Chapter 7 the First Magic, and Surprising Facts

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 After hearing the story of memoirs and the magic manipulation from Craive.

“I made you wait. I’m going to move on to a magic demonstration!”


 I raise both hands together with Craive’s words.

 Of course, I am looking forward to seeing the magic.

“Anyway, see magic is a good study. You can’t be a first-class mage without training your imagination by seeing the power of magic.”

“Is that also your experience when you went on a journey?”

“That’s right. The current me is because I went around various lands and saw the magic that is often used in those lands.”

 With that said, Craive puff his chest and proud.

“Arkus. You have seen magic, right?”

“I have, but it’s only once because I am abandoned.”

“… I see. Then, I’ll show you the most basic magic “Nen IdouMovement”.”

 Craive then picks up the stones lying in the garden and throws them away. The rolling stones eventually lost their kinetic energy and stopped on the grass.

 Craive holds his hand towards it.

“—With my will, I will lead you to the destination.”

 When Craive uttered a spell composed of [Ancient Arts], he surrounded by light “Magic CharacterArts Glyph” comes apart and then pops and disappears.

 Then, the stone that was at hand begins to float.

“It moved!”

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“This is magic [Nen IdouMovement]. You can move the target anywhere. “

 When Craive said that, the stone moved to the place he had thoughtfully designated, and eventually stopped moving. At the same time, the words that made up the magic are broken down into [Magic CharacterArts Glyph] and shattered. For a while, the light of the letters scattered around remained, but it soon disappeared.

“This is the basic spell that appears in the instruction book. Of course, do you know that the chant doesn’t have to be like just now?”

“If you can make a combination of words that has the meaning of moving, it is possible to reproduce the same thing?”

“Speaking bluntly. Of course, if you use the right combination, the words will repel each other and the effects will cancel each other out, so you can’t activate it. There are many combinations, but if you don’t use the correct combination of words, it will not become a spell. So– “

 And Craive also begins to cast the spell.

“– With my will, move. You’re free.”

 When Craive cast the spell, the stone floated and moved, like the rehashing of the phenomenon we saw earlier, and eventually stopped.


 The excitement explodes and does not stop.

“–And that’s fine like that. Keep in mind that you can freely create spells like this.”

“It’s amazing”

 The magic in the books of man’s world is usually quoted as casting a fixed spell. It’s exciting to be able to modify it yourself and make it freely.

 Humans are creatures that love to combine. It has been proven in brain science or psychology.

“I tell you, this is so basic of basic.”


“Well, spells have a lot of freedom like this … For basic spells, it’s definitely better to use existing ones. Do you know why?”

“That is … because of the result of research by various people?”

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“Yes. Basic magic has been around for a long time since it was created. During that time, it has been researched to the point of it disliked, and there is no repulsion or cancellation, but the amount of magic power required. The length of the spell has also been refined to the point where it can’t be better than this. Keep in mind that even if we improve it now, it won’t work. “

“… But why do you bother to explain that?”

 Yes, if you think about it normally, you should notice that you should use the existing one. It’s easier, and above all, if you’re good at the amount of magic and the length of the spell, it’s best to use the more efficient one.

 But what is Craive’s intention to give such an explanation?

“Mages are kind of grateful for what they own make, and they think it’s cool. Even though it’s inefficient, they remake everything themselves and use it, it’s a fool, right?”

 As is often the case, there is a tendency that the original is supreme here as well. Sure, they are attracted to the word “original”, but if it’s inefficient, it’s going to be overwhelming in terms of improvement. What’s the point of using it while it’s getting worse? I don’t understand that at all.

 Craive takes out another book from the bag he had prepared.

“This is a text with basic magic. Read this too. You still prohibited to use it, okay?”


 Right. If you use it with curiosity and get into an accident, you can’t look at him.

 And I don’t want to make uncle disappointed for doing that.

 …… After that, I had Craive show me some magic,

“–Uncle, I have a question.”

“What? Say anything.”

“It’s a magic power that can be put into a spell, but is there a guideline for how much it should be put?”

 Magic power is not consumed arbitrarily when you cast a spell. You have to manipulate the magic power yourself and put it in each word or word.

 Therefore, like fuel, I wanted to know a numerical value that can be used as a guide, such as exactly this amount for this word and exactly this amount for this word.


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“There is no such thing. It’s intuition.”


“It’s intuition”

 In response, what he asked, Craive said it’s intuition.

 The answer is like a cloud so it makes Arkus freezes.

 Since the spell specifies the amount of magic power that can be put into a word, he thought there should be a guideline for the amount that can be put.

 However, the answer that he’s heard is intuition.


“The amount of magic power can’t be conveyed in words. Because it’s like that, right? Magic power is invisible and has no weight. There is no way to measure it.”

“S-so how do you remember the amount you need?”

“It depends on the person’s senses. After that, you can use it over and over again, try it, and finally, you can do it.”

 Craive says so, but he is not convinced.

“B-basic numbers are unknown, even if you use them repeatedly, some people will have an error!”

“Oh? You know the difficult words. That’s right. It’s exactly like what you said. That’s why you have training.”


 I heard the story, but after all, there is no way to measure the amount of magic power in detail. At the time of measurement before the abandonment, it was a primitive method of releasing magic power to the surface of the lake and making ripples for a certain time, so I thought it possibly.

 As I am thinking about it, I suddenly noticed that Craive is looking at me indescribably gaze.

“……What’s wrong?”

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“No, I’ve been thinking since yesterday, you say that speaking is quite smooth or solid for your age.”

“Um … that’s studying! Because I studied!”

 Perhaps because I’m trying to get rid of it, my tone gets stronger.

 It is the influence of the man’s memory that he speaks smoothly and that he can quickly learn difficult words. The words themselves were memorized for the purpose of successor education, so all he has to do is combine them.

 Surprisingly, the words pop out at a good tempo.

“… I see. That’s right. It can like that.”


 Suddenly, the face that Craive showed is a pity.

 And he grabs Arkus’ shoulders firmly with his strong hands.

“Arkus. I won’t waste your hard work. Leave it to me about magic.”

“Y-yes, thank you so much…”

 He responds awkwardly to his serious expression.

 Apparently, he made a misunderstanding. It may have made him think because he was cornered that his family makes him study hard.


(I’m glad he is a gentle uncle …)

 I think it’s because the surroundings have become cold.

 With this, about magic, somehow it will be okay.

 …… As for the amount of magic power, I diverted my eyes from it.

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