Chapter 9

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"IS EVERYTHING alright?" The blonde woman frowned beneath me.

I was inside her, yet it didn't feel right. She was hot and definitely made me hard, but it felt like something was forcing me to do this just to have a release.

I wrapped my arms around her soft and feminine body and rolled over. "Ride me, babe."

She pulled out, and my sheathed cock sprang free. "Take me from behind."

"On four. Now." I quickly positioned myself when she moved to follow my order. I pushed her head down. "Ass up and tilt your pussy." I closed my eyes and thought of the innocent honey-colored eyes staring up at me, then plunged my cock into her from behind.

My cock instantly jerked inside. "Fuck!" I grunted, and she moaned.

"Faster, Skip." Her voice came out a pant.

I quickened my thrust, pushing her head down, then grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head to me. She moaned—she liked it.

"Like it rough, babe?" My muscles started to clench. My breathing came out heavy. Sweat made our body slicked despite the cold temperature of the room.

Leaning down, my body pressed against hers. I bit her shoulder then growled, "Answer me."

She nodded and whined with pleasure.

"No. I need a word," I said firmly.

I'm always a boss when it came to bonking even if it was just a one night stand, but I always guaranteed the woman I slept with to have the best night of her life. I liked it rough, soft, wild, and love. I loved sex. I tried and experimented in many ways, and it always fascinated me how it could blow any human away.

I pushed her head down roughly till it pressed against the mattress. "You don't order me when my cock is buried deep inside you, understood?"

She granted me a nod.

"Say it!"

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I thrust until I'm buried deep.

"Yes, oh God, yes!"

"Good." Then I pounded into her faster and rougher the way she liked it. This was what she wanted, then she was going to have it. Her pussy clamped my cock, she was about to come. I flipped her into her back.

"Wrap your legs around my waist," I commanded, and she quickly complied. "Now touch your little nub and don't come until I told you so."

She gave me disapproval looked.

"Do you have a problem?"

She pressed her middle finger into her clit and moved it in a circular motion. I slowed my rhythm, feeling my cock dragging into her pussy. I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw.

Her honey-colored eyes. Her puckered lips. The visual of her writhing, moaning, and screaming my name almost brought me to the edge.


"I'm coming!" she screamed and it took me back to the woman with me. Her name was Denys. She convulsed, rolling her eyes back.


She shuddered, and I came so hard, spurting my seed and filling the condom inside her pussy.

I dragged myself into her bathroom and pulled out the condom. I tied it, tossing into the bin. My emotions swirled around me. I felt guilty for Denys. I just used her.

"R-reighan." My voice came out raspy as emotions surged inside me.

"Oh, now you remember me?" Her words wrapped with sadness and disappointment. Tears started to well her eyes.

"Then why did you lie to me? You said your name was Reighan."

"My name is Arella Rieghan. My mom got the Reighan from my grandma, and you said your name was Linton."

"Yes, I'm a Linton."

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"But why didn't you just say your name was Skipper?" she asked in a shaky tone. The tears finally fell down her face.

"Back in college, nobody called me Skip, Arella. I didn't lie to you, I swear. What happened..." My ribcage squeezed my heart in excruciating pain. I balled my hands to stop myself from pulling her into my arms and hug her till my heartbeat calmed down. "T-that, that was the best night of my life," I told her truthfully.

"Then why did you just run away?" Her eyes filled with shocking emotions.

"Haven't you figured out yet, Arella?" I cursed silently, rubbing my face in frustration.

"You didn't tell me you're under eighteen. And I never asked your age."

"How did—"

"And fuck! I took your virginity, slept with my best friend's little sister, and you know what's worse? I just committed statutory **** that bloody night!"

Her hands flew to her gaping mouth, trying to hold her sob. But it was too late, and I just watched her like a fucking duff while she was shaking to cry. I wanted her to hit me, punch me, and kick me if it could ease the pain of leaving her that night.

"I-I'm so sorry," she apologized, taking a step closer.

I stopped her. "Please, don't." I pulled out my wallet and took a card. "This belongs to you."

* * *

I PULLED the door open, leading Denys inside the Rogue pool house. The same energy, noises, and smell filled the room. This time I had company. After talking to Arella that day, I didn't contact her, but we still chatted on HeartRated, in fact, we still had planned to meet tomorrow as hotsome and SindeRella.

It was odd to read her messages opening up her likeness on me, but it warmed my heart because I felt the same towards her.

