Chapter 3

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The vegetation I collected were purple flowers with jagged leaves, red flowers with round leaves and blue flowers with round leaves. I collected several of them along with their roots. When I used appraisal on them, it only said 【flower】without any additional information. Even after I smelled the flowers, the result of the appraisal didn’t change. 

I had no other choice. I just had to try to eat them myself. 

I decided the first one would be the red flower with round leaves. The reason I chose it was because this flower looked somewhat normal. I didn’t have any strong reason other than that. 

I munched on the leaves and gulped it down. It was bitter and I could feel my body start to sweat a little. Then, I used appraisal again. 

【Mylene Antidote Herb: An antidote herbs that can neutralize weak poison like gadol poison,  badol poison and other weak poison.】

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The description that used to be only a mere flower, changed into that of an antidote herb. I understood that the appraisal skill had a specification that would give out a different description of an item after I had a bite of it.

Next, I tried eating the round leaves of the blue flower. I munched on the grass. Then, I could somehow smell the nice scent of a herb. My body felt warm here and there. I could also feel my physical condition improving for the better. Then, I used appraisal again. 

【Irene Herb: A medicinal herb. It’s beneficial for restoring physical condition and is an ingredient for making potion.】

A medicine herb! A staple of the fantasy world! It seemed I needed to be more proactive in harvesting this item. 

The last one, the purple flower with jagged leaves. I had a bit of a bad feeling about this plant but… I munched it away anyway… 

I felt a sting the moment the plant touched my tongue. 

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I had difficulty breathing and my vision kept flickering. At the same time, I could feel my body temperature rapidly becoming cold. I roughly grabbed the mylene herb from earlier and quickly ate it. 

After lying on my back and resting for a while, I could somehow regain my breathing back. 

『Individual Name: Okuda Keigo has acquired Lv 1 Poison Resistance』

The mechanical announcement resounded in my head but that wasn’t the problem now. I really thought I was going to die. Though I was still breathing heavily, I managed to stand up again. I shook my head, trying to clear myself from this dizzy feeling. 

I appraised the blue flower with jagged leaves again. 

【Badol Poisonous Plant: A poisonous plant that can deplete one’s physical condition.】

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………….. I… Just what am I doing by myself?


From then on, I decided to collect more mylene herb and irene herb to cultivate medicinal and antidote herbs. For the time being, I collected the plant up to its root, harvested some of its leaves and planted the rest in front of my house.

I still had some fertilizer amongst my farm tools so I made sure to spread some fertilizer and tilled the soil with a hoe first. Incidentally, I also had some potato seeds so I planted it too. Potatoes were one of the staple plants in Hokkaido. 

I decided to use irene herb as a chicken feed. I made that decision based on the fact that irene herb was not poisonous so the chicken wouldn’t die if they ate it. 

As for drinking water, I cut the top part of the empty water bottle that I had planned on throwing. I used the cut water bottle along with the bucket to gather rainwater in order to secure drinkable water for now. 

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“Now then, let’s begin my survival life.”


At this time, I felt more ‘alive’ than I ever was. I finally felt my real life was really starting and my heart began to pound out of excitement. 


T/N: Having hope is really crucial so you can have the willpower to survive. 


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