she's my girl

Chapter 54: 54

In the morning Sheila woke up feeling heavy and found Hugo on his side of the bed deep in slumber, she wandered and thought maybe it's just a dream what happened the night before, it was a Saturday so she just tried to go back to sleep her household chores can wait till later. she still thinking that her dream feel and look so real, it sends shiver to her whole being realizing what could have happened if it is so, and she went back to sleep on this thought.

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The following days was just as ordinary as before , Hugo frequently goes out of town . While Sheila goes about with her own working as Carah's secretary in the law firm.

She was confused with the changes in her body and appetite , and even with the thing she used to like gave her adverse reaction. She felt week on some days and would easily get nauseous in the morning.

"Girl I think your preggy" Mimi one of the paralegal in the firm and her best friend commended.

"What? really ?"

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"Yeah I think so, you've got the symptoms of a woman in the family way.". her friend commented when she told her of her worries.

" I think you better be sure and have some check-up with you're doctor." she advised.

Sheila thought that "This might be just another false alarm. " she better be sure.

Sheila was very happy on way home. She was so excited to relay her good news to Hugo, " At last we will have more stronger bond to solidify our union" she thought while caressing her tummy, her baby bump wouldn't be obvious yet since she's on her seven weeks if pregnancy.

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Storming inside the apartment after seeing the light were on and smelling the sumptuous aroma coming from the kitchen, there was no doubt in her mind that Hugo was the one cooking for their dinner.

"Babe you startled me, what's the rush?" as he turn to give her a peck on her lips, after she suddenly rushed to embraced him from behind.

"I have a surprise for you." she was so happy that she can hardly contain it. "But wait a minute." she thought she have to make it more exciting, so she decided to tell him after dinner.

"Babe what was that surprise you were saying earlier." Hugo ask her while caressing her silky black hair one of the feature that attracted her to him the first time they met. They had finished their meal and relaxing watching their favorite TV show.

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"Oh, Ok close your eyes, and open it when I say so." she retrieved the laboratory result she's been keeping in her pocket and present it to him. " Now open your eyes. Dyaran,,, babe we finally made it." Seeing the initial reaction of her partner when he read the paper gave her goosebumps. His face darken as in disbelief he look at her and the paper back and fort and sadness fills his eyes. She found it confusing as if....

" Aren't you happy we finally conceived our first baby."

"Conceived?,,,_first baby? are sure?" he's somewhat in trance and replied automatically.

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" Of course it's ours, babe you're frightening me." seeing the fear in her eyes, he decided to carry on the situation.

" I'm sorry babe, I mean really they didn't make a mistake in handling the result?"

" I'm sure they didn't besides I felt signs and changes in me and the doctor came in good recommendations from my coworkers." he now gave a half hearted laugh that didn't reach his eyes. " So be it .' he thought, that night he didn't touch her and directly to sleep.

Sheila was hurt for his lack of enthusiasm and changes in dealing with her condition, but all if this negativity was eclipse with her happiness that soon she will have a baby, someone to call her own.

Days turn to weeks it's been seven weeks had passed since her night visitor came to share her bed. one day when Hugo was again on his trip out of town. She was shocked to find someone in heir apartment Hugo might have been returned earlier, thinking it was her lover she hastily gave him a hug from the back and got even more shocked and confused when he turned and looked at her.

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