On the third day since we hired our new employee (also the third day since we found Tanya laying on the ground), when Tanya’s fever finally subsided and she was able to stand and move around. Thinking that going on a light walk would be good for Tanya, Yurina-san, being overprotective she was, went on to dress Tanya in thick winter clothing. Tanya looked like a thick lump of clothes because of it. The three of us then went on a light stroll in the garden together with Ash. 

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After we finished eating breakfast, Chatra and Maya arrived for work. They looked really excited today. I had something I wanted to try for a bit today so I entrusted the shop-front to Chatra and Maya then I went to hole myself up in the workshop. 

The thing I wanted to try was to make the new product I had come up with when I was nursing Tanya. Now that the shop was going on the right track, it was time for me to start making a series of new products to sell. The new idea I had in mind was… To create ‘carbonated water’ by dissolving carbon dioxide in water. 

Circulating magic power all throughout my body, I imagined an image of separating carbon dioxide from the air in my mind. 

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As I recited the magic spell, I could feel the gas in the air was moving, albeit slightly. Then, I held my hand out toward the part of the air where I felt that moving sensation.


I focused my magic power into the air while visualizing the image of freezing nothing but the carbon dioxide gas. Then, instead of the usual ice cube that formed from freezing some water, a white, smoky block the size of a 100 yen coin tumbled down onto the table. This white object kept on letting out a faint and thin white smoke. 

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Without any doubt, this must be ‘dry ice’, the solid form of carbon dioxide. 

I picked the dry ice with chopsticks and put it inside a bottle filled with cold water and quickly closed the lid shut tight to prevent the carbon dioxide from escaping. Then I patiently waited for the dry ice to dissolve into the water for a while before taking a sip of the water.

A fizzy and refreshing sensation filled my mouth as the water smoothly slid down my throat.

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“Oh! This is it!”

That was the nostalgic sensation of a soda water. Using the same method, I turned bargo fruit wine into ‘sparkling wine’ and rumi fruit juice into ‘carbonated juice’. When I took a sip of the sparkling wine, my mouth was filled with a fuzzy and refreshing sensation accompanied with the dry taste, peculiar to that of a fruit wine.

“This is seriously amazing….”

This was so unbelievably delicious that I couldn’t help but to worry about what Bavarian-sama and the people from the commercial guild would do. 

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Well, there’s no use worrying about them though…..

After that, I kept on making nothing but sparkling wine and carbonated juice for our own enjoyment.


T/N: I’m 99,99% sure you can potentially die if you drink dry ice water. I don’t know how to make carbonated water but I’m sure dissolving dry ice in water is not it. Btw, I read the comment on kakuyomu and apparently a user said they’ve tried drinking dry ice water and nothing happened? They only said it didn’t taste good (well, duh).

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