
Chapter 57

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While the two brothers were on the phone talking to each others, the two lovers were about to do exactly the same. Sia couldn't help worrying about Cain and his meeting: did it go well? Was everything alright? With these questions in mind, she called him from her apartment's entrance as soon as she reached home. She was currently facing the door trying to close it, leaving her back open to anyone behind her.

It was at this moment that she suddenly heard a phone vibrating. She quickly became vigilant of her surroundings in fear that someone had broken into her condo. However, before she could react or even switch the lights on, a pair of strong arms hugged her from behind.

After tightening his hold on her, Cain rested his head on her shoulder taking his time to enjoy her unique scent. On the other hand, Sia felt muddleheaded: Cain's fresh but slightly spicy scent was enough for her to know who was her 'assailant'. The problem was, she wasn't sure whether she was dreaming or not: after all, wasn't this guy supposed to be in a meeting at another country? After a few minutes of standing at the doorsteps Sia was the first to talk.

"Cain?" she asked hesitantly.

"Hmm?" he plastered himself to her even more.

"I am not dreaming, am I?" she blinked her eyes in confusion.

Cain chuckled and finally let go of her, only to hug her back when she turned to face him.

'Seeing this kind of a Queenie was totally worth the few hours of flight. But wait...'

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"Why did you come so late?" His voice came in a low tone that carried dangerous undertones in it. Hadn't he made sure that she wouldn't stay on night shifts? How could he let her overwork herself?

"I had an evening surgery and then there was an emergency so I just stayed behind."

She said everything in one breath knowing way too well that he disliked when she overworked. Not receiving any response from him, she quietly continued,



"Can we finally go in?"

He knew she was changing the topic but he still did as his Queenie had commanded. So, he scooped her up and walked towards the kitchen, knowing that his foodie would be starving now.

From this small gesture and his attentiveness, Sia felt a surge of warmth invading her. She hadn't had a single meal since early in the morning and it was already 4a.m. After a day of fasting, her stomach had shrunk and it had been hurting for a while now. Somehow, even the doctors at the hospital started seeing her as some kind of an immortal just because she tended not to complain. Even she herself had forgotten about eating but here he was, probably the only person that could understand and care for her to the extent of knowing what she exactly needed even if she herself didn't realise it.

She loosened her arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on the lips instead of voicing the lengthy words of gratitude and appreciation that were surging in his head.

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However, the beautiful moment was broken as soon as they opened the kitchen door as they were assaulted by the smell of burnt vegetables and rice. Sia's lips twitched as she tried hard not to laugh as her mind quickly figured out the obvious implications of these smells.

Feeling Sia's slight trembles, Cain knitted his brows and shot her a deathly glare. However, instead of taking the signal and quietening down she burst out laughing and soon even tears started to gather in her eyes.

"Meanie Queenie. I tried okay? The rice was still hard after the time it was supposed to cook so I left it on the stove only to discover that the bottom part had burnt. As for the veggies, I put them like you did last time but some of them just wouldn't cook and then the next moment everything became mashed or burnt," he said everything in one breath. "Anyways, I have ordered good food for you. But you should still appreciate my efforts and give me a real and deep kiss."

Sia looked amusedly at Cain rumbling non stop. How did this guy turn so talkative and shameless whenever the topic concerned her? Sometimes she actually wondered whether he had a split personality or something of the sort.

'I wonder what people would think if they saw this side of his.'

She immediately shook her head at the thought,

'No, this Cain is only mine. No way I am letting others see him like this. They better continue thinking that he is cold and aloof all the time.'

She finally nodded her head with determination shining in her eyes, content with her decision. Only, she didn't consider the fact that Cain was totally lost at the moment,

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'Does this mean she is going to kiss me or not? What is going on in her mind? Whatever, who cares.'

So the next moment he brought up his hand and brought her head towards his own, locking her lips in a hungry kiss. His rough kisses and the constant biting felt like a punishment she was receiving from him. She couldn't help the moans escaping her mouth at his rough gestures, further encouraging and exciting his invasions.

After an indefinite time had passes, he finally let go of her and they both started gasping for air.

"You aren't the only one starving." He stopped to breath in more air, "This was only the downpayment. I expect to receive my full payment after the meal."

"This Queen can only abide by her King's desires," she said rolling her eyes at the guy's shamelessness. The moment she gave him an inch he would ask for a yard. In this matter though she didn't mind giving him the yard, so why complicate the matters?

Cain was quite the clean freak so Sia wasn't surprised to find the kitchen as clean as she had left it. However, the garbage pile still gave her a hard time in suppressing her laughter.

They soon sat down and ate the takeaway from one of the best restaurants in the city which wasn't actually supposed to be open right now. She didn't question him though, the guy had his connections after all.

Their meal was eaten in silence, their movements were in harmony as if dining together was but a daily activity of theirs. Only the two of them knew how much better the food tasted in the presence of the other. Cain, though, was mostly looking at her rather than eating. He wanted to save all her movements and small actions in his mind.

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After they were done eating, they retreated to the bedroom. Sia took a quick shower and came back to discover Cain lying on her bed shirtless, wearing only the trousers of his pajamas.

"You sure make yourself at home," she said with a small pout.

Cain simply smirked and said in a teasing tone, "Need I repeat the cheesy confession and the vow of a bride you have given me before?"

"Shameless!" She retorted back with her face turning different shades of red.

He motioned for her to lie next to him, which she readily did. Initially she had a hard time to concentrate on anything other than the godly figure in front of him. She didn't have that much time the last time to admire his shape. And now he was lying on the bed half naked for her to gawk.

"Stop drooling and come here."

She was jerked back to her senses and gave him a sidelong glance in contempt.

'Who is admiring whom, you shameless man!'

However, deciding to not to lower herself to the shameless guy's level she walked with her head held up high to the bed. Only after she positioned herself comfortably in his arms did she finally drop her haughty act and asked in a slight concern,

"Tell me about the meeting."

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