I woke up in the morning, still laying on the bed with Ash curled up near my feet. After spending the night at Elsa’s inn, Yurina-san and I decided to return to our home that we had dearly missed so much. Sarasa had been entrusting the herb chickens I raised in the care of Giovanni-san, a contract farmer. 

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After showing my gratitude to Giovanni-san, I brought the herb chicken back with me in the wagon. 


No one asked me to come live in town. Even Mama, who doted on Yurina-san a lot, didn’t ask me to live in town.

……..I’m really grateful that they’re not meddling with my life excessively. To be honest, I still don’t feel comfortable living in a place with a lot of people around. Or to be precise, it still feels suffocating to me. I’m more suited to a life in the countryside where I can spend my days either doing farm work or reading and just go to the market once a month to buy supplies. 

By the way, during our escape drama, I ended up visiting various towns but that didn’t count since it was a state of emergency. In other words, I didn’t have any plan on changing my stance either now or in the future. 

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I asked Yurina-san whether she wanted to continue working in Mama’s pub but she shook her head from side to side to show her refusal. I actually felt relieved to know that. I personally really hated it if Yurina-san was to be looked in lecherous eyes by those wild beasts but still, if she was to answer yes then I would need to really consider living in the town for her sake. 

“We’ve finally arrived!~”

I exclaimed while breathing a sigh of relief. It was already late in the afternoon when our wagon finally arrived at our home, along with our herb chickens in tow. The house was so clean that we didn’t even need to clean it again thanks to Sarasa and Elsa taking care of the house while we were away. 

I unloaded our luggage from the wagon and carried it to our house. Fish sauce, ginger, various seafood, shaoxing wine (something similar to sake)….. In the end, my repertoire of food really did get expanded so I guess, I should thank Heinrich for that much.

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Come to think of it, I wonder how Heinrich is doing? All I’ve heard is that he’s being held in custody. But still, the law in this world is not as established as the law in Japan so I guess it won’t be weird if he suddenly receives a death sentence just by a single word from Bavarian-sama. 

“When I think about him getting a death sentence, I feel like I’m going to have trouble sleeping at night for a bit.”

If he did get sentenced to death, he was basically just reaping what he sowed. I was also a victim of his since I ended up getting so deeply involved in this incident against my own wishes. 

Evening came.

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Now then, let’s boil the water to prepare a hot bath. It’s been a long time since I last had a hot bath in my own house. 

Out of all three drums with water boards installed in it, I decided to heat the one with the most water in it. Since it was still winter, the sun set early so the outside was already shrouded in darkness. 

While I was boiling the water for the bath, I used my smoking kit to make smoked herb chicken eggs and smoked cheese that I had purchased at the town while sipping on a glass of liquor with ice in it.

This kind of calm atmosphere feels really nice…

It was really nice to have a home where I could feel at ease. After all, I was basically a shut in, or basically a shadow character.

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Going on an adventure every once in a while is good and all but pardon me for not having any plan on going on a long adventure like this in the near future. 

While I was thinking to myself, I saw a figure of a person drawing near to the gate of my house. It was the figure of a tall and thin person. While their facial features looked typical of a noble but… Sorry for saying this but his appearance looked so shabby and tattered. 

Upon closer inspection, I finally recognized this haggard-looking man. 


T/N: Definitely Heinrich. The author already gives us foreshadowing by making MC monologuing about Heinrich after all. I just hope MC won’t forgive Heinrich so easily. I want Heinrich to suffer for a bit at least since his intention was malicious. 

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