After dismantling the merman and securing the ingredients I could get from them, I didn’t have anything better to do so I decided to experiment with the stone I had discovered yesterday. 

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【Shiny Green Stone: An ore with wind attribute.】

【Hard Yellow Rock: An ore with earth attribute.】

Since these stones possessed attributes, I guess that meant they were like some sort of sibling to fire stone. By combining crushed fire stone and femto stone together, I was able to add fire attribute to stuff. In other words, it was safe to assume that I could also use the same method with these stones. 

And so, I decided to work on them using the same method as the one I did with the fire stone. 

I took a femto stone from a bag in the baggage area and smashed it into small pieces using an anvil and hammer. I combined the refining material made from crushed femto stone with crushed shiny green stone and hard yellow rock respectively.

I appraised them and got Shiny Green Refining Material and Hard Yellow Refining Material in return. 

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From the green coloured Shiny Green Refining Material, although it was faint, I could feel the same power like the one I sensed when I used wind magic. I could also faintly feel a different kind of power from Hard Yellow Refining Material. Although I had never sensed that kind of power before. 

And so, since I planned on trying to use these new refining materials to polish something, of course the familiar iron dagger would be the perfect choice. I took out two daggers and tried polishing the dagger with the new refining materials respectively and then…

【Wind Dagger: An inferior iron dagger with wind attribute. It provides +3 Speed and made the wielder 10% lighter.】

【Earth Dagger: An inferior iron dagger with earth attribute. Gives Hardness (provides additional power to physical attack) effect.】

And so it appeared. At the same time, the appraisal result of Shiny Green Refining Material and Hard Yellow Refining Material also changed. 

The Shiny Green Refining Material could provide additional speed points and reduce the weight of the wielder if I used it to polish both weapon and armor. While Hard Yellow Refining Material could add Hardness effect to both weapon and armor. Hardness raised the physical attack and physical defense of items. 

“I see….”

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And then I remembered I had things that I wanted to make. 

Of course that thing was none other than making armor and weapon for Yurina-san who had been joining me in battle recently. It should be something that a powerless woman could even use but at the same time, the issue about its defense ability still left me concerned.

And so, this was the point where the effect of these two attributes implementation came to play. Wasn’t it just perfect that I could magically raise both physical attack and defense and at the same time reduce the wielder’s weight? 

To test it out, I polished the wind dagger with Hard Yellow Refining Material. A short time later, the wind dagger started to emit a faint yellow light. Based on my experience so far, this meant the dagger was finished. I then appraised the dagger. 

【Wind Earth Dagger: An inferior iron dagger with wind and earth attributes. Provides +3 Speed, reduce 10% weight and Hardness (provides additional power to physical attack).】

I see. So it’s not like you can only grant one attribute to a single weapon. 

Considering that combining water and fire attributes resulted in lightning attribute, it seemed that mixing compatible attributes together was possible. 

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“Then, if we try to add these attributes to Yurina-san’s leather winter clothes….”

Taking off my winter clothes, I called out to Yurina-san, who was in the middle of knitting, and took her winter clothes with me. I sprinkled Hard Yellow Refining Material and Shiny Green Refining Material on the leather clothes and carefully brushed it. Then, Yurina-san’s winter clothes started emitting yellow and green light. I appraised it and…

【Wind Earth Leather Shoes: A leather shoe with wind and earth attributes.  Provides +3 Speed, reduce 10% weight and Hardness (provides additional power to physical defense).】

【Wind Earth Leather Hat: A leather hat with wind and earth attributes.Provides +3 Speed, reduce 10% weight and Hardness (provides additional power to physical defense). 】

【Wind Earth Leather Glove: A leather glove with wind and earth attributes. Provides +3 Speed, reduce 10% weight and Hardness (provides additional power to physical defense).】

【Wind Earth Leather Hat: A leather hat with wind and earth attributes. Provides +3 Speed, reduce 10% weight and Hardness (provides additional power to physical defense).】

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【Wind Earth Leather Coat: A leather coat with wind and earth attributes. Provides +3 Speed, reduce 10% weight and Hardness (provides additional power to physical defense).】

【Wind Earth Dagger: A dagger made with inferior iron with wind and earth attributes.  Provides +3 Speed, reduce 10% weight and Hardness (provides additional power to physical attack).】

It seemed the experiment went smoothly. 

When I returned her winter clothes to Yurina-san and asked her to wear them, she was surprised because of how good the clothes felt and how easy it was to move in them. With this, not only for combat purposes but, we could also apply the enhancement to everyday use clothing too to increase its durability and make it feel lighter. These items would certainly become a huge hit too. 

At the same time, I suddenly felt hungry. I had been so absorbed with my work that I didn’t notice I was feeling hungry. I thought I smelt something good and it turned out Yurina-san was preparing fish-based dishes like fish balls soup and sauteed fish using merman’s meat that resembled white fleshed fish. 

I’m really fortunate to have a wife who’s good at cooking. 

“Yurina-san, thank you.”

Using both gestures and Lancaster language, I thanked Yurina-san before we had dinner, although it was a little bit late to call it dinner. 

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