oh, Mimi! Oh my. I told you that I would show you Mimi.”

He made a fuss and boasted about its beauty to the fullest.

“You’ll be surprised when you see it, too. How glossy its feathers are? My mom asked Mimi to pull out some feathers and make accessories, but there’s no way! How could you! Our Mimi!”

He let out a runny nose. Erica looked into Roland’s eyes and fiddled with the bird statue hidden behind her back.

“I want to see it soon. Where did you put it?”

“Oh, it’s in the greenhouse downstairs. Do you want to go now?”

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“But the garden that I haven’t seen in a while changed a lot.”

She dragged Roland’s arm toward the window.

“Look at that. Didn’t you make a new horse statue in the middle?”

“Huh? Never mind.  That was originally there.”

“What’s next to it?”

“Next to it? Which one?”

While he was closely attached to the window and looking at the garden, Erica put the bird statue between the books.

“Oh, never mind. I must have been mistaken.”

“It’s true. It’s not like you. You’re mistaken about all that.”

Roland took himself off the window and looked at Erica.

“I know. I must have been confused with other places. Let’s go see Mimi.”

She crossed Roland’s arms with a soft smile. When he went near the door, he suddenly stopped.

“Wait a minute.”


Roland suddenly turned around and strode toward the bookshelf.

Erica couldn’t move and only looked where he was going.

“I’ve got food here.”

He smiled and took a pocket of rice on the bookshelf.

Only then could Erica smile face to face.

“I want to see it soon”

“Oh, me too! I want to see Mimi soon.”

The office door opened and closed tightly. Erica left the place with an empty bag.

* * *

Agnes grabbed the bird statue in her room alone and focused her whole mind.

She memorized the spell Theo told her before.

My vision gradually turned blurry, and at some point, I began to see a completely different place.

Roland was right in front of me. It looks like Erica placed the bird statue properly.

He is sitting in a chair and writing something continuously. I couldn’t see what he was writing.

Agnes stood up and walked, but when her view did not change at all, she lamented her stupidity.

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‘I’m watching through a bird statue right now.’

Roland didn’t spend much time at his desk. He soon got up from his seat and headed somewhere.

As expected, it was a place where the birds could not see, so I had to look only at the empty office for a while.

“Did he go out?”

Fortunately, Roland came back into her sight.

But something surprising happened.

The man sitting at the office desk again had a completely different face than before.

“What’s that?”

Agnes was surprised and muttered to herself.

Dark blonde, brown eyes, and cheeks full of freckles. Low nose bridge.

He has an ordinary face that can be seen anywhere.

The beautiful man with silver hair and blue eyes disappeared.

Although it looks completely different, it was difficult to conclude that it was another person because the clothes he was wearing were the same as Roland’s.

‘What is it? Is it Roland? Or is it someone else?’

However, no matter how gently I look around, I can’t see anyone else.

The man presumed to be Roland- took a box out of the drawer.

What was inside was a white mask that could cover half of his face.

He wore it and looked around for a thick cape.

Roland is gradually coming this way.

Agnes stepped back without realizing it. At that moment, the view suddenly moved sideways.

Roland, who was just around the corner, moved away to the right.

‘The bookshelf moved.’

After he disappeared, the sight returned to its place.

It looks like he went out to the secret passage behind the bookshelf.

Agnes confirmed that he was gone completely, and then put down the bird statue she was holding.

Dizziness came rushing in. After closing and opening her eyes, she can see the scenery of her original room.

“That’s definitely suspicious.”

She fiddled with the bird statue.

Roland, whom Agnes knew, was always smiling and making silly sounds casually.

Together with Chavolti, they used to get excited about his ignorance.

But he gathered power secretly from Sebastian?

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I wrapped my head and tried to think hard, but I couldn’t find an easy answer.

* * *

Surprisingly, the answer came from the mouth of the wrong person.



I asked a question that flowed from the dinner table without any expectations, and Laslo abruptly answered.

“You said he’s blonde, brown eyes, and wearing a white mask.”

Laslo said while cutting and eating well-baked pork.

“If it’s that kind of person, I know one person.”

“Does the Duke know him well?”

Agnes was getting excited without realizing it. Laslo nodded easily.

“It’s not that I know him well, but because he’s famous. I’ve seen him in person once.”


“The princess must have heard of it, but it’s in Alexandra.”

“Alexandra? Are you talking about the underworld organization”

It is a famous information dealer among aristocrats.

It is so famous that there is a joke that God cannot know what they do not know.

“Yeah. Mihai is the head of that place. I stopped by to ask something, and he came out. Wearing a white mask.”


Agnes sighed long. Why didn’t I think of that?

If Roland is the head of Alexandra, the story fits perfectly.

He fits the criteria of Sebastian, being a large and influential group that he felt threatened.

A light shudder flowed behind my back. If I use this well, maybe…….

“What’s wrong, princess?”

“What should I do to meet Mihai?”

She was excited to run out immediately and make sure Mihai was really Roland.

“You just need an invitation.”


“I can get it for you if you want.”

Laslo shrugged and said.

“Please, Duke.”

She said with sparkling eyes. Laslo nodded easily.

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