The wedding ceremony started solemnly with Bavarian-sama offering a few opening words since he volunteered to become the officiant. 

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Ash, be a good boy.

I was holding Ash in my arms in order to prevent him from rushing to the stage to go to his favorite Sarasa. It was obvious for everyone to see that Ash was interested in the fluttering blue dress Sarasa was wearing. 

Margo went down on one knee while offering a large bouquet of pure white flowers to Sarasa. He was casting his gaze down as he offered the bouquet and then, Sarasa accepted the bouquet. After that, they exchanged wedding rings and kissed each other. 

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After Bavarian-sama declared something that had the same meaning as ‘I now declare you as husband and wife’, everyone started cheering and clapping while throwing words of congratulations. 

Sarasa threw the bouquet to Elsa and she caught it perfectly. Juno, who was standing beside Elsa, hugged her and gave his thumb up to Sarasa, making a sign that basically said ‘leave it to me’. 

Everyone in this place all had a smile on their face.

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After the stage was cleared, the solemn atmosphere took a drastic change. We all embarked into our party vibe. 

I was busy making more tucarus sashimi and herb chicken sashimi since those two were really popular with the crowds. Of course I was cooking all of that while sipping on high quality alcohol while watching the entertainment unfolded before me. The soldiers also started doing impromptu dance and singing in a weird way, making everyone burst out laughing. 

I also performed the entertainment I had prepared. When I was still working in a trading company, I had performed a lot of entertainment for business purposes so I was used to doing it. Which reminded me, there was a company with a strange tradition where they made someone put on a stocking over their head as a punishment game to make the other party member laugh. 

What a very masochistic company. 

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I sang a very famous wedding song. When you think of a wedding, this song would definitely come to your mind. It was a familiar song that they liked to use in commercials. 

As I started singing, tears started to well up on the corner of Sarasa’s eyes. I thought it was strange since we didn’t even speak the same language. 

Margo, Sarasa. From the bottom of my heart, I offer you my sincerest congratulations.

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Each and everyone here congratulated the happy couple. The feeling of euphoria was overflowing, turning the entire plot of my house into the color of happiness. 


T/N: Congratulations congratulations! ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ

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