She Was Sent by God

Chapter 99

Agnes read several emotions from his confession. There was a mixture of fear, anxiety, and pain that had no end in sight.

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Laslo let out a deep sigh as he cleared his head of what to say.

“No. I was being mean to a sick person. The Doctor will be here soon, so take a rest.”

“Wait, let’s continue the conversation. Laslo, Laslo!!”

However, no matter how eagerly she called his name, Laslo never looked back.

* * *

What’s wrong?

She tossed and turned a few times while lying down.

“I can’t sleep.”

There was anxiety that her relationship with Laslo might not go back the same way if he forgot about today and moved on. She wore a coat on and ran to Laslo’s bedroom. The door was half open and a faint light leaked through it.

“Laslo, I’m sorry for coming so late without a notice.”

Agnes said carefully and stepped into the room. She looked around, but Laslo was nowhere to be seen. She walked a few more steps toward the bed, and then she heard a faint moan somewhere.


It’s definitely his voice.

Agnes walked faster and at once removed the curtains on the bed, which were stacked layer by layer.

“Laslo? what…”

Laslo, who was lying on the bed, was constantly struggling, grabbing the sheet. His whole body was wet with cold sweat, and a crushed moan came out of his mouth. Agnes was startled and hurriedly climbed onto the bed.


“Laslo, Laslo!”

“Ahh…. P, please, no.”

He gasped and pleaded to someone again and again. Agnes shook his shoulder to wake him up.

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“Laslo, get a hold of yourself. Huh?”

“Agnes, Agnes, ah, please, please don’t go”


She was at a loss for words. When she saw him sobbing as he called her name, she felt suffocated.

“You can’t leave me behind. No. You can’t.”

He stretched out his hand in the air and stumbled. Agnes, unable to calm her trembling heart, held Laslo’s hand tightly.

“I, I… I’m here. Here. I won’t go anywhere. I’ll be by your side.”

She tried to hold her breath to stop herself from crying, but it was useless. Her voice was shaking so much that it didn’t feel like it’s her.

‘I was too complacent.’

She thought it would be okay now that they resolved the misunderstanding and made up with each other, and she thought he was fine because he acted as usual.

“I’m sorry. Laslo, I’m sorry…….”

Agnes hugged his arm and shed tears.

‘Why didn’t I notice it?’

It was suspicious that someone who tried not to leave her side during the day somehow keeps her away at night.

“…… Agnes?

His arms, which had been drooping helplessly, gradually became stronger. Laslo’s eyes, which were out of focus, became clearer. He staggered and stood up.

“Why are you crying?”


“Huh? What’s going on? Agnes.”

Laslo’s voice was ridiculously sweet. He reached out a big hand and started to caress Agnes’ wet cheeks completely. Because of that, tears that had barely stopped came out again.

“.….… Since when have you been like this?”

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“It’s nothing.”

“Why isn’t this a big deal? This is why you purposely kept me away at night. Have you been like this since I collapsed in the temple?”

Agnes was taken aback as she wiped the tears with her sleeve. Katerina’s words flashed through her mind.

– There is a problem, when one side dies, the psychological damage of the remaining side is very large. If it completely collapsed it would be difficult to get back up.

It’s because of the oath. Immediately after the ceremony, Agnes died before him. Laslo’s soul suffered unimaginable pain and indelible wounds at that moment. Agnes was then able to understand what the high priest was talking about, the ‘price’ Laslo paid for.

“It’s because of me…”


“It’s all my fault. Because I insisted on holding a ritual. And then I collapsed irresponsibly and you…….”

Deep regret passed through her heart. She thought if she had thought carefully about what Eugene had said, if she hadn’t been greedy, if she had just believed in him and sent him away when he said he was going to war.

It’s all my fault.

“No, you said that. It’s an accident. It was just an accident.”

“I. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Laslo, I’m, oh……. What have I done to you?”

“Agnes, I’m fine.”

“I was going to make you happy this time. Hmm, but I’m always hurting you because I’m foolish. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Laslo.”

She bowed her head and constantly said her apology.

“You would not have suffered so much had it not been for the ritual.”

“I don’t regret having a ritual of oath with you.”

Laslo gently swept down her shoulders as if comforting her.

“I didn’t win your heart completely, but instead our souls are bound so tightly, that’s enough.”


“So, stop crying. If you do this, the area around your eyes will sting.”

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The hand that touched her eyes was warm and gentle. Agnes bit her lip and lifted her head to look directly into Laslo’s eyes. She couldn’t see any resentment towards his clean dark green eyes.


Her heart for him was full. It has grown to the point where she can’t take it anymore, and she can’t stand not saying it out. Her stomach was itching. Her chest and lips trembled very much. Agnes lowered her head halfway and wiggled her finger, and soon plucked up the courage and spoke.

“I, you.”


“I, I love you.”


She felt like a thousand years had passed since she spoke out the words. Agnes raised her head, expecting him to be very happy, but Laslo’s face hardened, contrary to her expectations.

“You don’t have to do that.”


“I don’t want to force you to return my confession. I just…”

He comforted Agnes with a sad smile. Agnes, who was lost for a moment at the unexpected reaction, understood the situation.

“Do you think I’m lying now?”

“Agnes, you don’t have to say something you don’t mean because you’re sorry.”

“What do you mean I don’t mean it? I’m not saying this because I feel sorry or guilty, but because I’m truly in love with you.”

“…are you serious?”

“Why can’t you believe me? Have I ever lied to you?

“It’s not like that, but it’s so sudden.”

Still, Laslo reacted lukewarmly. Agnes hit her chest with frustration.

“Why don’t you believe me? I love you. I love you!”

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“Yes. I love you, my husband the duke of Arpad.”

‘I don’t know how many times I confess that I love you today.’

Despite the continued confession, Laslo blinked and only stared at Agnes.

“Does it mean like; I love you as a human being?”

“You, hoo.”

Agnes let out a very deep and complicated breath. Then, without hesitation, she took off the gown she was wearing and began to untie the dress knot.

“Agnes, what are you doing now?”

“I’m taking my clothes off.”

“Why are you taking off your clothes?”

“We’re going to have our first night here today.”


Laslo’s face was filled with question marks. Agnes spoke like a wife ahead of the first night.

“Go and turn off the light.”

“Wait! Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“Don’t you know? No matter how many times I confess my love for you, you don’t believe it, so I have no choice but to show it through my body.”


“Turn off the light!”

She shouted angrily. Laslo grabbed the hand of Agnes who was taking off her clothes.

“Let go of me! I won’t take a step forward until we begin the night.”

“Are you saying you really love me?”

“Yeah. I love you so much. So just take off your clothes. Oh, take it off, hey!”

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