Chapter 11 Battle with the Kidnapper

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 After leaving Large storeOdana, he heard a noise and entered the back alley of the trade area.

 It’s nice to find a girl who seems to be being chased, but now he is confronting a kidnapper man who was chasing her.

 It may have been careless to enter the back alley without any measures.

 The reason why he took action without thinking deeply was probably because of the advantage of the magic. In this world, there are not many people who can use magic compared to ordinary people. Therefore, even if something happened, he threatened with magic and survived, he was underestimating the reality somewhere in his heart when.

 The result is this situation, he is confronting an adult mage.

 Was it an unnecessary justice that stepped into the back alley?

 He should have called out to the guards in advance.

 Or he can tell the adults around that there is something.

 Such thoughts come and go, but now everything is too late.

 It seems that he has to pay for the lack of caution.

 However, for some reason, the kidnapper man refuses to approach.

 Is he trying to capture us with magic? If I think so, but he still has no attitude to cast spells.

“Well, how do I catch you?”

 Apparently, he’s still thinking the magic to catch.

 He is careless.

 You can see a lot of negligence.

 That’s probably because he is dealing with children.

 If so, there may be a chance to take advantage of it.

(Next time he opens his mouth)

 Let’s set it up. Immediately after thinking so, the man opened his mouth to cast the spell.

“Yosh! This is ‘- with my power, thou shalt become a rope. And’ “

 That’s when the kidnapper man started chanting, and Arkus tried to chanting along with him.

“–The red tongue burns the curtain, and the sorrowful cry is a tailwind, causing disaster. Go. Dye the sky vividly. “

 A black-haired girl suddenly casts a spell. The one who surprise is, of course, Arkus and the kidnapper man. In particular, the kidnapper man seems to have prepared a long spell and is forced to make a decision.

 The kidnapper man interrupts his current chanting for the time being and utters another spell.

 However, the girl’s magic was completed a little earlier.

 The sunset-colored [Magic characterArts glyph] is floating in the air and makes a magic circle, and flames are created from it. As the flames undulated in the air, it heads down toward the kidnapper man.

 Looking at the effects of spells and magic, it seems to be an original spell. Earlier, my uncle said that no child of a similar age could use the original magic- I think it means she is.

 On the other hand, the kidnapper man also makes the defensive magic in time, but it seems to have broken the main point of chanting because he emphasized the use of speed, and the completed dome-shaped magical cover is quite thin and weak.

 At first glance, the girl seems to have an advantage, but–

(No, that spell won’t work)

 The conclusion. The girl’s magic doesn’t work.

 Sure enough, the girl’s aggressive magic was safely prevented by the kidnapper man’s defensive magic.

 The girl who saw the situation revealed a surprise.

“Prevented …!”

“Kihi. No, I was surprised. I thought you suddenly cast a spell that I hadn’t heard, but I don’t think you would build an original spell at that age.”

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“Why doesn’t it work …?”

 The girl must have been confident in the spell. She is still confused that it didn’t work.

 But the answer is,

“-That is because the composition of the words was bad.”


“The word” burn the curtain “used in the spell earlier is related to the night. Casting a spell that contains it in the daytime reduces its power.”

“Is-is that so?”


 When I say that, the kidnapper man makes a voice of admiration, “Ho?”

“That’s right. You’re pretty familiar with that age, Boy, as I thought you are a young master? Silver hair is rare.”

 The kidnapper man walks up, saying so.

 Along with that, the girl steps back.

 However, there is no way to escape. This is a dead-end. Moreover, because it is surrounded by three-story and four-story buildings, it is impossible to escape even if the jumping power is strengthened by magic.

 After that, the girl casts magic several times and hits offensive magic, but all of them are prevented by the kidnapped man.

 However, it seems that it was annoying to the man.

“Hmm. I wanted to bring you in a beautiful condition … this is enough. Even if you get a little injured, I can cure it with magic. I’ll be serious about this too …”

“Wait, it’s not mature to be serious against children.”

 Whether the girl can still afford it or is she patient, she provokes with her tongue out.

“Shut up kid”

 The kidnapped man says so, but he still seems to be alert.

 The girl and I are already known that we can use magic because of the previous interaction, but he takes it easy. The magic used by the girl was so subtle that he probably didn’t consider it a real threat.

 Meanwhile, the girl suddenly made a low voice.

“………… I have no choice”

 It was such a voice, where did the voice of appropriateness for your age go?

 Cold, it is so cold, a word with a ruthless and tranquil sound.

 It had such a meaning that he was forced to be aware that something was cut off.

“A loud noise will come. Close your ears.”


 At the same time as the girl gives such a warning, she takes out a dagger from under her cloak.

 Is it a self-defense measure during chanting to deal with the one who approach?

 And for some reason, she began to fill her body with magic power.

 It seems that she overflows with more magic power than she uses. And it’s a fair amount. This could be comparable to or even greater than Risha’s magic power.

 The kidnapper man who saw the unusual appearance also changed his complexion.

“The sound of burning the canopy. It’s dazzling and in the sky– “

“Well, those who control the chain keep the enemy panting in the commandments cold–“

 A chanting battle between a kidnapped man and a girl has begun.

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 Both are conscious of each other.

 If he wants to take advantage of it, it will be here.

“–A greedy collector can’t choose despicable things. What is falling is their treasure. Receive that right arm that you have accumulated without choice. “



 Quickly cast a spell that is shorter than the spell that the two cast.

 Immediately after swinging up the right arm accordingly, [Magic characterArts glyph] emerges and clings to it, and everything from the surroundings rushes toward the right arm so that it is drawn to it.

 Garbage on the surrounding rubble, chipped potted plants, etc.

