Episode 118: Hot Spring Excavation !?

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  「It's terrible nanodesu! Onii-chan!」 In the evening, in the middle of his daily magic training, Sanya came to Yuuto. 「N. Sanya? What happened? What's so urgent?」 「Anyway, come with me nodesu!」 Sanya forcible led Yuuto through the garden by his hand. As the garden of one of the biggest mansion in Expein, it was troublesome to walk from one end to the other. 「Wha-What on Earth is this!?」 

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Yuuto was speechless when he arrived at the intended place. What came to his view was a large quantity of water springing out of the ground as if it were coming out of the water spout of a whale. 「「「Heave hoー! Heave hoー!」」」 
Skeleton  Threat Lv 8 State (Taming)
   Similar to Yuuto, the water was surrounded by excited skeletons. Since the skeletons didn't have to eat or sleep, one could be reassured by giving them guard duty at the mansion or some trivial chores.

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 (It’s coming out from the hole dug for burying garbage……) Looking at the surrounding, Yuuto made a guess. The method adopted for disposing the garbage from the mansion was to bury them in a hole dug in the garden. By complete accident, the hole dug by the skeletons had been connected to a water vein. 「……My lord, this is not just water. It may be difficult to believe me suddenly……but it appears that we have found a hot spring.」 Hearing the ruckus, Sylphia had reached the spot ahead of Yuuto. 「…………」 Listening to Sylphia's hypothesis, Yuuto reached into the water timidly with his hand. It was reasonably hot. It was perhaps around 50 degrees in temperature? It was a bit too hot to enter, but if left alone it might become just the right temperature. 「A hot spring……… I can enjoy a hot spring at my home………」 

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It was easy to say so, but achieving it would require a lot of effort. As the mud had mixed with the water to make it a muddy brown, he couldn't imagine how he could clean it. 「Fufu. Yuuto. You seem to be troubled.」 Just as Yuuto was at a loss from the sudden development, Ririna appears from out of nowhere. 「Should I lend my power to create the hot spring in the house?」 「Can you do it!?」 「Didn't I say it? When it comes to housework, you can leave it to me.」 Of course, it would be the first time I'll be building a hot spring, but I have experience in building a house as I was the assistant of the carpenter of the village. I am especially proud of my ability to build a bath room!」 「…………」 

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The Cait Sith village where the Foresty sisters lived in had a system of division of labor that was different from that of a city. In order to provide for their meals, everyone did whatever they could do. Since Ririna was the most skillful in the village, she helped around with various jobs, and had the skills that would put an expert to shame. (Does this even classify as being good at housework………?) Having come to live with Ririna, Yuuto would be constantly surprised by her skill. 「So, how long would it take for you to build one?」 「Hmm, that's right. If I had the skeletons help me with the simple work……approximately a month. With that, I'll be able to build an excellent bath house.」 「All right! I'm appointing Ririna as the captain of the hot spring! I'll entrust the management of the hot spring to Ririna.」 「Really!? I'll definitely make it worth your while!」 On his way to the home, Yuuto began making plans for the hot spring. As Ririna was left with a new task, her cat ears on her head twitched in joy.

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