
Chapter 9: Formally Signed

Translator: Lynn

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After finishing their meal, Long Zichen insisted on washing the dishes and refused to let Jian Jie do anything. They continued chatting for a long time, during which Long Zichen learned that besides playing the guitar, Jian Jie had also been learning the piano and cello since a young age. Jian Jie then took Long Zichen to a specially decorated room in his house where he practiced music. He first played his favorite cello piece, “Humor,” and then showcased his piano skills by playing “Swan.”

Jian Jie sat in front of the pure white piano, his slender fingers gracefully dancing across the keys, displaying a focused and tranquil expression. While his performance may not have reached the level of a professional musician, his handsome appearance and elegant temperament added a lot of charm. Long Zichen, watching from the side, was captivated by the sight. 

When Jian Jie finished playing, Long Zichen enthusiastically shook his shoulder and exclaimed, “Little Jiejie, you’re so stylish! You’re a superstar! You can write, sing, and excel in so many musical instruments. How did I get so lucky to meet such a talented individual!”

Jian Jie, unaccustomed to such direct praise and enthusiasm, could only humbly respond with a few words and a smile. They locked eyes with each other, and though Jian Jie found it challenging to praise himself, he couldn’t deny that it was a happy experience to have someone appreciate his hobbies and praise his hard work.

Long Zichen was completely ecstatic, running around the room with joy, exploring various instruments, discussing the latest trends in rock and ballads, and engaging in lively conversations until it was almost eight o’clock, the start time of the Uranus superstar concert. Reluctantly bidding farewell to Jian Jie, Long Zichen prepared to return to his own place. He felt fortunate to have found someone who appreciated him and was willing to listen to his nonsense. Deep down, he wished he could stay at Jian Jie’s house overnight, but he knew that such a thing would only be possible after they got to know each other better.

Jian Jie, on the other hand, didn’t feel bored at all. As an introverted and passive individual, he wasn’t skilled at conversation, but he didn’t reject having a lively and cheerful friend. With Long Zichen’s presence, the evening had been filled with joy and entertainment. It was truly a delightful experience to have someone appreciate his hobbies and praise the efforts he had put into his work.

After seeing Long Zichen off, Jian Jie took Amu for a walk in the neighborhood and returned home to take a shower. Around 9:30, he received a call from Li Xiaoqi.

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Having carefully examined the contract and sought advice from acquaintances in the industry, Li Xiaoqi had gained a good understanding of the music company Jian Jie was about to sign with. The company had been established for less than three months, and several influential managers were well-known in the industry. The company’s owner was the second son of Chenghai Group, a prominent food and beverage production company with assets in the tens of billions. Despite his young age of 20, the second son of Chenghai chose to pursue his passion for music rather than inherit the family business. He had formed a band, released an album, and recently started his own music company. With such wealthy backing, the company’s financial stability was assured. After gathering information, Li Xiaoqi believed there should be no major issues, so he called Jian Jie to discuss the contract.

“Xiaojie, I’ve reviewed the contract. Given the current market conditions, it offers quite favorable terms. Two albums in three years is a reasonable requirement. The

 royalties offered to you are 25%, which is higher than average, and the performance fees are set at 60%, which is typically reserved for famous singers. However, they do want to acquire the copyright of your original works. I’ll negotiate this further with them. But honestly, in our country, copyright royalties for your works don’t usually amount to much. Overall, I find most of the terms quite reasonable. If you have no objections, I’ll go over and talk to them tomorrow morning. Once everything is settled, you can sign the contract with them after school,” explained Li Xiaoqi.

Jian Jie, who wasn’t well-versed in royalties, replied, “Brother Xiao Qi, please go ahead. If you think it’s appropriate, I have no objections.”

They discussed the ownership of the works and other details for a while, eventually reaching a favorable agreement where Spark would buy out the copyright for several years at a more advantageous price.

Throughout the negotiation, Long Zichen observed from the sidelines, occasionally interjecting when there was an opportunity. He did his best to persuade the company to agree to all of Li Xiaoqi’s demands, eager to finalize the contract as soon as possible, afraid that any disagreement could jeopardize a future partnership. As the negotiations neared a positive conclusion and Li Xiaoqi mentioned going to school to pick up Jian Jie for the contract signing, Long Zichen eagerly volunteered. He stood up and walked out, saying, “I’ll go, I’ll pick up Xiaojie. It just so happens that I have time. Just wait here.” Without waiting for a response, he left the room.

Li Xiaoqi stared at Long Zichen’s hurried departure, feeling uncertain, and asked, “Mr. Long appears quite young. Is he really the music director of your company? Will he also be producing Jian Jie’s album in the future?”

