Chapter 204

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I sat down facing Heinrich at the living room table. 

“Read. It.”

Heinrich said so as he pointed at the paper. 

Well, given the fact that I can only speak in broken Lancaster language, of course it’s only natural for him to write me a letter when he has something important to say. 

I scanned the content of Heinrich’s letter. He went on and on about his regret and remorse in his letter. Then, he ended the letter with…

I’m glad I’ve become friends with someone as kind as you, but I can’t possibly inconvenience you any longer. After all, it is absolutely uncouth and insensitive of me to keep bothering a newlyweds such as the two of you. 

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“I see. So what are you going to do next?”

“Going. Tairant. Become. Adventurer.”

Tairant was a town located about 2-3 days away from Resta. 

“I see. Then, I will need to give you your salary for all the work you’ve done here and of course, some parting gifts as well.”


Heinrich must’ve failed to understand my words because he basically had a question mark hanging on top of his head. 

I took out 10 gold coins from the safebox and handed it over to Heinrich. With this much, he should be able to live decently for a while. Next, I also gave him things like food, clothes, firewood to provide warmth, a fire dagger and also a water dagger. I also gave him a thermal water bottle that we had developed together. Having a hot drink in hand must be very handy to have when traveling during the winter after all. 

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Although it was not my responsibility to go this far for him, but if he were to die after I had taken care of him for a while, I would be the one feeling bad instead. Even though this guy had driven me to the corner, but I had a feeling he would become a successful adventurer and would repay me in the future sooner or later. Hence why, let’s just consider this as a future investment. 

“Thank you.”

After he said that, Heinrich took off the necklace he had been wearing and placed it on top of the table. He told me he didn’t have any need for it anymore. For some reason, Heinrich’s expression looked so bright and radiant as he said that. As if he was just released from something that had been haunting him. 

Lastly, I gave Heinrich a spare wheel cart to help him carry all the stuff I had given to him. 

“Keigo. Indebted.”

“Yeah, take care of yourself, okay?”

Heinrich then went out on his way just like that after he finished packing. I stood there in the cold for a while until I couldn’t see his figure anymore. 


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Ash, who was standing near my feet, made a cute noise. That was the moment I had been out in the cold for too long because my body felt pretty chilly. I rubbed my cheek with my fingers.

“Now then! What should we do today?”

I exclaimed.

I guess it was safe to say that Heinrich had been successfully rehabilitated. It was evident from his current attitude. I would like to believe that from now on, he would no longer hurt other people out of self-interest like he used to do before. 

On the other hand, what about me?

Just like usual, I was still holed up in my little shack on the outskirts of town, disliking the idea of living in the town. Be that be Yurina-san or my best friends, neither of them forced me to do things I didn’t want.

They are really kind. 

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But surely Yurina-san would like it better if she could meet her Mama and the other sisters at the pub more easily. I was sure without any doubt that Margo and the others would welcome me with open arms if I decided to live in the town.

So, what’s there to be afraid of at this point?

While it is true that I was traumatized and worn out both physically and mentally due to living in a toxic environment, but… Isn’t it about time for me to move on with my life? Isn’t it about time for me to start putting my trust in humans again? The people in Resta, they even went out of their way to start a fight against a noble for the sake of helping me, you know?

“That’s right. I should open up a shop at Resta. I wonder what I should name it?”

Before I noticed it, I found myself looking forward to living in Resta. 


T/N: Wow. I didn’t expect character development from the MC too. I already knew Heinrich is going to be a better person but I didn’t expect MC would overcome his trauma too. I love this development! I mean if MC were to have a child later, living in the town is the much safer option. We can’t afford to have a wyvern flying around your house when you have a child after all. 

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