Have I seen the development where the heroine causes a commotion just to survive, only to end up making the male lead more concerned a couple of times?

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The male leads always find such heroines cute, and that’s the end of it.

If you indulge in extravagance, they are the ones who will give you gold coins and tell you to indulge even more.

If you engage in outrageous behaviour, they will think you have a reason for doing so and encourage even greater outrageousness.

‘But I can’t even report Killian.’

He is so good at acting, and his reputation is good, so no one will easily suspect him.

And the moment those words spread, Sophia Fraus will no longer exist in this world.

The image of Kilian casually running his fingers through her hair flashed through her mind.

Though tangled in a complicated situation, having witnessed that scene yesterday, I couldn’t just let it go without doing anything.


She only sighed deeply all night.

‘Until I have an answer, let’s stay away from Kilian for the time being. I never know; I might end up being executed without a trial.’

If possible, there is also a way to go back to the Fraus family.

Sophia nodded her head.

Sophia decided that for now, she shouldn’t get too involved with Kilian and should explore other options.

Feeling suffocated, Sophia sat up in bed.

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If she continued to lie in bed, she would just repeat the same worries all night.

“Maybe a good solution will come to mind if I read a book or take a walk.”

Sophia got up from bed to clear her head and went down to the ground floor.

At that moment, she saw Garfield, the butler, checking the mansion’s facilities and jotting down a list.

As the butler of the ducal household, would he have noticed anything suspicious about Kilian?

When Sophia stared at him suspiciously, as if sensing her intense gaze, Garfield raised his head and adjusted his glasses.

“Is there something you need, miss?”

“No, I don’t need anything.”

“Then, is there something you want to talk to me about?”

Garfield asked kindly, and after hesitating for a moment, Sophia spoke up.

“Um… Mr. Garfield, you’ve known Duke Killian for a long time, right?”

“The definition of ‘a long time’ can vary from person to person, but since Master became independent and moved here on his own at the age of sixteen, I have been serving him continuously.”

In terms of years, he had been with Killian for nearly ten years.

He smiled, saying that he could boast of having the longest experience at the Grand Duke’s residence.

Sophia’s eyes sparkled with curiosity.

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“Then, during that time, have you ever felt that something was strange about His Excellency?”

“Hmm… If we’re talking about strange things, there have been quite a few.”

Garfield raised his eyes, as if recalling something, and stroked his chin.

Sophia’s face lit up as she caught a clue.

“What is it?”

“Well, Master tends to be… excessively perfect.”


“He’s just perfect in every way.”

“Yes, he’s perfect… Yes…”

“He’s not only intelligent but also skilled in swordsmanship, archery, horseback riding, and swimming. He’s even knowledgeable in medicine, and he’s good at carpentry as well.”

Garfield’s face suddenly beamed with a proud smile.

He added that Killian’s shortcomings were simply things he had not yet learned.

“And as you know, his appearance can be considered the best in the empire, and he’s tall. And isn’t his fashion sense also good?”

“W-Well, yes, that’s true…”

It was an undeniable fact.

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Killian’s looks are truly impeccable.

I hadn’t really thought about his fashion sense, but it was undoubtedly impressive. He effortlessly carried any outfit with style, not being too excessive but still exuding sophistication. Perhaps it was because of his good physique, but he made any outfit look stylish.

“He’s also kind to the servants, so there’s hardly anyone working in the ducal household who wants to quit.”

Garfield emphasized several times that even though it might seem trivial, it was by no means a trivial matter.

It was said that servants who served nobles often had gruelling work and were not treated well, resulting in many complaints. Though they couldn’t afford to quit their jobs for a living, there were many who secretly wished to leave.

However, the Duke of Rivelon’s household was different.

Number one in the employment industry! The ultimate workplace for everyone!

“Not only does he take care of the employees’ families, but he also grants extended maternity leave for maids who have difficulty working due to pregnancy and childcare. Moreover, they provide a certain salary during their time off so that they don’t suffer financially… “

Garfield’s mouth, once opened, didn’t seem to close.

Compared to other places, the salary was good, and the workload was not overwhelming, making everyone happy.

Although there were no people who wanted to quit, for those who had no choice but to leave due to personal circumstances, they provided severance pay and gifts.

“Ah… I see.”

Sofia’s plan was a complete failure in front of the wealthy and prosperous Rivelon, which had a great welfare system.

When I tried to investigate further, the only thing that came up were just rumours. ‘Hearing this, Killian seems like a genuinely good person.’

Even to Sophia’s ears, Killian was too perfect.

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He seemed like a person who had embodied the ideal of humanity.

‘But that makes it even more suspicious.’

People can’t be perfect.

Appearing perfect on the outside means meticulously hiding the imperfect parts!

Sophia clenched her fist tightly.

At that moment, Garfield, who had been talking about Killian, suddenly had a contemplative expression on his face.

“Even after experiencing a difficult accident in his childhood, he grew up so well-off. The late Duke Howard and the Duchess in heaven must be pleased,” Garfield said.

“An accident in his childhood?”

“You didn’t know? It’s a well-known incident.”

Sophia raised her head at Garfield’s words.

All I knew was that Killian lost his parents when he was young.

I don’t even remember the story of the novel.

It is because the brain’s capacity is not enough to remember every villain story in a trivial novel.

Perhaps it was a part skipped over in the chapters.

“That day, the carriage fell off a cliff. The Duke and Duchess were on the carriage together with the master.”

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