Si Ming

Chapter Prologue

Si Ming, the God who controls the fate of all living things.

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However, she could not control her fate. If she could make a wish, Si Ming’s greatest wish was to live a life on her own terms—be the main character of her own story. 

In a daze, she felt herself descending into an unknown realm akin to the Realm of Primal Chaos. It was pitch black like the bottom of an endless abyss.

She closed her eyes and let gravity continue to drag her downwards. Suddenly, she landed on something hard, like an iron wall. It had stopped her from falling. She reached out her hand only to feel the coldness on her fingertips. When the iron wall moved slightly, she paused to collect her thoughts and immediately opened her eyes.

Two bright lights flashed by not far away, and the iron wall against her back shook violently. She sprang up to her feet and flew into the air. Looking back, even if as careless as she was, she was still dumbstruck.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Underneath her rested an enormous Black Dragon, sleeping in a coiled position, with swirls of fog surrounding it.

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Dragons were an ancient celestial being, that was said to be extinct a long time ago. 

When the black dragon woke up, he slowly uncoiled his scale-covered body, unleashing his terrifying aura at the minuscule being in front of him.  He turned to her and said, “What are you?”

She felt immensely pressured under the Black Dragon’s presence. But, she had always been rather courageous, so she straightened her back and looked straight into the Black Dragon’s eyes and responded, “God of Fate of the Nine Heavens, Si Ming!”

“Si Ming?”

“The one who manages the fate of all living things.”

The black dragon silently looked at Si Ming for a long time, and then hissed. The voice was so loud, it almost burst out Si Ming’s heart: “A million lives exist in this world— an insignificant little thing, unexpectedly, is trying to control the fate of all things in vain. One’s fate is decided by oneself. Let’s see how you try to take charge of my fate.”

Si Ming wiped the blood from the corner of her lips and shook her head: “I don’t have that much power. But even if I can’t write your destiny, I know that no dragons have existed in this world for a long time. The flow of spiritual energy here is stagnant, so this place seems more like a cage than a place to live, completely isolated from the outside world. You say that fate is determined by yourself, but you are confined here. How can you decide your own fate without freedom?”

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“Aren’t you afraid of me killing you after you’ve said such taunting words?”

“I, of course, do not wish to die young, as I still have many unsettled worries to be dealt with. But, it is evident that you are far more powerful than me. If you truly wish to kill me, I can’t stop you simply with a few flattering words. So let’s not beat around the bush, why don’t I taunt you a while more before you kill me or, even better, infuriate you to death first? That way, I might have a chance to escape.”

After hearing these words, the Black Dragon did not get angry, surprisingly. On the contrary, it smirked in response, and jumped into the air. The strong air current that ensued sent Si Ming somersaulting backwards. She steadied herself after much effort. Si Ming looked at the Black Dragon bitterly and said, ” Feel free to kill me but you cannot humiliate me.I’m not just any lowly person to be toyed with.!”

The Black Dragon said: “You are interesting. I have been lonely here for a long time. It would be intriguing to have something to accompany me. Si Ming, if you can keep me entertained, I will show mercy. How about that?”

Si Ming deliberated for a while and said, “If you ask me, putting down my pride to amuse you is a high price to pay. It’s not enough to just spare my life, it’s an exhausting job. I want other benefits.”

“Si Ming, you are the first one who dares to negotiate with me.” The Black Dragon paused, “Let’s hear it.”

“In ancient texts, it was said that every part of a dragon’s body is an invaluable treasure. But, I don’t believe a word of it. Why don’t you prove it to me?”

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Si Ming’s gaze remained fixated at the Black Dragon. “Can I take a look at your poo poo. Let’s see whether it is truly invaluable or not?”

The Black Dragon was rendered speechless for a long time. “Suggest another simpler term..”

Si Ming did not understand: “What’s so difficult about pooping? If it’s difficult, I’ll help you. It’ll be a smooth procedure that will be very beneficial to you!”

“I have not eaten grain for ten thousand years. Where’s the dirt coming from?” The Black Dragon looked at Si Ming and said, “What are you looking at?”

Si Ming pursed her lips. “Big Black Dragon, we are literally in the same boat here(1). If you can’t get out of this place, the same goes for me. That means we are going to stay together for a long time. Don’t hide such things from me. Constipation is a disease that needs to be treated, did you know that?”

The Black Dragon was silent.

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Si Ming covered her mouth and snickered.”I’m just joking. Don’t take it too seriously. But no matter what, we will be spending some time together in this pitch-black place now. You think I’m amusing, so I’ll find a way to seek amusement in you. It’s always good to share your happiness with others. Anyway, it would make us seem rather distant if I were to say I can only live because I keep you happy, doesn’t it? Regardless, you gain nothing if I were all sad and despondent either. “

Si Ming clasped her fists as she bowed, and said with a sly smile, “So, Big Black Dragon, how about we become friends? I’ve been in this position for too long, and I’ve forgotten my original name, so you can just call me Si Ming.”

The Dragon’s lowered his body to a crouch in front of Si Ming, its two bright eyes shone through the dark Realm of Primal Chaos and blinked softly: “My name is Chang Yuan.”

“Chang Yuan, you have a nice name.”

“Si Ming, you have an interesting personality.”


ED/N: on the same boat = literal translation of the Chinese idiom “grasshoppers on the same rope”, which means being in the same unpleasant situation. If one fails, the other would also fail, hence if the “rope” breaks, both “grasshoppers” will die.

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