she's my girl

Chapter 13

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"What!!! he's legal counsel dropped the case?" Jade was shocked hearing the news.

" Yeah I heard that Mr Chen was withholding issues from his lawyer, that's why he feels he cannot defend him in court." Sheila told her.

"too sad for his pockets, good move for his career." I guess Harvey got

wiser not depending that trash. Jade thought.

"So what do we do now?..."

"Just keep me posted on the latest development let me know who's gonna be his new lawyer... by the way, Am I heavy this weekend? her assistant checked her schedule.

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" You have court appearance at 9:30 tomorrow... if nothing developed you're free in the afternoon. Going somewhere?"

"Uh hmm. good."

On her way home, she passed by buying presents and an Impromptu wedding gift, she remembered her cousin, they were not close but they were friends so she settled for a safe and common gift.

Her mother called to remind her if her promise and to checked on her. she then opened her laptop to prepare her for work the next day, so that she can leave early in the afternoon with a clean conscience.

Leaving the city's skyline. she drove to the wharf to catch the ferry boat to another island. She'll be there in three hours and catch a sleep in the boat for four hours at least. then travel again. She will reached her destination by seven in the morning more or less, there's still enough time for the wedding at nine'o' clock. as she turn on the radio of her car a sweet and tender love song blasted in the air. A song from way back when she was so full of love, naive, carefree and innocent to the evils of the world.

She's my friend,

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When I need a friend,

When I need her love, I can have it.

Oh we got everything we need,

We share everything we have,

We have sadness and happiness.....

the songs still touches her but feelings is not even synonymous to what she experiences now.

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How could she face Zander with all the bottled up feelings inside her without resenting the way he and his family treated her before. How can she make them pay for the damages they caused her and her family, when he doesn't even remember.

Oh we cry and laugh every time,

We love all the love we feel,

And we feel all the love we made.

The song ends but the confusion and uncertainty she feels continues.

She parked her car in the designated place after attended the paperwork needed, she couldn't helped but noticed the two person in front of her, the man look scary, he was holding the girl with a little force in a way that was not natural to her. she followed them as they climb the stairs going to the upper deck of the boat. As the girl turn her face she saw her red rimmed eyes a bruised left cheek that she tried to cover with her hair and the hood of her jacket.

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she recognized the girl as daughter of one of her colleague's client she was reported as missing believed to have been kidnapped to blackmail the parents to drop the case, the man glared at her, she realizes that the girl was taken against her will.

There's one thing she must do. She approach them." kira! is that you? ... Oh, it had to be you. how are you? are you with your parents, where are they I don't see them?" The man gave her a startled look. The girl look at her with hope in her eyes. "and you must be?" asking the man. he looked confused.

"I'm a family friend. " he declared. with a smile plastered on her face she asked. "Can I borrow her for a while. I have to go to the washroom and you know how's the condition of this thing in public transport need someone to look after the door, and It has been a long time since I've seen her."

"I'll come with you." he sad annoyingly. "Sure"

after they entered the washroom she immediately retrieve her phone type and show it to the girl while making small talk. the girl just nod and kept her silence. after they went out of the washroom the man kept Kira far from her.

just perfect for her next plan. before the ship leave the wharf and lost signal.

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