Silverhart Online

Chapter 22

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After playing tag with the children of Oakwood, Gray felt that there's no need to rush for his Quest to power and should take one step at a time, enjoying every bit of the moment that this fantasy world has to offer.

As such, he decided to seek out for more of the village if there are any side quests to be taken.

In his endeavors, the Elf was able to find 2 quests for him to partake.

The first Quest came from a local farmer tending his crops of cabbages. The farmer indeed was overjoyed when the Champion himself came to his plight. The simple request involves Gray delivering 10 pieces of the farmer's sprouts to the general goods store. As explained by Sylvia during Gray's first meeting with her, <Silverhartians> don't have access to the INVENTORY feature of the System, only capable of CHARACTER and JOURNAL. Because of this, the farmer finds it very handy for someone like Gray delivering his goods for him. Upon the Quest's completion, Gray received a hefty amount of 300 gold and 300 XP for his efforts.

The next Quest conveniently came from an old woman, the proprietor herself of the general goods store that Gray enters to deliver the cabbages. It involves the Elf retrieving the owner's son from the village tavern nearby. Before he leaves the store though, he purchased 10 minor health potions and 4 health potions for a total of 1,000 gold.

Upon entering the tavern, he was greeted merrily by the patrons and ask if he could join them for a drink. Gray courteously declines the offer, saying that he is here to retrieve the store owner's son. The patrons certainly know who Gray is talking about, mentioning that the lad is somewhere upstairs with his lover. Gray gave his thanks to the patrons as he followed their instructions. When he finally meets the son, the boy is indeed together with his lover, thankfully with clothes on them.

At first, the boy refuses Gray's request of going home to the store, saying that he yearns to spend more time with his beloved. Gray could only cringe at the scene of the two lovers as they display their affection right in front of him. Thanks to his high speech skill of 29, augmented by the <Peacekeeper's Tunic>, he was able to convince the boy in the end, saying that his mother will cut his gold expenses by half. The son definitely was taken aback by Gray's reasoning, agreeing with the Elf in the end and accompanies him back home, but not before giving a passionate goodbye kiss to his girlfriend.

The store owner certainly was grateful at Gray for managing to retrieve her stubborn son. As the Quest came to its completion, Gray was rewarded 200 gold and 700 XP with the hilarity of witnessing the boy being reprimanded and spanked harshly by his mother repeatedly with a leather belt.

With all that said and done, Gray went back to the Mills' family home, with the intent of breaking the news of him leaving the village.

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"Leaving so soon already, Sir Gray?" Eric asks the Elf, sadness apparent on his every tone while Deliah and Darlene also shares the same sentiment with the man.

"Yes." Gray nods in agreement. "I'll be heading to the Town of Chadena where I'm to seek a carriage driver for a shorter way into the capital."

"Chadena." Uttering the Town's name with utmost grief, Eric could now be witnessed with a clear frown on his face, evident for Gray to see.

"Is there something wrong, Eric?" Gray could not help but ask the man in concern.

"Ah, it's nothing." Eric waves his hands dismissingly regarding the matter, instantly regaining his composure as the man's appearance takes a brighter turn.

'What was that all about?' Gray felt suspicious of Eric's initial expression. As he was about to question the man any further, Deliah appears to have stopped the Elf of his intentions, approaching Gray quickly and giving him a light tap to the shoulder.

"Oh my." Deliah chuckles heartily as she directly interrupted the two men. "If such is the case, then it would be best if you spend the night here again and leave first thing in the morning. The dark can be quite a danger, especially to wandering adventurers travelling in the outskirts."

"Uh, thanks." Gray felt weirded out by their actions but nonetheless, gladly accepted the woman's offer of staying again at their home.

"If you ever stop by in the village someday again in the future, don't hesitate to call us up for a roof to stay. You are always welcome here in our household Sir Gray." Eric smiles gratefully at him, resulting in Gray doing the same.

"You leaving already mister?" Darlene approaches Gray and nudges him on the robes with a sad look.

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"Tomorrow at dawn, Darlene." Gray stares down at the child as he petted her head affectionately. "I enjoyed our game of tag earlier this morning. You certainly are quick on your feet young lady."

"Ehehe." Darlene is clearly all smiles and giggles at this instance as she enjoys Gray's compliments and head patting.

As dusk finally graces throughout the entire village of Oakwood, the family of three with the addition of Gray Allister enjoy the night with a delicious dinner of roasted chicken.


The next morning, after a delicious breakfast and bidding his final farewells to the Mills Family, Gray is now seen near the village's exit while taking a leisure walk.

His eyes wander all over the vicinity with a gentle smile on his face.

'Even if my time here is short-lived, I sure am going to miss this place. Not to mention the kind hospitality that Eric, his family, and the entire village provided for me.' Were Gray's final thoughts before taking his step outside of the village.

"Wait, Sir Gray!!!"

Gray was slightly taken aback upon his name being called loudly by a familiar female voice.

Turning to his back, it was Deliah running into his direction.

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Gray is genuinely perplexed as to why she desperately tries to catch up with him as he stops on his tracks.

Upon her halt, the woman pants slightly in exhaustion but is relieved at seeing the Elf. "Thank goodness you're still here, Sir Gray."

"Deliah?" Gray set his gazes at her confusingly. "What's going on?"

As Deliah regain her composure, she promptly reaches inside her pocket and puts out a sealed envelope as she hands it over to Gray.

"I'm sure you were baffled of my husband's dark expression yesterday when you made mentions of Chadena," Delia said with a sad smile with Gray nodding in response. "You see, it's about our eldest son."

"A son?" Gray questions her. "I never heard of you and Eric mentioning about him during my stay in your home."

"It's because he and Eric are not really on good terms ever since he departed for Chadena, explaining why he does not want to talk about it in anyone's presence." Deliah assumes a sorrowful look. "You see, our eldest son, Ethan, wishes to be a Warrior. Of course, as his loving mother, I wholeheartedly support if that's his heart's desire, but the same can't be said about Eric though. My husband is vehemently against it and wishes for Ethan to remain here in the village, safe from the dangers of the outside world. This results with both of them fighting whenever the issue is brought up. One day, during their usual arguing, Ethan finally reaches his breaking point. It was at that time when a group of wandering Warriors make their stop on our village. So, Ethan decided to leave and follow them to Chadena to fulfill his dreams. Despite the rift between us, he always cared to write letters for us all. The last time we heard of him, he was successful in being admitted to the Warrior's Guild and on that day, I've never been prouder of him."

"I see." Gray crosses his arms as he grasps at the situation more or less. "And this letter, you want me to deliver it to your son?"


<Love thy Family>

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[Deliah Mills wishes for you to deliver a letter to her son, Ethan Mills in the Town of Chadena.]
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<Quest Completion> - Deliver the letter to Ethan in Chadena.

<Quest Bonus> - (???)

<Quest Rewards> - 1500 XP


"Very well, I'll give this to your son." Gray accepts her request as he presses YES, resulting with Deliah to smile brightly in acknowledgement.

[+2 GOOD]

ITEM RECEIVED: <Deliah's Letter to Ethan>

"You have my eternal gratitude, Sir Gray." Deliah beams, extraordinarily grateful as she says her goodbyes to the Elf. "And once again, I bid farewell to you. May Lady Sylvia bless on the ground that you walk."

"Y-yeah," Gray replied sheepishly upon hearing the Goddess' name. "Same as well to you."

With that said and done, Gray finally made his fateful exit from his first village, looking forward to what exciting adventures is going to grace forth to him.

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