Chapter 231

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The day of the Christmas party was here. On this special occasion, a roasted chicken was a must. So I decided to use the herb chicken we raised to make roasted chicken.

We mixed irene herbs into our chicken feed, which turned our ordinary chicken into herb chicken. Our herb chicken was a top-grade free range local chicken that could provide HP restoration effect. Of course the meat was also of the premium quality.

When we moved into town, we used this opportunity to expand the chicken coop to increase the production. Currently, Bokuzen-san, the newly hired cook, was the one in charge of managing the chicken coop.

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I decided to have Bokuzen-san to help me prepare roasted chicken for the Christmas party. The soy sauce and ginger that we used were regularly purchased from Howai, the hot spring town. It was the town that we visited when we were being chased by Heinrich. As for the rest of the ingredients, we used herb chicken thigh with the bone still intact, sake (we used the sake from Howai that tasted similar to shaoxing wine), honey, soy sauce, grated ginger and grated garlic.

First, we needed to make holes in several spots on the chicken’s skin side with a fork. Next, we put the chicken in a sanitary bag, mixed the aforementioned seasonings, rubbed the seasonings into the chicken so the flavor would permeate into the meat and then let it sit for 5 minutes.

After that,bake the chicken for 15 minutes in a magic oven that we had already preheated before. Then, slather the chicken with the remaining marinade from the seasonings we had mixed before. Put the chicken back into the oven, turn the heat to 200°C and let it cook for 10 minutes. 

I took a bite out of the roasted herb chicken for a taste test. Immediately, my mouth was thoroughly filled with the taste of the rich and juicy chicken.

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“Yup, it’s delicious.”

I’m sure everyone is going to be happy when they eat this. Bokuzen-san also seems to agree with me. 


Just when I was thinking about everyone’s happy faces, I could hear the sound of a cute gangster cooing near my feet. 

“Give me meat!”

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The adorable gangster seemed to say. I cut a small piece of the roasted chicken herb to appease the cute gangster.

Aside from the roasted herb chicken, we also prepared other dishes and beverages. The Christmas decoration was still underway too. Everyone, regardless of age, participated in the preparation. Since Christmas was a special occasion, I wanted to serve sparkling juice, a beverage that I created in this world which resembled non-alcoholic champagne. So, I blended various types of fruits into juice and mixed solidified carbon to create the sparkling drink effect.

Everyone worked hard in decorating the venue. Chatra and the others who worked in the workshop also helped by crafting numerous thin metal stars. We had found a suitable tree for the Christmas tree. So we decorated it using the stars Chatra and the others made and also added fluffy cotton to make it look like snow.

When we were making the stars, the children and Ash reacted as if they had discovered a new toy. They really caused quite a commotion.

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And just like this, we were finally ready for the party. 

Now, it’s time to get this Christmas party started. 


T/N: I wonder how the children and Ash play with the metal star… Do they play it like shuriken? Like the children throw it then Ash catches it like a shuriken frisbee? Maybe they’re training to be a ninja?? 

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