She Was Sent by God

Chapter 45


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December 27, 2021


Agnes persuaded him with a sad face.


“I don’t know what the princess asked for, but how difficult would it be? If possible, please do it.”


When Zoltan actively listened to Agnes, Laslo hesitated and then barely nodded.


On the contrary, Laslo’s voice gradually decreased.


“In the near future? Then let’s meet tonight.”



He turned his head in surprise. Agnes got up from her seat after wiping her mouth with a napkin.


“I have to go because I have something to do.”

“W, Wait, princess!”


She quickly left the dining room, ignoring the desperate voice from behind.

“What’s wrong madam?”


As I laughed so hard while working, Ney later asked, looking at Agnes with strange eyes.


“Something good happened.”


Ney couldn’t even ask what it was because of the sound of laughter.


* * *


As soon as Agnes finished her work, she ran to Laslo’s bedroom.

The servant in front of her opened the door naturally.



As she entered the room, Laslo jumped up from his seat.


“You’re here.”


Agnes rushed to his front.


“Okay, I’m here to get compliments.”


Agnes, who came to receive the praise he had entrusted, has a proud look on her face.

Laslo’s expression changed.


“Princess it’s………”

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He shook his head while talking. Agnes took another step forward.


“Are you trying to take back your words now?”


I raised my eyes and stared at him fiercely. Laslo shook his head.


“No, that’s not it. Sigh. Okay. Please close your eyes instead.”


He sighed briefly and soon put his hand on Agnes’ shoulder with determined eyes.


It was very soft and sweet. Like a chiffon cake covered with whipped cream.

As soon as she realized that it was his lips, Agnes became stiff.

The hand holding Laslo’s hem was tightened.

After a long time, his tongue, which had been swimming around her mouth, went out. No, it actually felt like a very short time.




He whispered in a low voice. When I opened my eyes, Laslo’s face was the first to be seen.

Agnes finally exhaled at once, which he had held back.


“L, lips…..”


From some point on, her cheeks were red.


On the other hand, Laslo looked quite calm unlike in the beginning. Somehow, the color of his eyes seemed to be darker than before.


“I was going to ask you to do it on my cheeks…….”


Agnes bowed her head and chirped in a small voice.


“Oh. Ah?”


Laslo, who belatedly understood Agnes’ words, floundered.


“Of course, you just said kiss. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight.”


An unbearable silence flowed between the two.

Laslo was restless when Agnes did not raise her head silently and wiggled her hands.


“P, princess. I’m sorry. I should’ve asked in advance. I am so stupid for not understanding what the princess wants…….”



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He stood in front of her and offered all kinds of apologies. Agnes looked up at him with her red cheeks.

“Princess, please let go of me.”


Laslo pleaded.


* * *


“It’s hot.”

“Should I bring more ice?”


Summer has come in earnest in Sutmar.  In the West, winters were short and warm, but summers boasted heat.

Agnes, who was weak in the heat, was drooping with her skirt fluttering.

Next to her is Ney who is diligently



“It’s unusually hot this year, it didn’t rain at all.”


Even if I sat still, sweat flowed by itself. Agnes breathed as thin as possible.


“It’s hard to see a single cloud, so it’s going to be really hot this year.”


Ney said something she was worried about.


“Right, I know…….Hmm?”


Agnes, who was stretched out like pickled vegetables, got up from her seat without speaking.


“There’s no cloud?”


When I checked the sky closely by the window, it was really blue and clear. There are no traces of clouds anywhere.


“Yes. What’s wrong?”


Agnes turned her body around and told Ney.


“Go and call Theo.”

“The Wizard?”


Ney was puzzled by the princess’ sudden words, but said yes and went outside.

A while later, Theo appeared.


“Did you call me, Duchess?”

“There is a wizard who knows how to use climate magic, right?”


When the first wizards said their specialties one by one, I remembered that a wizard said they could make cloud seeds.

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“Are you talking about Luna?”

“Yes. Can you call her now?”

“Oh, well. That.”


Theo’s complexion suddenly darkened.


“Why? Is there a problem?”

“I don’t think it’s going to be easy for Luna to use magic because she hasn’t been in a good mood due to personal things over the past few days.”

“Personal things? What is it?”


Agnes began to pry.

Theo was embarrassed and kept blurring his words but eventually confessed.


“Actually, Luna……..”


* * *


“Oh, my. Heup, heup.” (Crying)


Luna was a typical southern beauty with light blonde and fresh light green eyes.

Besides, she is from an aristocratic family, so she learned magic from an early age.


“Sorry, I’m sorry. Duchess.”

“Did someone make you cry?”


Agnes held her chin and looked at the crying woman in front of her for a while.


“Y, yes.”


“So, to sum it up, as soon as you came to Sutmar, you fell in love with a guy and chased him to death?”

“Not to the death.”


Luna lowered her head as if she was embarrassed.


“You’re following him around like that and when you confessed to the man you got dumped right away?”

“Yes, I did.”


Tears, which I thought had barely stopped, began to drop again.


“That’s why you can’t do magic or anything”.


Luna nodded with her eyes full of tears.


“Yes. I’m sorry.”


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Agnes sighed deeply.


“Who is that guy? Is he a noble?”



Luna sniffled.


“Tell me his name. There might be something I can do to help.”


It has been quite a long time since the full-fledged summer began.

When I asked Niall, I was told that it is common for crops to lose strength and fall down.

So, Agnes’ goal was to soothe this wizard well and bring rain.


“heup, it’s Sir Zoltan.”



Agnes doubted his ears for a moment.


“Sir Zoltan, Duchess.”





For that reason, Zoltan Arpad came here.

As soon as Zoltan came in, he frowned when he saw Luna sitting down.


“Why did you call me, princess?”

“I have to say something face to face.”


Agnes smiled awkwardly with the corners of her mouth up. She forced Zoltan to sit next to Luna.


“Looking at you like this, you two look really good together.”

“Oh, really?”


Luna blushed and glanced at Zoltan sitting next to her but Zoltan jumped up from the spot.


“I should get going.”

“It hasn’t been long. Sit down.”

“I don’t think there’s anything else to talk about with Miss Luna.”


Contrary to the usual tantrums, Zoltan’s voice was firm.


“I’m not asking Sir and Miss Luna to marry right away. Let’s slowly look at each other’s faces.”

“I have someone in mind.”

“That’s a lie!”

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