Sophia sensed a tense atmosphere emanating from Killian, unlike his usual self.

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Killian released her wrist that he had been holding and spoke up.

“I went into the water.”

He looked at Sophia’s coral-coloured dress.

He thought it was a strange dress.

But he assumed it was one of the outfits brought from Fraus.

But the dress was wet; she had borrowed the empress’s dress.

“How long has it been since you recovered from your illness that you jumped into the pond? Do you have any sense at all?”

Killian reproached her.

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Sophia felt unfairly treated.

“I only went into the pond for a little while. Besides, I’m completely fine now. I don’t need to take any medicine, and I’m perfectly healthy.”

“Perfectly healthy?” 

Killian looked at her thin figure and asked

He had heard from Dr. Leopold that Sophia had not only suffered from a cold but also had various minor and major illnesses due to neglecting her health for a long time.

To fully recover, she needed consistent effort.

That’s why she had asked the head chef of the ducal household to prepare nutritious and easily digestible food for her, instructed Garfield and the maids to keep the room clean, and took special care of her health.

But now, just a week after recovering from a cold, she jumped into the pond!

Sophia Fraus seemed to have no self-awareness of her own body.

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Am I the only one worrying about you? Am I the one excessively concerned?

Killian suppressed the urge to scold her and asked with controlled emotion.

“Who else would directly jump into the pond?”

“…No one.” 

Sophia’s head drooped reluctantly.

“Haah…” Killian’s sigh reached Sophia’s ears, poking at her heart.

“You can’t properly take care of yourself and often cause trouble because you can’t handle the work even when you’re told to…”

“It’s not that much trouble…!” But she had managed to save Elizabeth, impress the empress, and even gain her favour.

Moreover, they had many conversations while confronting the empress, and in the end, things worked out well.

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But why does he have to be so harsh, asking if I’m sane or not, if I have thoughts or not, calling me a troublemaker…..?

“And why are you talking to me so harshly? Are you really like this?” Sophia pouted her lips.

There might be something she did that he didn’t like or something she did wrong. But does he have to talk to her like he’s scratching at a person’s heart?

If he continues like this, he might regret it and be the one at a loss.

Sophia gritted her teeth inwardly and faced the frustrated Killian.

“Excuse me, Your Highness. I appreciate your concern. Could you please use nicer words?”

Sophia couldn’t help but say what she had on her mind to Killian.

Killian looked at her with slightly raised eyebrows.

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His small face, which seemed to be frowning fiercely as if he were angry, clenched his jaw firmly.

His expression seemed to not back down at all, as if he wouldn’t step back even a single step.

I can’t take it anymore. Isn’t this arrogant fiancée ever going to feel sorry or sulk?

He didn’t miss the fact that she responded emotionally for a moment.

He had become sensitive because she had gone to the palace alone without him knowing.

He knew better than anyone what kind of place this was.

Moreover, it coincided with the incident involving Lord Phaedra recently.

Killian clenched his fist, suppressing his emotions.

“If my words were too harsh, then I apologize.”

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