 Immediately, an arm made of a collection of junk is formed.

“Wa~a …!”

 The girl who was supposed to be casting the spell suddenly leaks an admired voice.

 However, the completed magic is,

“-[Junk ArmsScrapped Arm] “

“This! Weird magic–“

 He comes toward the kidnapper man, he tries to swing his huge right arm, but the man laughs.

“Stupid, you can’t reach me in this distance!”

“If it stayed like this-  rocket punch and ‘Blow Away’!”

 As soon as he said so, a collection of junk was blown away toward the kidnapper.

“Ha? Dange– !?”

 The kidnapper man wouldn’t have expected his arm to be cut off and fired.

 Of course, the defense is not in time.

 Scrap’s right arm collided with a kidnapper man with the same momentum as swinging.

 A kidnapper man is buried in the trash with the sound of junk and junk hitting each other.

 …… Did they manage to get through?

 When he was about to run out of relief, he noticed that the girl was trying to say something, and stopped in a hurry.

“Ya t–mogo !?”

“Don’t say that !! Flag! Because it will be a flag!”

 The worst SpellcastingFlags stands.

 He stopped it-but a little late, he was told most of the spells.

 However, even after looking at it for a while, there is no sign that the kidnapper man will move.

 Then is it okay? Thinking so, when he let go of the girl’s mouth,

“What are you doing suddenly!”

“If you say” I did it! “Or” Did we do it? “after defeating the enemy, the enemy may not be defeated.”

“… What is that? Is it some magic?”

“Not really”

 Not really, but as long as the man remembers, he has a feeling to not say it.

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 Meanwhile, the girl suddenly raised her voice as if she had noticed something.

“Ah !? Now, rather than that!”

“Oh, oh. That’s right.”

 That’s true. This is not the time to exchanging like this.

 They have to make sure what happens to the defeated mage.

 When he thought about it, the girl suddenly jumped.

“Rather than that, the magic just before! The earlier magic! The one which gathered garbage and rubble! What’s that !? Hey, hey!”


“What’s wrong? Tell me. The earlier magic. Hey, hey.”

 Arkus has a confused expression, but the girl doesn’t seem to care and tries to hear about [Junk ArmsScrapped Arm].

 To such a girl,

“No, there is more important than that, right?”

“…? What happened?”

 I wonder if this girl really didn’t notice anything.

“It’s the mage we defeated. We have to confirm.”


 One or two seconds later, the girl raises her voice. Was she so distracted by magic? Is it that, maybe this girl is a well magic idiot? Is she a magic idiot?

 For the time being, calm the girl and peck the kidnapped man from the top of the trash with his toes.

 However, the kidnapped man does not move.

“… Is it safe?”

“Maybe. Let’s tie him up with magic.”

 A momentary gap when he took his eyes off the kidnapper man.

 In the meantime, his body is stood.


 For some reason, when his free neck turns around, the kidnapper man who hurt by garbage. He is restrained by him from behind.

“Kihi, have you been off guard?”

“This is pretending to be dead- gumu !?”

“Oops. I won’t let you cast spells, because your spells are too scary for a kid.”

 A kidnapper man blocked his mouth. He moves his limbs and rampages, but the power of the child does not seem to cause any itching, and there is a difference in body size, so he does not get scared.

“Oh my god, it’s really a hassle … my first job is hard. I’m not used to it.”

 A kidnapper man mutters something with a self-deprecation.

 Meanwhile, the girl shouted.

“-Hmm, let go of that child!”

“I won’t let him go … Oops, can you use magic too? If you shoot badly, you’ll hit this kid?”

“Ku …”

 The girl can’t use magic because he becomes a shield. On the other hand, a kidnapper man has a free mouth so he can use magic.

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 Desperate situation.

 What should he do in this situation? He can’t use magic here either because his mouth is blocked.

 Does he expect her wit?


(What to do What to do–?)

 Is there anything he can do? What is left for him now? Something. Is there nothing?

 Inside the bag are a wallet, the magic silver I bought, and pigments. None of them help in this situation.

 Speaking of something else–

 –Magic power.

 Yes, it’s magic power. There is magic power. He didn’t use magic until it was used up, so he still has plenty of room left, and above all, that hot magic power remains.

 It’s that magic power that he hasn’t consumed for a long time since he smelt.

 When the magic power is released, it becomes a wave.

 If he releases that, he may be able to overcome the situation.

 Let see it will be sink or swim?

 With that in mind, it was the moment when he released his magic power.


 Just by releasing it from the body, the hot magic power spewed out as a wave that was dozens of times more powerful than he had expected. It’s as if a balloon that had injected air to the limit burst.

 Of course, the person who released it would not unhurt–

“Ughyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !?”

 Naturally, it blows away with the momentum of rocket injection.

 The man who kidnapped the person who was directly exposed to that high-pressure gas Back BlastKouhou Bakufuu,


 He made a voice similar to him and blew off in the opposite direction.

“It hurt…”

 He managed to get up. He ended up hitting his body, but it seems he managed to escape the crisis.

 Looking at him, it seems that the kidnapper man can’t move this time. He is cramping and is completely faint.

 On the other hand, the girl who was watching the series of events looked surprised and wondered what to say.

“… I blew him off with a big flatulence.”

“That’s not wrong! It is magic power, not flatulence!”

 It may have been such an image because it released the wave of magic power backwards, but it is too shameful.

 Still, the girl’s mischievous impressions do not stop.

“But, even if you put out magic power, it won’t blow you away so much?”

“The flatulence blow away more, right !? It’s funny !?”

“Eh, but”

“But not! Stop it because it’s my honor!”

 After discussing such a thing with her for a while, he tied up the kidnapper man.

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