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Tang Xiaohui, representing Xinghuo and handling the artist department, understood Li Xiaoqi’s concerns. She smiled and reassured him, “You don’t have to worry about Director Long’s professionalism. He graduated from the Royal Academy of Music and is a true expert in his field. Despite his youth, he has years of experience in music production. He may be lively, but young people are enthusiastic and easy to get along with. You don’t have to worry about any issues arising with Jian Jie under his guidance.”

Li Xiaoqi nodded and said, “Jian Jie is a simple child with an introverted personality. He’ll need the company’s support in the future. If he has any shortcomings, you can discipline him. We are not unreasonable guardians.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll take full responsibility when you entrust your child to us,” Tang Xiaohui assured him.

Li Xiaoqi and Tang Xiaohui maintained a polite demeanor, while Long Zichen hurriedly made his way to Hengde University. At the university gate, he called Jian Jie, who quickly answered the phone. Jian Jie’s gentle voice came through, “Hello, Mr. Long, what can I do for you?”

“I’m here to pick you up and go to the company to sign the contract. Do you have any classes right now?” Long Zichen asked with a smile, holding the phone.

Jian Jie was surprised, “You’re here. I don’t have any classes, I’m just borrowing books from the library. I’ll come out right away. Please wait a moment.”

“No rush at all,” Long Zichen replied cheerfully. After hanging up the phone, he couldn’t help but think that Jian Jie’s voice sounded lovely even over the phone. He truly deserved the attention he had received as a promising talent.

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After about ten minutes, Jian Jie hurriedly arrived, accompanied by Shui Xiaoren. Jian Jie apologized to Long Zichen, “I’m sorry for making you come here yourself.”

“You’re welcome. Besides, the fuel money company will reimburse me,” Long Zichen smiled brightly. He then greeted Shui Xiaoren, “Student Shui is here too. Are you planning to come with Jian Jie?”

Shui Xiaoren admitted openly, “Yes, Mr. Long, can you take me along? I don’t want to miss such a significant event as a singer, and I’d also like to visit your company.”

Jian Jie interjected, “Mr. Long if it’s troublesome, forget it.”

Long Zichen proudly opened the car door, saying, “No trouble at all. Let’s all get in the car together.”

As a newcomer, Jian Jie didn’t have a signing ceremony. The process was straightforward, involving copying his ID card and signing the contracts. Once the task was completed, Li Xiaoqi smiled and said, “From now on, I’ll rely on all of you to take care of Xiaojie. I’ve reserved a table at Yunqing Building, and I would be honored if Ms. Tang and Mr. Long could join me. There’s no room for error, especially in this industry. There are countless young, beautiful, talented, and hardworking individuals. Why should Xiaojie be left behind? This is just the beginning, and there will be more meals and entertainment. Xiaojie isn’t experienced in these matters, so it’s natural for me to help him. We can’t let him lose out due to these trivial things.”

Tang Xiaohui and the others couldn’t refuse, but Li Xiaoqi also called in other supervisors and over a dozen employees from the company, inviting them all to have dinner at Yunqing Building. This was one of the advantages of a small company—fewer employees made it easier for them to develop close relationships. With good rapport, they could become like a family.

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Li Xiaoqi was generous and booked the largest private room in the hotel. The meal was lively, with mostly young people from the company. Various pranks and shows kept everyone entertained. As Jian Jie had just met most of them, Long Zichen took the lead, introducing each person in the room to Jian Jie and having him toast with them. Long Zichen told Jian Jie, “They are all your future colleagues. Some may change careers after a while, while others may work with you for over a decade. Regardless, without their hard work alongside you, you won’t be able to accomplish anything. Even if you become popular in the future, don’t put on airs in front of your colleagues or think of yourself as superior. I have no respect for such individuals.” Long Zichen’s serious tone was rare, and Jian Jie nodded earnestly, saying, “I will remember that, Mr. Long.”

Jian Jie’s sincere response made Long Zichen smile. “Did I come across as cool just now? I know you’re a good boy, and in the future, if anything happens, tell me first. Don’t think I’m bothering you. I’ll keep talking even if you find me annoying!” Long Zichen rarely spoke this way to newcomers in the company because he had pinned his greatest hope on Jian Jie.

After dinner, Li Xiaoqi took everyone to an entertainment center for karaoke. At nine o’clock, Jian Jie felt it was getting late, so he left early after talking with Li Xiaoqi and Yuan Chao. Long Zichen also wanted to accompany him and offered to give him a ride back home.

During the journey, Long Zichen explained in detail the kind of work Jian Jie would have in the future and what he should focus on. Jian Jie listened attentively, realizing that being a singer involved much more than just having a good voice. There were many other responsibilities to fulfill.

Please let me know if there are typos/mistakes in the chapter.

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