She Was Sent by God

Chapter 43: 43


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“You’re such a humble god.”

Eugene’s golden eyes were filled with chill. He raised his arm up.

“What are you going to do?”

As soon as he finished talking, a deafening sound was heard and a dazzling beam of light fell on Berace.


Berace let out a painful moan.

Black smoke came out of his body. But he did not collapse.

Eugene looked at him and laughed with his mouth up.

“I’ll tear you apart someday. I’ll rip your skin and crush your bones, so wait.”

It was an eerie voice that she had never heard before. Eugene waved his hand once again. Her vision gradually turned blurry.

“W, wait!”

Berace shouted urgently.

In an instant, the ground split up and her body began to plummet.

The terrible feeling of nausea in the stomach continued like eternity. No matter how hard she clenched her teeth, it was useless.

And from that moment on, it became quiet.

“Gasp, gasp.”

Agnes let out her breath at once.

“Thanks to Berace, things will work out a little faster.”

She heard his voice next to her.  For some reason, Agnes was blinded that she couldn’t open her eyes.


She asked half sobbing.

“You did a good job earlier, Agnes.”

Eugene stroked Agnes’ head quite affectionately.

“Thanks to you, the seal loosened a bit.”


My cheeks were unintentionally wet with tears.

“Yeah. I think I can get a little closer with this.”

He mumbled an unfamiliar sound.  Agnes was only then able to open her eyes as the glare disappeared.

She was in a forest with only trees. It was impossible to know where they were.

Agnes then realized that she was sitting on the grass.

Unlike his friendly touch, Eugene stood with a cold face that she had never seen.

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“Now with just a few more loosening, I’ll be able to get out of that damn pit.”

He whispered softly; his eyes lit up.

“What does that mean?”

Unfamiliar word came out from his mouth.

What does he mean by seal or pit?

Eugene just smiled at her question.

“Good job. I’ll send you back now.”

As soon as he finished talking, he tapped his finger cheerfully.

My vision gradually went dark.

* * *


It’s a familiar and longing voice. Agnes struggled to open her eyes to the voice that called her.

I was dazed like a fish swimming deep in the water and came up to the surface.

She felt a hand touching her. Unlike before, it was soft and fluffy.


The blurred vision became clearer. She first sees Laslo’s worried face.

“Are you out of your mind?”

“W, where are we now?”

I had to cough several times because my throat was hoarse.

Agnes woke up rubbing her eyes.

“It’s my bedroom.”


I let out a short moan. Only then that it came to mind. It was unfamiliar, but it was definitely a room I had seen before.

“How do you feel? Do you know how surprised I was to see you under the spire?”

“I’m ok, cough, I’m okay.”

However, Laslo’s eyes were filled with distrust as she accidentally coughed.

“I don’t think you’re fine. Lie down again.”

He grabbed Agnes’ shoulders and pressed them gently. Then, he covered her chest with a blanket and got up from his seat.

When Laslo showed signs of leaving, Agnes hurriedly pulled his sleeve.

“What about the Duke?”


“Did you get hurt?”

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“Is that important now?”

Laslo asked back as if he was dumbfounded.

“It’s more important to me than anything else.”

Agnes tilted the blanket and jumped up then hurriedly felt every corner of Laslo’s body.

“No, I’m okay, Princess.”

When her hand suddenly went into his coat, Laslo felt embarrassed and stepped back.

“Oh, wait. Stay still.”

Agnes went out of the bed.  It was then that his eye level met her just right.

She grabbed him by the waist with one hand to avoid him from running away, and with the other hand she looked at his chest and back.

“Princess, I’m fine.”

A sigh of moan came out from above her head.

Ignoring the words, Agnes eagerly touched Laslo’s body with her hands.

Hard muscles were felt over the soft shirt. There are no signs of bandages anywhere.

Just in case, Agnes put her nose in his chest and sniffed him.

“Hmm. It doesn’t smell like blood.”

After I finished checking, I backed away a little.

Somehow, when I looked up Laslo’s face was red.

“Really, the legs are….”

When she tried to reach out his thigh, he freaked out.

“I didn’t get hurt there. Trust me, please!”

Laslo hurriedly clenched Agnes’ arms. He looked so desperate that she had no choice but to step back.

Agnes blinked both eyes.

“I trust you.”

“Thank you.”

He sighed lightly.

“I wasn’t hurt. What about the princess? Are you hurt anywhere?”

“I’m fine.”

Except for a little stiff muscle, I wasn’t in a bad condition.

“Then why were you lying down under the spire?”


Laslo asked. Agnes couldn’t come up with a decent excuse, so she looked elsewhere.

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“Do you know how worried I was? When I returned to the castle, you weren’t there, and the princess’ maid had no idea where you had gone.”


“At first, I thought you were abducted by the beast because I couldn’t find anywhere in the castle no matter how much I searched for you.”

It is terrifying to think of that time.

After returning to the castle, he first went to find Agnes.

– Uh, I don’t know where she is.

When I heard that, my heart sank. My hands trembled at the thought of whether the Lequi had taken her.

“I don’t remember…”

She avoided looking with a very awkward face.

Laslo crossed his arms and stared at Agnes’ face.

“Really? Then, how did you clean up the Lequi”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

At some point, the tide turned.  Conversely, Laslo brought his face closer to Agnes.

“At first, I thought I was mistaken.”

While fighting the group of Lequi, an intense light poured out from the spire.

“But it was definitely the princess.”

After the light died down, the beasts suddenly began to fall.

To my surprise, I looked at the top of the spire, Agnes was definitely there.

“Haha. How can a person do such a miracle?”

Agnes smiled unnaturally and waved her hands.

“Then why were you lying down on the spire?”

When Laslo questioned her a few more times, Agnes took a completely different approach.

“Oh, my head hurts.”

Suddenly, she pretended to collapse on the bed and touched her head. She closed her eyes and forced herself to make an aching sound

“Duke, Thinking deeply made my head pound.”

Laslo looked at the princess lying in bed silently.

“I think I’m getting feverish too.”

She took Laslo’s hand and put it on her forehead.

“…I think you have a slight fever.”

He was forced to accept.


No matter how you look at it, it was a normal body temperature, but Laslo decided to move on.

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I think it was good.

I couldn’t dig any more. Looking at her half-closed eyes and pretending to be sick.

It was obvious that she was doing this to change the subject, but it was so lovely his chest hurts.

Laslo laid her well on the bed, put the blanket up to her chest, and then stroked her head.

“You must be tired. Take a rest.”

“You can’t go until I fall asleep.”

Agnes pulled his clothes.

“I’ll be with you.”

He promised in a calm tone.

Agnes fell asleep very slowly. Laslo remained in place until her breathing sound changed evenly.


I opened my mouth knowing that I would not hear an answer.

“What do you mean to me?”

At first, I thought she was a young and fragile princess who knew nothing.

I was grateful when she said they would die together in the castle.

It was also amazing when she did something incredible, such as discovering Elemer and making a mana stone.

And now.

He gently and affectionately stroked Agnes on the cheek.

Sometimes the corner of Laslo’s heart stings for no reason whenever she smiles.


He couldn’t call her name aloud. He stood up and left.

* * *

Agnes woke up the next day with a very distant face.

“Oh, I thought I was in trouble. Ma’am”

Ney cried and shed tears at Agnes’ feet.

She thinks that Agnes collapsed because she didn’t serve her owner well.

“Don’t cry, go and call a wizard.”

Agnes patted her gently.  Ney went out sniffing and returned with Theo.

“Did you call me? Duchess.”

“I called because I wanted to ask you something.”


Theo bowed his head politely.

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