Chapter 28

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THE SUN was setting when I stepped out of my car. Feeling my stomach twisted, I forced myself to walk towards the front door.

There's no turning back, Skip.

I wanted to decline her invitation for her family dinner as it felt like I was overstepping. I'd been here before but this time was different. I'm dating Arella now and something happened between us that quite affected her family. I didn't know what to expect throughout the night, but I could take whatever they threw to me.

"Come in, son." Her father, Davin welcomed me with a warm smile.

I forced my words out, trying to be casual then shook his hand. "Thanks, Dave!"

Then his eyes landed to the bottle on my grasp. "Thank, god! Someone brought a good wine," he chuckled, closing the door behind us. "They're already in the dining room."

"Thought I could bring one." I handed it to him.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way to the dining area. I heard Arella and her mother, Suzanne laughing. Then, Brett said, "So, that's it, mom?"

Before I could say something, Arella met my gaze. The transformation of surprise on her face and her eyes lit up like the city lights at night made my heart beat faster against my chest. "Skipper!"

My smile widened like a schoolboy. "Good evening, guys!" Jesus!

"Good evening, honey! Good to see you again." The warm smile of her mom reminded me of my mum. She was beautiful inside and out.

I leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. "Thanks for inviting me, Suzanne."

Brett stood up, giving me a brotherly hug. "Mate, Clyve didn't come with you?"

"No, he couldn't come. Something came up." Arella butted in.

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I was a little confused for a moment. Clyve didn't mention about this dinner. Or did he have to tell me though?

"Hey." I kissed Arella on her cheek when all I wanted was to feel the softness and taste the strawberry red lipstick on her lips.

She instantly stiffened. Arella chose not to tell her family about our relationship and if I had a choice I would rather tell the world who this woman belonged to.

"Hi," she said awkwardly as if I didn't eat her on my couch last night after our dinner date. A business dinner as she named it.

Since then, I couldn't see that thing the same way again without thinking how she looked like writhing and moaning while my head was between her legs.

"Thank you for offering Are a job, Skip!" Davin said.

I looked at Arella, wondering if her family knew the reason why she had a new job now. Brett for sure didn't know about it, otherwise, he already punched me the moment he saw me inside their home.

"She deserves it and the company is lucky to have her on board," I said proudly, not only for the business but for her.

She worked hard as a real employee. I heard Dr. Mackenzie abused her professionally and that dimwit just ordered around and relied on his subordinates.

The dinner was better than I thought and I didn't end up having broken bones.

"So, how long are you gonna stay in States? Jett mentioned something that you're staying for a certain project." Davin asked, clearly curious.

The voice in my head said for good, but I couldn't give Arella a false hope. I didn't have an exact date on when I'm leaving but my stay here was not permanent. My shirt suddenly tightened. My heart was racing when everyone was waiting for my answer. Arella took her glass of wine and sipped.

"The scent for men is not yet ready, but he's leaving after the launching." Her thumb played the stem of the glass. The defeated looked on her face was palpable, and it tightened my chest that I was the reason.

I thought I could stay here for a year, but we already found what we're looking for. It was all my fault that I rushed them out.

It never crossed my mind that we still had a chance after her revelations. Now, I regretted it big time because my feelings for her were still intact and it overwhelmed me how strong and I didn't even have a strength to control.

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"My stay is not permanent, but I wasn't expecting the perfumes will be really in such a short time. I guess I should compliment our brilliant perfumer over there." I raised the glass for a toss, winking at her.

"To Are."

* * *

"I'm sorry about that questions earlier." Arella sat beside me on the porch.

"It's alright, love." A mix of emotions run through me. Sadness and guilt were the strongest. How am I going to leave her here? Was she willing to move to England with me? She could still work there if she was worried about her job. Now, that I had her, I didn't think I could let her go.

"I want you to come with me." I faced her to meet her in the eyes so she could see my soul.

Arella looked away. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. "We are just enjoying each other's, remember?" She tried to ignore the effect of this situation though she knew it was hard for both us.

