Silverhart Online

Chapter 18

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The last statement of the Goddess definitely provokes Gray to be in a state of perplex as he eyed the Divine being with utmost bewilderment.

'What the hell!?' Gray thought in utter astonishment, his face obviously in distress by her outrageous command. 'Are all Goddesses in this world a bunch of conceited weirdos or is it just Sylvia and her?'

The reaction clearly was not gone unnoticed by Wynather. Then, much to Gray's genuine confusion, the Goddess started to chuckle lightly, her demeanor instantly turning to 180 as all she held in her expression is now unfeigned amusement to the Elf in front of her.

"Fufu, I do apologize for that, my child." Wynather smiles at him, a bit entertained at seeing the boy's funny expression. "Perhaps I have misphrased my initial statement a bit."

"Sheesh." Gray breathes a sigh of relief, seeing how the Goddess seems to be now all friendly at him. "Don't scare me off like that Lady."

"Haha, of course, my child," Wynather answers him, her expression now turning serious once more but this time, it's not as dark as it was earlier as she started to explain. "You see, that foul garment of yours, I can sense Fenrir's wicked influence and power radiating all over it. I have no issues whatsoever whether you use it outside for whatever purpose that deems worthy in your endeavors, but I beseech that you take out such clothing and secure it in your Inventory for now as I don't want to risk the sanctity of my domain in being defiled by that abhorrent God's depravity."

"Oh, you mean only my robes, right?" Gray clarifies, remembering the item description of the robes which involves an Enchanter praying to Fenrir in the full moon as the said God grants the Lunar Blessing of the Moon on the equipment. "I guess I can do that."

Being a simple request, Gray agrees as he opens his Inventory, unequipping his <Robes of the Lunar Mage>, thus leaving his upper body exposed for the Goddess to see. Thankfully, he still has his pants, so it's all good.

"Hmm..." Wynather rubs her chin in ponder. "Perhaps it's a bit cruel of me leaving you in such a state of undress."

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"It's fine, Lady." Gray grins sheepishly as he waves his hands. "It's not that big of a deal."

"Perhaps." Wynather answers as she crosses her arms, immediately lecturing the boy. "But when communing with a Divine, one must also be aware of how presentable their appearance must be as we should comply with a set of standards and decorum fit when having a spiritual meeting such as this."

With the snap of her fingers, Gray's upper body suddenly engulfed in a golden light, the same light being shown earlier by Theo.

As the light disappears, Gray now finds himself being clad in a sophisticated green cotton tunic that has a celestial feel on it.

"Consider this as a gift for slaying the Were-Rabbit as well as an apology for my impudent behavior earlier, my child." Despite being someone of a godlike caliber, Wynather seems to be capable of humility as she held a serene smile.

Marveling at his new equipment, Gray somehow felt even more charismatic as he looks at its stats and description with deep curiosity.

<Peacekeeper's Tunic>

(Godly Clothing)

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[Levels up with the Player]

Level Requirement: 0

Attribute Requirement: None

Armor: 0

Enchantments: Persuasion chance is increased by 35%, +15 Speech, +10 Luck.

Item description:

A Divine garment owned by the Goddess Wynather herself. It was last seen on the mortal plane 200 years ago by her previous Champion before being lost in the bowels of history. The artifact accentuates the user's redeeming qualities, turning him or her into a diplomat of no equal.

Gray could not believe as his eyes widen at how powerful this equipment truly is.

Of course not in combat obviously, but this here is admittedly extremely convenient if one desires in talking his way out of any troublesome situations.

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'So this is a Godly item.' Gray's mouth was currently agape at an item that he literally received from a God. 'The power is certainly breathtaking. But I wonder why she is just willing to part with such a gift?'

"W-wow." Gray was absolutely awe-struck at the item that he now wears. "Not that I'm ungrateful or anything, but why me?"

Wynather simply smirked in intrigue. "As I said earlier, it's my way of apology for putting you in such an unbecoming manner. It's also a gift of mine, a reward I should say, for slaying the foul Were-beast that has been plaguing these lands."

In the end, Gray decided to just go along with it and not dwell on it too much because hey, A Godly artifact, so why not?

As a matter of fact, the Codex that he received from his quest with the Were-Rabbit was also Godly in tier, so it's probably how Gods like Sylvia and Wynather rewards the players just as like in other games that he played.

A good example of this is Skyrim, where the Dragonborn gets rewarded a Daedric Artifact by doing the bidding of the Quest's Daedric Prince.

Having just started his journey, Gray indeed was very ecstatic upon being granted such a Godly artifact at this early stage of his adventure.

"Now that everything is in order, I suppose we should properly introduce ourselves." The Goddess smiles as her angelic voice booms out in its glorious magnificence. "I am Wynather, The Goddess of Nature and Wind, the Lady of Creation, and the Bringer of Prosperity."


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Lvl (???): <Goddess of Nature and Wind>

Health: ???? / ????

Stamina: ???? / ????
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Mana: ???? / ????

'Crap, if those question marks are true to their meaning, then she is definitely way out of anyone's league!!' Gray thought with a nervous sweatdrop, witnessing the Status bar of the Goddess being revealed when she stated her introductions.

"I'm Gray Allister." The Elf returned the gesture, slightly taken aback by her undeniable power no doubt. But nonetheless, he was able to compose himself calmly at her Divine presence.

"Gray Allister." Wynather smiles as she utters the name. "I look forward to what great things you bring in this land. But alas, everything must come to an end as we all have our business to attend to."

And with that said, their meeting seemed to finally come to an end as with a snap of her fingers once more, The mortal Elf disappeared within her sights as she bid him farewell.

"The Codex Holder," Wynather said with a concerned frown as she stared at the blank space to where Gray was standing earlier.

"It seems that a certain chain of events is deemed to take place that may shake the very foundation of Silverhart itself."

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