She Was Sent by God

Chapter 77

Actually, it wasn’t to that extent, but somehow I don’t feel good about it.

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“There are more people who enjoy talking.” Laslo said quietly. On the other hand

Agnes groaned inwardly.


‘When did you become so close?’


She remembered Laslo laughing with Lisa for a moment before going to bed, but she dismissed it as it was not a big deal.


However, strangely, when it happened again, it began to get on her nerves.


“What are you doing madam?”


Ney asked her owner, who was sticking close to the window and looking at something.


“I mean those two……”




“Lisa and Laslo”


Agnes pointed to one place with her finger. Ney, next to her, came up and checked outside.


Lisa and Laslo were walking down the street normally.




“Aren’t they attached to each other a lot these days?”




Ney asked back insignificantly. Agnes still looks serious.


“Yeah. They were in the garden together the day before yesterday, and they’re walking together today.”


“Isn’t it because they’re on the same path.”


”But! They’re walking too close. What if he hits her shoulder like that?”


Agnes held the curtain tightly and shook it, getting heated up alone.


Ney, who realized the situation only then, secretly laughed.


“Don’t worry. Madam. The lord only looks at you.”


“I know. I know.”


Nevertheless, she kept feeling uncomfortable and sometimes remembered the scene where the two were together.


“Come on. Don’t worry about useless things and come this way. The tea is going to get cold.”


“Yeah. You’re right. It’s a useless worry.”


Agnes shook her head and went back to the table.


But the very next day, she happened to see the two of them together again.


It was a road passing near the training ground.


“When did I say that?”


“That’s definitely what Lisa said. I just did what you told me to do.”


“No, it’s not that…….”


When she heard the voice of the two, her stomach twisted, and she just turned back and returned to her room.


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She wasn’t able to sleep that night


After tossing and turning for a while, she finally fell asleep when dawn came.


As expected, when she woke up, Laslo had already left.


As soon as Agnes woke up, she changed her clothes and went to Laslo.


“Open the door.”


Standing in front of his office, she raised her chin, and the servant bowed his head.


“There’s a guest inside, so I’ll ask the Lord for a moment. Madam.”


“Guest? Someone’s here?”


“It’s Count Barania’s Young lady.”


“Lady Lisa? This early morning? When did she get here?”


“She came with my master this morning.”




The corners of Agnes’ mouth hardened.


Without noticing that her complexion had changed, the servant went inside then came out.




He opened the door politely.


As soon as she entered, she saw two people sitting on the sofa facing each other.


“Agnes? What’s going on?”




Lisa got up from her seat with a smile and bowed her head down to her.


“Miss Lisa. I didn’t expect to see you here.”


“Ah, I asked her something.”


“What did you ask? What is it?”


Agnes asked in a fairly hard tone.


Then suddenly, Laslo glanced at Lisa. I could see the two exchanging gazes.


“Hmm. It’s not that important.”


“Yes. It’s just nothing.”


Lisa smiled and added a word. Agnes closed her lips roundly.




“Yes. By the way, Duchess. Sit here. Oh!”




Lisa stumbled not being able to balance whether she stepped on her skirt or tripped.


Laslo, who was on the opposite side, quickly grabbed Lisa’s hand and supported her.


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“Be careful.”


“Ah. Thank you. Your Grace the Duke. I keep getting in trouble.”


“I couldn’t take my eyes off you for even a second. Lady Barania… … . Agnes?”


Seeing the two bodies close together in front of her eyes, her stomach churned.


Agnes left his office, turning her back right on the spot in uncontrollable irritation and anger.


Laslo was startled and immediately followed Agnes.




She heard Laslo’s voice behind her back, but she didn’t reply or look back.


Her stomach was burning.


She was angry and irritated, and at some point she felt sad.


She did not know exactly the name or identity of this emotion.




Her wrist was caught. Agnes had to stop in the middle of the hallway.


“What’s going on?”


Laslo asked. The eyes that met her were full of worries and doubts.




‘Why do you meet her often? Why are you calling her in your office so early in the morning to talk to her?’


There were so many things she wanted to ask, but she couldn’t get a word out of her mouth.




She just stood there without saying anything.


Laslo shook Agnes’ wrist lightly with an anxious face.


“What’s going on? Huh? Why is your face like that?”


“What’s wrong with my face?”


“I think you’re about to cry right now.”


At his words, Agnes raised her other hand that was not caught and fumbled over her face.


It was dry and parched.


“Is something wrong?”


“…… What did you talk about with Lady Lisa this morning?”


”Lady Lisa?”


Laslo looked bewildered at the sudden question.


“Why is she suddenly……?”


“What did you talk about that she had to go to your office so early in the morning?”


“Oh, it’s really nothing.”


“So, what’s not that big of a deal?”

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No matter how many times she asked, Laslo only gave excuses with a difficult face but did not give the answer she wanted.




Agnes twisted her arm and shook off the wrist caught by him.


“Finish your business with Lady Lisa. I’m going.”




“Don’t follow me.”


She opened her eyes wide and threatened. And she ran into the room without looking back.


“You’re back already, Madam?”


As soon as Agnes returned to the room, he roamed around.


“Why can’t you talk?”




“You said it’s nothing, but why can’t you say it? It’s weird no matter how much I think about it. Don’t you think so?”


“What in the world?”


“So, what’s nothing special about it? Why can’t he tell me?”


“Madam. What’s going on?”


Next to mher, Ney asked constantly.


Agnes just shut her mouth because he got heated up while trying to explain the situation.


“It’s nothing. Get out. And don’t come in until I call you.”


“Yes, I understand.”


Ney tilted her head and soon closed the door and left.


Agnes lay on the bed after pouring out her anger for a long time in the room alone.


“Where did all the awkward promises you made to me go?”


Why can’t you even answer my question?


What the hell are you two doing?


She grabbed the pillow and fidgeted, then fell asleep for a moment.


In the middle, Ney asked if she would like to eat, but she refused.


She didn’t want to put anything in her mouth.


Laslo’s and Lisa’s faces continued to appear alternately while suppressing her anger inwardly.


The sun went down and the night came.


Agnes was lying in bed the whole time and woke up to the sound of the door opening.


“What’s that?”


She rubbed her eyes and raised herself from bed. The footsteps got closer and closer.

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It was dark around because the light was not turned on.


“I told you not to let anyone in until I say so.”




His outline was revealed in the dark. Agnes turned her head and looked at Laslo.


He sat on a chair beside the bed and calmly stared at Agnes.


“What happened?”


“I heard from your maid that you skipped all your meals.”


“I have no appetite.”


Agnes answered bluntly.


“Are you here to ask that?”


“Why? Are you not feeling well?”


“No such thing.”




“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”


“How can I not care? You stayed in the room all day and skipped meals.”


Laslo kept a low voice throughout the whole time and spoke like a child.


Rather, it incited a reaction.


Agnes snorted loudly. She lay down on the bed and put a blanket over her head.


“I’ll take care of myself, so stop and go out.”




She didn’t answer. She heard a rustling sound over the blanket for a while and stopped.


There was a quiet silence.


No one opened their mouths first, so they couldn’t even hear their breath clearly.


“I still don’t know.”


Laslo broke the silence and opened his mouth. His voice was as deep as the darkness that had lost its light.


“What should I do to you?”




“I have so many shortcomings.”


Agnes held back what she wanted to say, saying, ”What do you mean shortcomings?”


“That’s why I asked Lady Lisa.”


Agnes gently lowered the blanket and popped her  face.


“What did you ask?”


She made eye contact with Laslo.

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