"Skip, we forgot to use a condom!" Her eyes widened in shock. Her face still flushed from orgasm, yet I wanted to make her come again.

I pulled my trousers up after offering her my scarf to clean up. "Aren't you on a pill?" I wasn't trying to be an insensitive arsehole but thinking of her having my child inside her womb again gave me hope.

"Skip?" I could hear she was stressing out. She sat back on her seat when she was done smoothing out her dress.

"Yes, love."

"Oh my, god! Are you trying?"

"To get you pregnant? No, I mean not now, but soon yeah."

"Skip, we can't—"

"You're joking, right?"

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Seconds stretched out and none of us talk.

"Please, let's not ruin the moment." I gripped her thigh, making her stiffened. My skin tingled, longing to be inside her again. "I'm not planning on knocking you up as the American would say, but how can I think straight when you're a damn tease of a century. I have a hard-on this whole time and I'm sure you're aware of it. Let's just enjoy each other, okay?"

I fucked up once and I was not going to repeat it again. I could quit the job with my dad, stay here and find another one, and the best part was I could stay with Arella. But Dad couldn't handle the Business anymore. He was sick and suffering from Coronary heart disease since last year. And being the oldest, and I had to carry everything on my shoulder.

I let out a sigh, mentally releasing the fear and stress in myself. Though I know it was impossible. "Arella, I—"

"I can't, Skip, even if it involves you firing me. I can't leave my family, this is my home and you know that. I just have them back, I just got my life back." Her lips trembled, and I wanted to kiss her badly.

My heart felt heavy. I wished I had the power to erase the sadness in her eyes. I skimmed my thumb on her cheek. "I can't stay here for good, Arella."

"Then we'll make the best for the time you have left here."

My stomach sank. Fuck!

Brett suddenly appeared, and something was off showing on his face. "Arella."

Arella turned to face her brother. "Brett, we're just—"

"Can I have a moment with you, please? Alone."

"Sure." She stood up.

"Is everything okay?" I asked Brett.

Brett just heaved a sigh, pressing his lips into a thin line.

"I'll be right back," Arella assured me with a small smile.

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"Okay." Nodding, I squeezed her hand. I watched them walked away, ignoring the gnawing pain in my stomach with dread.

I looked up at the dark sky, hoping God could hear my prayer. I couldn't even remember the last time I reached out for him, instead, I chose the strongest liquor ever made to numb me.

When I saw Arella weeks ago, something inside my chest warmth again—just like the first time I met her. These past few days I spent with her was the best things ever happened to me, then I realized it had an ending. It could possibly a sad or a happy one, and I was hoping for the latter.

I turned my head to the angry voice of Brett. Resisting to overreact, I clenched my jaw, blocking out whatever made him mad.

I was right, Brett was upset. But about what?

A few seconds later, I was running out of patience. I stood up, he may be in his house, but I was not going to tolerate him yelling at Arella. He may be her older brother but it didn't give him the right to treat her badly, especially when an arsehole almost screwed her brains up terribly.

Their voice still muffled, but I knew they were in his old room. I knocked twice and opened the door without bothering them to answer.

Profound sadness consumed me upon seeing the sight in front of me. Arella was shaking and sobbing on the bed. Her hands were covering her face.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" My blood rose up that dizzied me.


"Brett, please? I'm begging you, please?" She dragged herself down kneeling in front of his brother, then wrapped her arms around his legs, hugging them tighter. "Please, don't do this to me."

Her position lost every energy in my body. It was too much to bear. My eyes watered at the sight of her begging for something I didn't even know. For sure it was as larger than this world.

Brett took a deep breath and looked down at his sister, looking so broken. "Stand up, please."

I swallowed hard, not realizing my fists cracked at my side, my jaw ached at how stronger I was clenching them, resisting to punch Brett for being a terrible brother. I walked towards Arella and helped her to stand up. She quickly launched herself into me and sobbed harder.

"It's okay, love." I rubbed her back to soothe her while glaring at her brother.

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