
Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Arcana

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Sigrid sighed deeply. 

‘Recruited by Veramood himself.’

Imperial Knight 1st squad.

In the past, Sigrid was a member of the 6th squad. So, she knew how annoying Veramood was. And the fact that he was the commander of the 1st squad made him more irritating for her. He was someone who has something that she could never have. 

Sigrid pressed her lips tightly. She remembered Veramood was pissed off when she set the slum on fire. He rushed in almost half—no, definitely full of intention to kill her. But he didn’t kill her. Just after that, he completely treated her as if she was trash or dirt. 

Yet, he now came to her to recruit her.

What a weird feeling.

Sigrid stood for a while in a strange mood. A feeling that she could neither laugh nor be angry. Then she went to the study room after telling Mary to clean the drawing-room.

While sitting at the desk, Sigrid looked at the view outside her study room. A small smile appeared on her face. She was glad she took this house. This side view was good. 

Sigrid looked around for a moment. After she was sure she sensed no one around, she straightened her posture and took a paper out of the drawer. It was a document containing simple personal information about Arcana and his address. Sometimes ago, Sigrid had asked a guild to find out about Arcana. She planned to meet him while she was on vacation…. But she had too much fun playing 

Sigrid covered her face with both hands. Being a late bloomer was scary. Because she now knew the joy in ‘entertainment’ through the door Marisuez opened, she kept wanting to do it even though she knew there was a more important thing to do. She couldn’t help it. It was so much fun. Going out, laughing, and chatting with other people.

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‘Pathetic. Wake up Sigrid Ankertna.”

SLAP— Sigrid pat both her cheeks aloud, then looked at the address in the document. Arcana’s house was in a small village outside the capital.

‘Let’s find him today.’

Sigrid folded the paper, put it in her pocket, then got up from her seat. 

There was no word in the document indicating Arcana was a mage. So there was a possibility the person in the document was not the Arcana she knew. But, she still had to go. Because the chance was 50/50. 

Sigrid took out her outing clothes and put them on. She now had so many clothes that she was even confused about which ones were which. She admired Marisuez even more now. How could she remember all these clothes? Most of them looked similar to her, but Marisuez could know the different detail of them. Like the different colors of the collar, the design of each of those clothes. Marisuez knew it. Recalling how Marisuez nagged at her, Sigrid laughed a bit then reflexively shrugged her shoulders. 

CLICK— the metallic sound connecting the cape was heard. 

As Sigrid went downstairs, the maid asked. “My lady, are you going out?”

“Yes, i’ll go to do some work.”

“Shall we prepare dinner?”

“Yes, please.”

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‘I would go back before dinner, would I?’ was what Sigrid thought before she left the house.

Sigrid rode her horse leisurely. After she moved, she always took a carriage to go everywhere. So, it felt it had been a long time she could enjoy horseriding. AS she made her way into a small town near the capital, she heard people shouting.

‘Hmm?’ Sigrid turned her head toward where the fuss was. A frown appeared on her face. A group of men surrounded one girl. Sigrid quickly got off Echo and approached them at a quick pace.

“What’s going on?”

The men turned their heads and flinched hearing her voice. 

Sigrid looked at them, then looked at the woman covered with tears.

“Are you okay?”

“Just go on on your way.”

Before Sigrid could answer, a man waved his hand toward her. But of course, Sigrid paid no attention to it. She moved closer to them. 

“I don’t think I could just go away.”

“It seemes like you’re a knight, just for you know, this woman is a commoner who refused to do her duty that is given by our Count. So outsider could not interfere in this.”

After hearing one of the men’s words, Sigrid gently raised her head and looked at a nobleman in colorful clothes standing not far from where they stood.

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Sigrid turned her head to the woman. “Are you that Count’s people?”

The woman shook her head. 

Sigrid frowned slightly. Then she approached the woman’s side and grabbed one of the men’s arms who grabbed her. “If she’s not your count’s people, then the duty is not justified.”


“Where do you belong to?”

“I’m part of the 2nd knight order of the Imperial Palace.”

The men’s faces relaxed hearing those words. They thought she was a knight with a great background, but she was just the second order. 

“Just go on on your way, Sir. Knight.”

“Haha, just a female knight, but she dared to step in and gave orders.’

“Just a knight from the 2nd order… and even in front of our Count.”

The men’s attitude changed like a palm flip but Sigrid did not stop her doings and had any intention to stop. Because legally, she was right. 

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“This is Emperor’s land, and she is the subject of of Emperor, so whatever the Count’s order, we couldn’t go too far and tarnished the Emperor’s face, could we?”

The men were amazed. 

Since the commotion continued, the count approached. “What’s going on?”

“This knight tried to interfere my Lord’s order…”

The Count glanced at Sigrid. “I’m Count Oren. Who are you?”

“My name is Sigrid Ankertna, a member of the 2nd Knights Order. I’m here to stop these people dragged this woman unfairly.”

Count Oren thought for a moment. Memorizing nobles’ genealogy was the basic thing that a noble should do. So, when Count Oren tried to recall the name of nobles, he could not find a surname Ankerna in his memory. 

In an instant, the count’s face was distorted, “How dare a knight of the second order block my order?!”

“Count Oren, this place is ruled by the Emperor himself. The imperial law is above your orders.”

“Oh yeah? Then I’ll show you somehting closer than the law.”

Sigrid tilted her head after hearing the count’s words. 

The woman’s face turned pale. She quickly realized the situation. The status of the female knight in front of her was far lower. 

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