I was thinking about my skill build again. I asked Dan-san about magic and he said there were 6 basic attributes to learn. Fire, water, wind, earth, light and dark. Of course, I was able to learn about this information through gestures and drawing on the magic board. 

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And so, since I still planned on learning magic, I tried to envision each attribute’s utility. 

First, fire. Obviously you could create fire with this magic but I already had my fire dagger so I don’t think I needed any more means to create fire as of now.

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Next, water. Water attribute could be useful for guaranteeing drinkable water for me but in the first place, I had been collecting rainwater and getting drinkable water from the town. As for the water I needed for a bath, I could just fetch it from the river. Still, having water magic would be convenient.

And then, wind. Wind! A gentle breeze to cool yourself~ I don’t need it.

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Earth. Earth, hm…. Stone Bullet! I guess I could throw flying stones at my opponent? A bow and arrow could work just fine. 

Light… Light! Even at night, I could make things bright! But I could only produce light for a second before the light disappeared…. 

To begin with, I was the type that was early to bed, early to rise. Besides, I liked the warm and gentle light from the bonfire. It calmed me down. I even retired to the outskirts of Hokkaido and took on life as a farmer.

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I was the traditional type of a man who changed the modern stove in my house to a firewood stove, even before I got warped into this world. A weird magic like light would only become a hindrance to me. 

Dark… Curses! Or maybe summoning demons! Maybe something like that? I definitely don’t want that kind of magic. 

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Now that I think about it, the differences between all of them were subtle. Though if I mastered them, they could be useful in a lot of ways. 

However, was it really a good idea to spend 150 guild points to learn it now? I still think it’d be safer to use those points for defense skill or skill for the weapons I currently had. I was also interested in martial arts. 

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