She Was Sent by God

Chapter 97

“If you didn’t have a change of heart, why did you change your attitude after coming back from the capital city?”

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“If you still love me, you can’t treat me so coldly.”

Agnes suppressed her emotions and spoke as calmly as possible. Then Laslo responded immediately.

“Does that mean I should always welcome you like a dog that wags its tail no matter how I feel?”

“…. That’s not what I meant.”

“Then I wonder what kind of noble meaning it contains.”

‘What is this cold sarcastic Laslo?’

Agnes was shocked when he faced a man he had never imagined.

She even suspected that someone else was under Laslo’s skin.

She bit her lips hard to hold back her tears.

“… You said you’d do it.”

“I can’t hear you well.”

“You said you love me…”

The cold air that had spread over Laslo’s face disappeared.

A stream of tears fell tactlessly. Agnes quickly wiped off the prickly eyes with her sleeves.

“I love you. You told me that!”

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She gathered the strength left in her stomach and shouted.

She tried not to tremble, but in the end, her my voice rang.

Various emotions poured out at once.

Sadness, anger, betrayal, fear.

But above all, the emotion that rose from the deepest was love for him.

“Are you changing your words? You’ve already confessed your love to me.”


“Since you have confessed that you love me countless times, it cannot be denied. do you understand I’ve already written down everything you said!”


“If you can’t remember, look at the record. No, I’ll show you right now over there in the closet….”


As she tried to get out of bed, Laslo grabbed Agnes’s wrist tightly.

“Let me go!”

She waved her caught wrist and struggled. The more she tried to get out of it, the tighter It gets.

Laslo looked her in the eye and spoke.

“Nothing has changed.”

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“There’s nothing?”

“Because I still love you. One word from you is enough to rip apart my chest and show my heart.”

Despite the desperate confession, the situation did not improve.

She was still staring at him with red eyes, and Laslo wouldn’t take his eyes off her face.

The room was filled with only the sound of the two of them breathing.

It was not until the silence became unbearable that Laslo laid Agnes’ wrist.

“Then what are all the attitudes you’ve shown over the past few days?”


“Don’t hesitate and talk to me. We already did the oath together, so why aren’t you saying anything!”

“… … I did it because it hurts to look straight at you.”

An answer she hadn’t expected at all came out.


“It felt like my heart was being ripped apart every time I talked to you. That’s why I couldn’t sit face to face and laugh.”


“Even when we were eating together, it was very difficult to swallow the bread in my throat.”

Laslo slowly closed his eyes and opened them. The pain on his face lingered for a moment and then disappeared.

“Laslo, what are you saying ….”

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“The oath ceremony binds the soul. Do you know exactly what that means?”

The word “I know” filled her throat, but the moment she made eye contact with him, her lips stuck together.

“If the other side dies, the other side can feel it vividly. It means that you can feel a piece that makes up you is being ripped off alive.”


“And that day. When you vomited blood and collapsed in my arms, your heart stopped once.”

He whispered in a low voice. In order to cover the distorted expression, both his palms were spread out covering his face.

“You’ll never know what I felt then.”

“Laslo, I…”

“While you were struggling in pain as if in hell, all I could do was stay by your side.”

He put his hand down.

Unlike usual, Laslo’s complexion was gloomy and dark.

He also looked lethargic like a prisoner who had been in prison for a long time.


They said when she was unconscious, he stayed by her side for 3 days without eating or sleeping properly.

Agnes had never properly understood how Laslo felt when Zoltan conveyed the words.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t look back at you.”

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Agnes repeatedly raised and lowered her hand because she didn’t know what to say to comfort him.

He was still standing in the middle of the room like a stone statue.

“When I returned to Estar, I thought I would have loved you a little less.”

“…. why?”

“Then the pain I feel when I face you might reduce a little.”


“But it didn’t work. No matter how much I avoided you, no matter how hard I tried not to think of you, it was no use.”


“I love you. Agnes.”

Laslo smiled faintly and stroked Agnes’ cheek.

The touch was weak, so she didn’t feel anything, it was as if the wind was passing by.

‘I love you, too.’

The words filled her throat. She wanted to spit it out right away. However, Agnes held it in.

Guilt weighed on her chest.

She couldn’t say I love you to a man who confessed that loving her was painful.

“I’m sorry. Laslo.”

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