After dinner, I presented the Wind Earth Dagger to Yurina-san because I thought this dagger, that had been magically enhanced so it provided lightness and hardness, would be most suitable for a woman. Although a weapon didn’t really suit her, she seemed to be happy upon receiving it. She asked me whether she could join me in my morning training tomorrow. 

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Right, right. She had shown me the transcription of her terminal screen that popped up when she leveled up from defeating a merman and I discovered something interesting from it. 

『Individual Name: Yurina went from Level 1 to Level 4.

HP: 1→4


Strength: 5→7

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Intelligence: 3→7

Dexterity: 31→35

Speed: 2→6』

I also asked her to write down the skill she had when the screen pop up appeared and this was the list: 

Cooking Level 2

Customer Service Level 3

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Poison Resistance Level 1

Sewing Level 3

Design Level 3

Handicraft Level 1

Beast Master Level 1

Throwing Level 1

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Her dexterity was exceptionally high. She also had MP points so she might be able to use magic depending on the training regiment. The other thing I liked was the fact that she had Poison Resistance. Alcohol was basically a drug and if you drink too much of it, alcohol could become a harmful poison to the human body. She must’ve naturally developed Poison Resistance skill while working because she had to drink. I was a little relieved because Poison Resistance skill was really crucial in this world. 

She liked to sew and knit so it was understandable she had those skills. These skills must probably be the reason why she had high dexterity. Since she had crafting skills, in term of occupations in RPGs games, she might be like an Item Master who fought by relying on their high dexterity status and the gadgets they made. 

As for Beastmaster skill, it must be a skill that originated from her relationship of mutual trust with Ash and the blue wolves. In fact, I also had Beastmaster Level 2 and Cooking Level 2 too. 

In other words, it was quite an interesting discovery. 

When I told her about my thoughts, she said…

“Item Master is so cool!”

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She said happily. 

I was happy she had a similar mindset akin to that of a chuunibyou. 

Then after dinner, just like a true Item Master, she was engrossed in making paralytic grenades and spider thread grenades using the leftover materials we had. 

As for me, because I was feeling bored since I had nothing to do, I ended up playing with Ash while thinking about what other ways I could use wind attribute and earth attribute with.


T/N: I knew it! Beastmaster skill! I knew it!! Also, chuunibyou is basically like weebs acting cringey. 

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