"I don't know how to play pool, but I can be your cheerer." Denys batted her lashes on me.

"We won't stay long. I'm just going to meet my friends and play straight then we're good to go." I was glad she agreed to come with me. I needed someone to distract me in front of Arella.

I thought it helped once we both cleared out what happened years ago and started out a clean slate, but it quite the opposite. I thought of her a lot more lately than necessary. It gutted me to stay away from her, but I had a promise to keep with Brett.

"Cool then," Denys agreed, hooking her hand around my arm.

"Linton, over here!" Brett waved.

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We strolled towards him and I almost stumbled back when my eyes landed to Arella's back. My heart instantly recognized her presence, racing its beat unsteadily.

She was only wearing a red shirt and jeans that hugged perfectly round her bum. She's just Goddamn sexy! Her curves were all in the right places, unlike Denys had a runway type of body and taller than Arella in a few inches.

"Wow, didn't expect you to bring someone, hotbrit." Kat reacted, showing her disapproval shamelessly.

"Well, I wasn't aware you'd be here, Kat." I smiled. "Guys, meet my date, Denys. Denys, this is Kat, Brett, and Lorcan." Lorcan just stood up from his stool and gave a salute. Despite Kat's remark, they welcomed Denys warmly.

Arella stayed on her seat and didn't even turn around to greet us. Just bloody great!

"Let's go to the table, shall we?" Lorcan announced.

"Excited, eh?" I smirked, then I shifted my gaze to Arella. "Is she okay?" Concerned laced on my voice.

"Yeah, she's grumpy these days, but she'll live," Lorcan replied.

Brett gripped Arella's shoulder, and she shifted to face him, talking off the AirPods from her ears. Then our gaze met. There was a glint of happiness in those eyes, then her face fell when she noticed I didn't show up alone.

I swallowed the thickness clogging my throat. I didn't regret taking Denys with me. She knew we were just having a great time, and nothing serious. We both enjoyed sex and it was not like I and Arella were in a relationship. I couldn't let the guilt suck me whole.

"Hi, I'm Denys." She smiled.

Arella stood and offered an awkward handshake. "Arella. Please to meet you." Then she looked at me for a few seconds before a half smile spread across her plump bright red painted lips. "Hiya, Skip, are you ready to kick their arses?"

My brow arched, humor filling my senses as she took everything lightly. "Hiya? Arses?"

"Aye, rear, butt, bump, ass—"

"Aye? That's definitely not British, and I know what arse means, Arella, and since when did you learn slang?"

She rolled her eyes. "Let's just go and win this game, eh." She faced Denys. "Do you play snooka?"

"Snooka?" Denys furrowed her brows.

"Pool, billiard, snooker, I can show you some tricks. Skipper loves to play pool." She swayed her arse away, ignoring me.

"Oh," Denys chuckled. Finally loosened her hand on me, moving closer to Arella. "You don't have to, he likes to play something else."

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"Oh?" Her lips parted. A flush blossomed on her cheeks.

"Come on, Linton!" Lorcan called out.

"Yeah, come over here, Skipper Linton! Let me kick your arse!" Kat seconded.

"Crikey Moses!"

Kat just burst out laughing. The knocking of balls excited me. I'm not good like Brett but I and Arella had a chance of winning. Brett agreed that I and my partner should start since he was a pool shark.

I took two cues, one for me and one for her. She took it from me and muttered thank you, not meeting my gaze anymore. Everyone came around the table including Brett whose standing across us with Lorcan and Kat. Our drinks arrived, and I gave Denys a beer.

I took a step closer to Arella on my right when she seemed to be quiet. "Reigh, all right?"

"H-huh?" She blinked twice.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She bent over the table and positioned herself after scraping the chalk to her cue's tip.

My brain flooded dirty thoughts. My cock went stiffy as I imagined her lying on this table while eating what was between her thighs, then bending her over, tilting her ass up while I took her from behind. I looked away, growling inwardly. My hand on the cue tightened. How the fuck can I concentrate?

Bloody perfect! My cock just jerked.

"Good luck, Are!" Kat said.

She slid the clue along the crook of her hand, targeting the cue ball. The satisfying loud smack made us cheer.

"Great shot, girl!" Denys clapped her hands, clearly no idea about this game.

"Not my best," she simply replied. She was right. She was a little bit shaky.

"Just relax, Reigh. We'll win this."


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