In the early afternoon, I started going around to check on the ankle snares trap that I had placed around the perimeter and found a rabbit got caught in the trap. I quickly skinned the wild rabbit and disassembled it. I rubbed salt and garlic all over the rabbit meat and roasted it whole. 

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The savory smell of the juicy meat drifted around the whole area, making the blue wolves come approaching us. Using a dagger, I sliced some of the meat off and the blue wolves happily ate it. 

Evening came. I propped Yurina-san’s shoulder, helping her to sit up from her laying down position. She had gotten better but her condition was still not perfect by any means yet. I needed to feed her something energizing. 

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She leaned her body against a pillar supporting the wagon and smiled reassuringly at me. And so, we decided to eat the remaining soup from this morning along with a less-sweet pancake and freshly roasted juicy rabbit meat. 

Yurina-san looked so happy as she ate. The gluttonous Ash realized he could have an endless loop of his favorite food, meat, if he begged Yurina-san so he was always stuck by Yurina-san’s side throughout dinner. 

“Yurina-san, please don’t feed Ash too much.”

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When I said that, Yurina-san gestured to me that Ash was so cute that she couldn’t help it. 

Well, I’m also like that too I guess. 

“Ash, you’re going to become like a sumo wrestler if you keep on eating like that, you know?”

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I warned Ash but he couldn’t care less. He was too focused on chomping down on the whole roasted rabbit meat. 

After dinner, we cleaned our bodies with hot water before we slept on a futon together. Yurina-san looked like she was all better already so I didn’t need to stay up all night to nurse her anymore. 

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Of course, I still made sure she would drink her medicine. 

I must be completely exhausted after nursing her yesterday because I immediately fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed.


T/N: Fortunately it seems Yurina-san only caught a common cold~ Well, it’s winter after all. 

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