Chapter 3 Tears and Rebellious Heart

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 The next day after Arkus played with Risha.

 Arkus was called by his mother, Serene, and she is screaming hysterically in her room.

“I already told you not to approach Risha!”

 A scream attacks from above his head.

 The reason for the reprimand is, of course, that Arkus played with Risha the other day.

 That matter is heard by Serene’s ears. Thus, he is yelled.

 If this happens, the actions that Arkus can take are limited.

 All he has to do is look down, shrink, and apologize.

“I’m sorry”

“It’s not a problem that can be done with apologize! An incompetence like you approaches Risha and if Risha becomes incompetent because your InfectionDepression, what would you do! “

 Without having to say that an incompetence can spread?

 That wouldn’t happen.

 Immediately after thinking so, he was slapped on his face.

 The regret and sadness come up, but there is no point in rebelling here.

“……I deeply apologize”

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“Listen! A dirty dog! Like you! Stay away! From Risha!”

 Immediately after such words, he is slapped again and again.


 He bites his lips to endure the pain.

“Aah! … why did God give me this incompetence … even though the heir of the Lazrael family was so endowed with magical power?”

 Serene shows a gesture of wiping the outer corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

 Combined with the words, it’s as if she is superimposing herself like the heroine of the tragedy.

 However, Serene’s grief is so-so. Then, she screams again.

“Next, try something like that! I’ll make you target for magic!”


 … Eventually, he was released from his mother’s disfavour, then Arkus left the room.

 On the way to his room, he hears the secret talk of the servants.

“Look, the incompetence came out.”

“Look at that face. After being scolded by Madam, he is about to cry, right?”

“Oh no. He was born in a historic Viscount family, but the amount of magical power is so small.”

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“That shame, should be kicked out right away.”

 Even the servant is like that. Just because he has a low magic talent, they make fun of him with bad attitude.

 The good thing is not all the servants have this attitude. The servants who despise Arkus is the one who can use magic. Other servants who cannot use magic are sympathetic.

 When he returned to his room and closed the door, he suddenly lost power from his legs.

 Is it because the thread of tension has been released? His legs are cramped and start to tremble.

“It’s nothing. It is… Fufu”

 …… Yes, it’s nothing. He once experienced a life of more than 20 years.

 It doesn’t matter if you get hit or hated by your parents.

 By no means.

 He doesn’t feel.


 A mother, he thinks her as stranger.

 A kind mother who raised a man is the real mother for Arkus. With that in mind, there is nothing sad about it. He is not envious. Even a little. Even a piece.

“… Gusu” (Cry)

 Suddenly, the inner corner of the eye gets hot.

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 After the sobbing leaked from his mouth, he couldn’t stop it anymore.


 From the mouth, the voice of sadness overflows. Why are they so cold? Until just a month ago, he was doted. Stroking his head and hugging him. Even if he selfish, they laugh and forgive him. Even so. Now, he’s worthless, unnecessary, they see him with eyes like that? to against a child with stomachache, do they have not a parents’ feeling?

 Just because he doesn’t have a talent, is it correct to leave judge to disfavour?

 Is it normal to raise your hand and make him the target of violence?

 He experienced the life of a man. He is not like himself before. And yet. He can hold it, but now he can’t hold it.


 Even though he chased the life of a man.

 There were many unpleasant things in a man’s life.

 Being bullied in elementary school, junior and senior high school became a clown who was humbled based on that, and lived a life of patience until he was finally seen properly at university.

 He’s used to enduring.

 He should have used to be endured, but why Arkus (himself) can’t endure it?

“U, uaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Aaaaaaaa !!”

 Uncontrollable emotions overflow with screams and tears.

 Even if his voice is hoarse and his tears is dry, he is crouching in front of the door all the time.

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 …… How long have I been doing that?

 Before he knew it, the sun was already hidden and the outside of the window was dark.

 When he opens the door, he finds a meal on the plate.

 The servants who are on his side may have careful to him.

 Perhaps he was tired of crying and hungry, he didn’t hesitate to eat.

“Magic, is it …”

 He soaks the black bread in the cold soup and mutters.

 Magic, yes, magic. It’s all because of magic that he is like that. He was removed from the heir because he had no magical talent. His parents’ affection has cooled because he didn’t have a magical talent.

 With that in mind, there was one thing that was born in his heart.

 Someday I will become an amazing mage that make everyone surprise and pay back my cold parents. (T/N: I am confused to make it always 3rd POV or not)

 Roughly bites black bread.

 It’s a childish idea to pay back, but he doesn’t think it’s bad either.


“… I want to eat hamburger.”

 To think like that, will he be forgiven?

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