Shinigami hime no saikon (死神姫の再婚) Chapter 1

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Main girl: Alicia

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Lolicon: Raisen*
Honkers: Nora

*********Just making sure but you all read the prologue chapter first right? I keep getting more hits for chapter 1 than the prologue so I’m just double checking ~

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Last we left off, main chick left her bachelorette pad to go meet with the man who said he’d marry her, despite the fact her first husband was slaughtered at the alter and she’s called the Death Princess because she brings death to those she’s near (supposedly).

 This dude sounds like he’s missing a few marbles xD

And the last thing main chick said in the prologue was she hoped her husband had no head ~

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O__O   Okay, maybe they are a match made in heaven…

So she gets there and the place looks like a haunted house. The garden is nasty. The roof is nasty. The statues are nasty. And boy does ol’ girl love it. She’s like, fuq yeah! My dream home <3 Everyone standing outside is thinking wtf (ಠ_ಠ); this is the Death Princess?  They were expecting some crazy bitch in black with an evil laser shooting pumpkin sidekick, not some hilly-billy chick who organisms at the sight of a gargoyle statue. She goes inside and fangasims about how nasty everything looks inside. The maids inside are all, wtf (ಠ_ಠ); this is the Death Princess? A man comes down the stairs and poses dramatically. He tells main chick he’s her soon-to-be-husband. Main chick is a little sad because he has a head. Lol! Some random big boobed maid jumps on the dude, rubbing her honkers on his arm. Main dude ignores her honkers and instead talks to the main chick.  Wtf, you’re the Death Princess? (ಠ_ಠ) – is his reaction.

Girl: ( ゚ヮ゚) I like what you’ve done with the place

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After some talking, dude decides what the hell, and still wants to be her 2nd hubby…because HE BOUGHT HER! Him: YOU CAN’T RUN BUT YOU CAN CRY…LIKE A BITCH! GO ON! CRY! But the main girl is all, meh it’s better than going back home and being poor. Thanks for your purchase ~ Naturally dude is a little (ಠ_ಠ) about the situation.

The chapter ends with him saying, let’s get married bitch

Chapter 1 end ~

*to those of you wondering why I named Raisen (main dude) Lolicon (I’ll be using his new nickname in future chapters) it’s because 1.) he wasn’t turned on by Nora rubbing her honkers on him 2.) Alicia looks like a 12 year old and 3.) he’s 33…

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